AMES, Iowa - After spending much of his money to finish a distant third in the Ames Straw Poll, Tim Pawlenty ended his presidential bid Sunday.
"We needed to get some lift to continue on and have a pathway forward and that didn't happen, so I'm announcing on your show that I'm ending my campaign for president," the former governor said on "This Week."
The Minnesota Republican revealed his decision on an early morning conference call with supporters, an aide told POLITICO.
"I wish it would have been different, but obviously the pathway forward for me doesn't really exist, so we're going to end the campaign," Pawlenty told ABC's Jake Tapper.Source: Twin Cities
Hat Tip: The Drudge Report
I will give Governor Pawlenty major points for realizing that his campaign was toast.
If only six other Republicans would see that their campaigns are also over, they would save themselves much embarrassment over the next few months...

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