This is a guide to what to expect today during the eclipse if you're watching from Franklin, NC. What follows are images from a software program called Stellarium [LINK] that allows the user to see what they can observe in the night sky from where ever they are in the world on almost any given date. The images shown here are what you would see from the middle of the intersection of Main Street and Phillips Street in Franklin, NC. 644 meters is the altitude used. If you are somewhere else in the county, the times may be off by several seconds, maybe half a minute on either end of the county. This is the program I (Bobby) use to plan observing sessions.
You can click on any of the images to embiggen them to make them larger. Remember, NEVER look at the sun without approved solar glasses. The only time you can look at the sun is during the totality phase.
So, without further ado...

Coverage of the total solar eclipse has been brought to you by Adams Products and Carrion Tree Service.
Adams Products
Adams Products, a Division of Oldcastle is underwriting the daily weather briefing and public safety updates for the month. They have all your masonry products (block, mortars, tools), plus feature Belgrade Pavers and Sakrete Products. Open 7:30 AM to 4:00 PM, M-F, located at 895 Hickory Knoll Road, Franklin, NC.
Visit their Facebook page at:
Their phone number is 828.524.8545, all are welcome, let them help you with your next project.
Carrion Tree Service
Carrion Tree Service is underwriting the daily weather briefing and public safety updates for today. they are a fully licensed and insured tree service, specializing in dangerous tree removal, view clearing, pruning, and crane services with a 24 Hour emergency response.
Their phone number is 371-4718. They are located at 120 Depot Street.
They can handle all your tree removal needs in good or bad weather.
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Published at 4:35 am on August 21, 2017
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