Here are the videos arranged by topics of discussion during the retreat that was held this past Saturday by the Town Board of Aldermen and Staff. It began Saturday morning at 9am and was over at 11am. I posted a play by as the meeting happened on Google Plus [LINK].
The only reporters that attended the meeting were a reporter from the Macon County News and myself. The Franklin Press did not send a reporter, so if they do post a report...you'll know that they didn't get the information first hand.
THE VIDEOS (In chronological order and topic of discussion)
1. Budget Considerations
A) Fund Balance
B) Future Revaluation
2. Capital Projects
A) Sewer Plant Extension
B) Water Treatment Plant Renovation/Expansion
3. Properties
A) Old Town Hall
B) Whitmire Property
4. Personnel
5. Ordinances
6. Miscellaneous Town Projects
A) Gazebo
B) Streets
C) Other
7. Other Considerations/Discussions
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