
I am working on the template of this blog today in order to chase down some problems that have developed with my template and widgets.

Macon County Commissioners

Coverage of the meetings of the Macon County Board of County Commissioners.

Franklin Town Board of Aldermen

Coverage of the meetings of the Franklin Town Board of Aldermen.

Macon County School Board

Coverage of the meetings of the Macon County School Board.


Photos from my photoblog.

nullspace for future use

nullspace for future use


Friday, April 26, 2013

BizWeek 2013 Banquet Honors Local Businesses, Keynote address given by Tony Almeida, senior advisor to Governor Pat McCrory on jobs and the economy

BizWeek 2013 wrapped up last night in the fellowship hall of Holly Springs Baptist Church, with several local businesses being recognized for their contributions to Macon County. Among those honored were, Angel Medical Center, JC and Frankie Jacobs, Old Edwards Inn and Span and Raymond Page. The keynote address was given by Tony Almeida, senior advisor to North Carolina Governor Pat McCrory on jobs and the economy.  This was the third...

Monday, April 22, 2013

SDO: Three Years of Solar Observing in Three Minutes

Here is a beautiful thing: From the video description: In the three years since it first provided images of the sun in the spring of 2010, NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) has had virtually unbroken coverage of the sun's rise toward solar maximum, the peak of solar activity in its regular 11-year cycle. This video shows those three years of the sun at a pace of two images per day. SDO's Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) captures...

Macon County Board of Education 04-22-2013

**update** Here is the video of the meeting: And here is what happened at the end of the closed session: 1. Superintendent Dr. Jim Duncan announced the reassignment/transfer of Kris Reis, Principal, Union Academy, transfer/reassignment to Assistant Principal, Franklin High School, effective July 1, 2013. 2. On a motion made by Gary Shields and seconded by Tommy Cabe, the board tabled action on the administrator contracts as well as...

The John Batchelor Show for 04-19-2013
The Tsranaev Brothers and Deep Background on Chechnya

INTRO The John Batchelor Show is an essential tool for understanding the new order in the 21st Century. The world is now facing a dangerous and fanatical enemy determined to destroy Western civilization on both political and military fronts. In this, the first great ideological battle of the new millennium, it is imperative to know the major players and the theaters in which they operate. The John Batchelor Show features a multitude of distinctive...

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Flag Flown Over US Capitol Building Now Flies in Macon County

Dr Jim Duncan, the Superintendent of Macon County Schools, presided over a flag raising ceremony on Monday, April 15th that was attended by employees of the scool system and members of the school board at the central offices of the Macon County School System that was flown over the US Capitol on December 11, 2012. The flag was obtained by Dr Duncan through the office of US Senator Richard Burr. The central offices are located at 1202 Old...

Monday, April 15, 2013

Franklin Aldermen and Staff Hold Annual Retreat for 2013

Here are the videos arranged by topics of discussion during the retreat that was held this past Saturday by the Town Board of Aldermen and Staff. It began Saturday morning at 9am and was over at 11am. I posted a play by as the meeting happened on Google Plus [LINK]. The only reporters that attended the meeting were a reporter from the Macon County News and myself. The Franklin Press did not send a reporter, so if they do post a'll...

Franklin Garden Club Keeps Rankin Square Beautiful

Members of the Franklin Garden Club Caught in the Act of Beautifying Franklin I had a serendipitous encounter with the Franklin Garden Club this morning and here are a few photos of these volunteers at work keeping our town beautiful! The club will be having their Annual Plant Sale during the Airing of the Quilts Festival on Saturday, May 11th from 8:30am to 1:00pm at the Clock Tower. The types of plants they will be selling (for very reasonable...

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Macon County Commissioners 04-12-2013

The Macon County Commissioner had recessed their Tuesday meeting [video] to Friday in order to complete their due diligence on the purchase of the Parker Meadows property. The meeting lasted about an hour. Read my play by play that I posted as the meeting happened on Google Plus. The following is from the power point presentation given by Macon County Planner Matt Mason: (open the images in a new tab to view at a larger size) SITE...

Friday, April 12, 2013

Parker Meadows Purchase Gets Approval From County Commissioners

A motion to decline the purchase of the Parker Meadows property failed by a vote of 2-3 in a county commissioner meeting tonight. Commissioners Haven and Higdon voted to in favor if declining the purchase and Commissioners Beale, Corbin and Tate voted Not to decline the purchase, so the county will move forward in acquiring the property for use as a recreational facility. I have have the full video of the meeting posted online in the morning....

Thursday, April 11, 2013

The Parker Meadows Discussion at the 04-09-2013 meeting of the Macon County Commissioners

It is my firm belief that one cannot properly report what happened during the hour long presentation and ensuing discussion (an hour of the 2 hour and 25 minute long meeting was devoted to this) about the Parker Meadows Property in the few short paragraphs local papers will devote to it. They will, by political design and/or space requirements, leave out crucial elements of the discussion and points raised by each county commissioner. After you...

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Macon County Commissioners 04-09-2013

**update** Here is video of the meeting: The Macon County Commissioners will be meeting tonight at 6pm. I will be there to cover it and will be posting a nearly live play by play on Google Plus. I will embed the video of the meeting at the top of this article as soon as I can get it processed.  The agenda is below and the press kit is embedded below that for your convenience. AGENDA 1. Call to order and welcome by Chairman...

Monday, April 8, 2013

Marking Yom HaShoah 2013

Germans being confronted with their legacy of murder by Allied troops Yom HaZikaron laShoah ve-laG'vurah (יום הזיכרון לשואה ולגבורה; "Holocaust and Heroism Remembrance Day"), known colloquially in Israel and abroad as Yom HaShoah (יום השואה) and in English as Holocaust Remembrance Day, or Holocaust Day, is observed as Israel's day of commemoration for the approximately six million Jews who perished...

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Franklin Aldermen 04-01-2013

The Franklin Town Board of Aldermen had their regular monthly meeting last night. Gavel to gavel video of the meeting is below: I also provided a nearly live play by play of the meeting. You may read that on Google Plus. The agenda and a downloadable press kit for the meeting is below for your convenience and in the interest of keeping our elected officials accountable to the electorate. Town of Franklin Board of Aldermen  Meeting...

Monday, April 1, 2013

Tony Almeida to provide keynote at BizWeek 2013 Banquet

PRESS RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE April 01, 2013 The Macon County Economic Development Commission is pleased to announce that Tony Almeida, senior advisor to N.C. Governor Pat McCrory for jobs and the economy will provide the keynote address during the EDC Banquet during BizWeek 2013. “It is truly an honor to have Mr. Almeida as our keynote speaker for this event,” said Tommy Jenkins, Director of the Macon County Economic Development Commission....