The Macon County Commissioner had recessed their Tuesday meeting [video] to Friday in order to complete their due diligence on the purchase of the Parker Meadows property. The meeting lasted about an hour. Read my play by play that I posted as the meeting happened on Google Plus.
The following is from the power point presentation given by Macon County Planner Matt Mason: (open the images in a new tab to view at a larger size)

• County staff conducted a Site meeting with David Brown, ACOE to discuss wetland delineations, and existing water features on the property.
• County staff met with Archaeologists to discuss potential historical sites that were present on the site.
• County staff made several site visits to ensure challenges were addressed in order to achieve compliances with all regulatory agencies.
• Our office is required to make sure that _all_ development with the Special Flood Hazard area (SFHA) is compliant with Macon County's Flood Ordinance.
•The site at Parkers Farms is partially located within a Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA). Therefore we are required to ensure full compliance with Macon County's existing Flood Ordinance.
•The preliminary layout for the Recreational Complex at Parker Farms will be in full compliance with Macon County's Flood Ordinance.
•We can accomplish the proposed development of the project without any fill material being placed in the SFHA (Special Flood Hazard Area).
•Fields 1,2 and 8 are partially located with the SFHA.
•Fields 1 and 2 currently have 4'-5' of positive drainage from the home plate to the outfield and should be constructed, as proposed.
• Field 8 could be used as proposed (unable to verify drainage due to existing vegetation) or the field can be reduced in size to create a smaller field for tee ball, coach pitch, etc.
During the course of the discussion, Commissioner Higdon passed out a document [photo] that delineated his opposition to the project, some of which was invalidated due to the archaeologist verbally reporting during Tuesday night's meeting that no earth could be disturbed over the archaeological sites and his written report saying that the sites could be disturbed to a depth of 18 inches. Apparently, Commissioner Higdon was not given access to the written report but some county employees were. [I requested a copy of the archaeologist's written report Tuesday night, but he has not sent me a copy.]
Using information I've learned at a recent workshop held by +Carolina Public Press, I will be pursuing this public document request and will report back on the results.
Commissioner Haven made a motion to decline the purchase of the property, seconded by Commissioner Higdon, and after each commissioner had his say, the vote was called and the motion failed by a vote of 2 in favor and 3 opposed. Commissioners Haven and Higdon voted in favor of declining the purchase and Commissioners Beale, Corbin and Tate voted against declining the purchase.
So, the county will be moving forward to complete the purchase of the property.
The Commissioners recessed the meeting until Thursday night, April 18th, at 6pm at the Macon Bank Corporate Center in order to meet jointly with the Macon County Board of Education to discuss the Education Budget for the coming fiscal year.
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