Republicans from across the 11th congressional district met to conduct business, elect officers, hear from candidates running for various offices, to fellowship and eat a meal together in Waynesville, NC at Tuscola High School. I had a previous engagement and missed out on the eating part.
A young girl named McKayla Reese provided entertainment with several songs on her 13th birthday at various parts in the program. The convention seated 205 delegates from the Republican parties of the 17 counties that comprise the newly expanded 11th congressional district. Officers were elected, but their names were not on any printed list I saw. I think, for the most part, they are the same as the last time save for Robin Ramsey, who now lives in the 10th congressional district.
Here is a slideshow of some of the photos I took at the convention:
Candidates for various state level and state-wide offices were introduced and the candidates for Congress in the 11th District (or their designee) were given three minutes to speak. Five of the eight candidates attended the convention and spoke for themselves. They were (in the order they spoke), Chris Petrella, Jeff Hunt, Mark Meadows, Kenny West and Spence Campbell.
The candidates who didn't show up at the convention of their own party were Vance Patterson (Ron Lewis spoke for him), Ethan Wingfiled (Larry ford spoke for him) and Susan Harris, who didn't even bother to find a proxy.
Candidates for Congress Speak at the NC11 GOP Convention
Chris Petrella
Jeff Hunt
Ron Lewis Speaks for Vance Patterson
Mark Meadows
Kenny West
Larry Ford Speaks for Ethan Wingfield
Spence Campbell
After the congressional candidates spoke the convention passed three resolutions. Here they are in no particular order:
A Resolution to Honor Dr Joe Morgan
WHEREAS, many individuals make great contributions and sacrifices to the Republican Party; and,
WHEREAS, there are special circumstances that certain individuals have great influence and are mentors to others in the Republican Party; and,
WHEREAS, words are inadequate and no accolades enough to express the grandness of this individual to be honored; and,
WHEREAS, the Eleventh Congressional District of the State of North Carolina recognizes that a need exists to express its deepest appreciation to this individual in some manner; and, be it therefore,
RESOLVED, that the eleventh Congressional District of North Carolina by unanimous consent, recognize Dr Joe Morgan, awarding him a "CERTIFICATE OF APPRECIATION' at this Eleventh Congressional District Convention, at tuscola high School in Waynesville, NC.
Resolutions in favor of the Marriage Amendment and exposing the United Nations Agenda 21.
The resolutions were passed unanimously, then the convention was adjourned more than two hours later than scheduled to eat. I had a previous engagement and had to leave.
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This was my first convention and I had a good time. I'm still seeing spots from your camera flashing though. LOL
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