Pictured (L-R) are 7 of the 10 candidates for the Town Board of Aldermen: Angela Hubbs Moore, Mack Brogden, Barbara McRae, Emmanuel Carrion, W.H. Derrick, Adam Kimsey, Patti Halyburton Abel, and candidate for Mayor Bob Scott.
The Bob Scott for Mayor campaign hosted a Meet the Candidate Social on the Greenway at the Big Bear Shelter on NE Main Street on Friday evening. The event featured the musical talents of the Southern Appalachian Boys, light refreshments and an opportunity to meet Bob Scott, who is running for Mayor of Franklin, NC.
The candidate for Mayor invited those running for seats on the Town Board of Aldermen to make use of this opportunity to meet the voters. 7 of the 10 people running for the 3 open seats on the town board accepted the invitation.
There were no formal campaign speeches by the candidates who were at the event, who mingled with the crowd instead of speechifying.
The Bob Scott for Mayor campaign maintains a Facebook page and a website.
I was there and took a little video and some photos that I combined into a video montage.
Media Note
If other local media outlets post coverage this event, I will post the links in this section.
A couple other members of the media were present and a couple were absent. Past coverage of local political events in the local media has been weird. The local papers seem to mostly have a hands off policy on covering the events hosted by local campaigns or party functions. I have even noted that a paper will sometimes send a photographer or reporter, but no story on the event is ever published. Not me. If I am aware of an event, and it is free and open to the public, I will cover it.
Media Roll Call
Macon Media (me)
The Franklin Press (photographer only)
The Highlands Paper (the reporter may not have been on assignment)
Macon County News
The Smoky Mountain News
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