**update** Here is the video of the meeting:
And here is what happened at the end of the closed session:
1. Superintendent Dr. Jim Duncan announced the reassignment/transfer of Kris Reis, Principal, Union Academy, transfer/reassignment to Assistant Principal, Franklin High School, effective July 1, 2013.
2. On a motion made by Gary Shields and seconded by Tommy Cabe, the board tabled action on the administrator contracts as well as the one year probationary, lateral entry, or provisional certification contracts that were listed on the consent agenda.
3. On a motion made by Gary Shields and seconded by Tommy Cabe, the board approved the remaining consent agenda items as submitted.
4. On a motion made by Gary Shields and seconded by Melissa Evans, the board moved to continue their meeting to Monday, May 13th at 5:30 p.m. in the board room of the Macon County Schools Administrative Offices at which time various matters of the board will be considered.
5. On a motion made by Gary Shields and seconded by Tommy Cabe, the board adjourned at 9:24 p.m.

I'll be at the school board meeting tonight and will post the video sometime tomorrow. There will be no live play by because there is no Public Internet Access at the administrative offices.
Here is the agenda:
APRIL 22,2013
Pledge...Students from East Franklin Elementary
I Spotlight on People and Programs
A Recognitions
• Deavan Lombard
• Duke University Talent Identification Program Students
• James Watson
• New Energy Savings
B Historical Highlights
C Presentations
• FHS Foods Class
• Knights of Columbus
II Public Comment
III Consent Agenda
A Resignations/Retirements
B New Personnel
C Change in Status
D Transfer of Personnel
E Substitutes
F Overnight/Out of District Trip Requests
G Student Transfers
H Recommended Renewals and Non-Renewals
I Miscellaneous Items
• 2013 Summer Workout Coaching Assignments
IV Personnel
A Approval Items
• Vacancies with ongoing interviews
? Assistant Principal, Franklin High School
? Men's Basketball Coach, Highlands School
? Child Nutrition Director, Macon County Schools
? School Psychologist, Macon County Schools
? Speech/Language Pathologist, Macon County Schools
V Policy
A Approval Items
•Cartoogechaye Elementary School PTO Fundraiser...Randy Shepherd
•Franklin High School Fundraiser-Skills USA.......Dr Chris Baldwin
•Highlands School Sophomore Class Fundraiser.......Brian Jetter
•Macon Middle School FCA Fundraiser...............Scot Maslin
•Mountain View Intermediate Fundraiser............Mark Sutton
•East Franklin Elementary School Handbook.........Shirley Parks
•Macon Early College Student Handbook.............Todd Gibbs
•Transportation Contract..........................Paula Ledford
•2012-2013 Drug Testing Results...................Dan Moore
•Athletic Drug Testing Program Cost Analysis......Dan Moore/John Henning
B Discussion
•Summer Edventure Camp............................Lenora Clifton
•Out of District Students.........................Dr Jim Duncan
•Athletic Expenditure Assessment..................Dan Moore
VI Curriculum and Instruction
A Approval Items
•School Improvement Plans.........................Nancy Cantrell
• Highlands School
• Macon Early College
• Macon MIddle School
• Union Academy
• Nantahala School
B Discussion Items
•Elementary Class Size Assessment as of March 22, 2013...Dan Moore
VII Building and Grounds
A Approval Items
B Discussion Items
VIII Business and Finance
A Approval Items
•Fund Redistribution - FHS..........................Angie Cook
•Budget Amendments..................................Angie Cook
•Public School Building Capital Fund................Angie Cook
B Discussion Items
IX Board of Education Information
A Approval Items
B Discussion Items
X Superintendent Information
A Discussion Items
•Coming Events.......................................Dr Jim Duncan
XI Closed Session
•NCGS 143-318.11.(a) (6) To consider the qualifications, competence, character, fitness, conditions of appointment, or conditions of initial employment of an individual public officer or employeee or prospective public officer or employee;
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