**10.25pm** Here is the audio of the meeting:
Download MP3
The video won't be ready until Wednesday because I have to have my laptop free for the public hearing on the county budget that will take place tomorrow night.

The Franklin Town Board of Aldermen will be meeting tonight despite what the dates say in the agenda packet I have embedded below.
I will be there to cover the meeting and will post the audio and video as soon as I can after the meeting is over.
If you want to follow along in real time, search for #MaconGov or follow @WPIG on Twitter.
- Call to order -Mayor Collins
- Approval of the May 7, May 21 and May 29, 2012 meeting minutes
- (A.) Public hearing 7:05 p.m. on the proposed Budget for FY 2012-2013
(B.) Consider adoption of the proposed Budget for FY 2012-2013 - Public session
- Presentation on Ten-Year Solid Waste Management Plan Update- Chris Stahl
- (A.) Appoimentnt of Vicki Springer to fill vacancy on Tourism Development Authority
(B.) Appointment of Mike Grubermann to fill vacancy on Tourism Development Authority - Budget amendments-Janet Anderson
- (A.) ABC reimbursement resolution- John Henning Jr
(B.) Installment Purchase Contract- John Henning Jr
(C.) Easements- John Henning Jr - Adjourn
Here is the full information packet regarding the meeting...
Franklin Aldermen Meeting Agenda 06-04-2012
The Budget Message from Sam Greenwood (Town Manager) to the Town Board of Aldermen...
Budget Message 2012-2013 (Town of Franklin)
The proposed budget for the 2012-2013 Fiscal Year...
Proposed Budget 2012 (Town of Franklin)
I suggest that you download the next document and rotate it in your PDF Viewer.
The 2012 update to the 10 Year Solid Waste Plan for Macon County...
Macon County 10 Year Solid Waste Year Plan (2012 Update)

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