I was going through a junk draer the other day and found an old porable hard dive that I had "lost" and found a video on it that I had taken five years ago today on August 22, 2006 at a campaign rally for Heath Shuler in Hendersonville, NC. Former US senator John Edwards did most of the talking at the rally and, since I had no video editing software at the time...I did not post the video because it was over the ten minute limit and I had no way of splitting it. I have now corrected that and have edited and uploaded the video to Youtube and embedded it here...albeit five years late.
I covered the event on this blog, as did Gordon Smith of Scrutiny Hooligans (he was going by Screwie Hoolie at the time) and Tim Peck was there, too. Alas, Gordon and Tim's coverage of the event seems to have been deleted. Gordon moved his blog to a new URL and I suppose that was one of the articles that didn't survive the crossover. Tim's photos of the event have been removed from the Internet due to the failure of Bubbleshare. He apparently did not write about the event on his blog. It also seems that all previously posted video of the event has been removed from Youtube.
Here is coverage of the event in other news outlets:
Hendersonville Times-News online article
Hendersonville Times-News print article
Lexington Dispatch print article
Wilmington Star News
Blue NC (a mirror of the article Gordon originally posted on Scrutiny Hooligans)

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