Sunday, July 30, 2006
The Secrets of Hezbollah's Success
The central secret to Hezbollah's success is that it trained its (global) guerrillas to make decisions autonomously (classic 4GW), at the small group level. In every area -- from firing rockets to defending prepared positions to media routing around jamming/disruption -- we have examples of Hezbollah teams deciding, adapting, innovating, and collaborating without reference to any central authority. The result of this decentralization is that Hezbollah's aggregate decision cycles are faster and qualitatively better than those of their Israeli counterparts.Read...
WNC Citizens Blog Up Again
I've restarted WNC Citizens Blog again, and redesigned its banner to stand in solidarity with The Action Club in wake of the vandalism to their Billboar...
The American Economic Giant
CDR Salamander has a good write-up on our economic situation, without the natterring nabobs of negativity we call The Main Stream Legacy Medi...
Saturday, July 29, 2006
On a Mental Virus
This post is one I've posted elsewhere, as part of a discussion thread this morning. I thought it apropos to post it here to get additional feedback, positive and negative:Of course, the Legacy, I mean Main Stream Media, never acknowledge that the people who commit these acts are Terrorists. Unless they can be identified (rightly or wrongly) as part of Western Culture.There is a term for this type of 'guerrilla' activity that is more precise than terrorism, I read it in a book in the 80's called “Resistance" by, I believe M.V.D. or M.R.D. Foot,...
Friday, July 28, 2006
Better than Bele Cher

This cool Cross Bow is located outside the library!Tired of high food prices? Tired of hot asphalt? Tired of homeless people and their friends drumming in Pritchard Park?Why not go to the library book sale? I went yeaterday on my lunch hour and nabbed several books:A Short History of Nearly Everything by Bill BrysonJohn Adams by David McColloughTheodore Rex by Edmind MorrisChurhill by Roy JenkinsThe Outline of History Vols I & II by H.G. WellsThe...
Thursday, July 27, 2006
Okay, I give up, this new three column layout won't let me post photos without cropping. I refuse to do that. If I take a picture, I want it all to be seen.So, I've created a Photoblog. Please bookmark it and check it daily, and feel free to comment on the photo...
Cloud Dancer

I was tooling along the road last night, fiddling with my camera, when a Trooper zoomed past me doing what must have been more than a hundred mph. I didn't hear a thing until he was past me, that sound told be there was a gas pedal imprint on his firewall. Anyhow, I eventually got off this shot, which looks to to be someone with both arms stretched out, dancing, or about to fall, which is what would happen if I tried to danc...
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
The Captain's Hand: Fan Video
When the missiles fall on Tel Aviv,Israel will need The Captain's Hand.I'm thinking within the wee...
Celebrating new image provider
Photo Bucket is my new image provider.Hat Tip: PamI shot this using my itty bitty Kodak CD33 in movie mod...
Shout this from the Rooftops
CNN's Robertson Now Admits: Hezbollah 'Had Control' of His Anti-Israel Piece.I seem to remember CNN (Crescent News Network) did not report on atrocities committed by Saddam from their Baghdad Bureau a few years ago. Frankly, I'm not surprise...
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Heads Up America is Back!!!
I've been remiss in my failure to report that heads Up America is back, airing Monday through Friday 9am to Noon Eastern Time.Tuesdays 9am to 9.30am feature Rick's Racing Report, also worthy of your attention.Heads Up America WebsiteWZGM WebsiteWeb Stre...
Drones, Strategy, and Action!
Check out these cool new drones.The American Thinker has an article on Israeli strategy.And for those who like war videos, Click Her...
Monday, July 24, 2006
Monday Morning Update
A quick set of links.Austin Bay has an analysis on his blog of the missile attack on the Israeli frigate.IDF eyes deeper push into Lebanon.Winds of War update.Preparing for the worst?Which leads me to post this search for your investigation.Another source of info.Okay, one more for the road.No, I'm not thinking Dark Thought, but others are, and I thought I'd use the opportunity to get some people thinking about fending for themselve...
Sunday, July 23, 2006
Buckley says President is not a True Conservative
While listening to The Drudge Report on my trusty XM Radio, I heard that William F. Buckley had said that President Bush is not a true Conservative.I hastily went to Drudge, and found the story, excerpted below:Buckley finds himself parting ways with President Bush, whom he praises as a decisive leader but admonishes for having strayed from true conservative principles in his foreign policy. In particular, Buckley views the three-and-a-half-year Iraq War as a failure. "If you had a European prime minister who experienced what we've experienced...
Israel v Hezbollah: The Card Game
Says Donald Sensing at Winds of Change:Despite the barrages of essays across media and blog sites about Israel's "disproportionate" response, Israel could not retaliate against Hezbollah merely tit-for-tat. Hezbollah raised the stakes with its cross-border raid, setting new terms of the long-going conflict. For Israel to respond similarly would have signaled to Hezbollah that it accepted those terms. But the terms were unacceptable. A card-game analogy: Hezbollah raised Israel $100 and probably expected Israel to call. Instead, Israel raised Hezbollah...
Saturday, July 22, 2006
A Yellow Jackets Nest Plus a Rock Equals Hasty Departure

A Yellow Jackets Nest Plus a Rock Equals Hasty Departure Originally uploaded by Thunder Pig. Maybe this will wor...
Yellowjackets Nest
I took this photo the day after I tossed the rock into the nest.I guess I've reached the limit on photos by Blogger. Has it been 300 Megs already? Wow! I've got nearly a 100 Gigs on C...
Atls Shrugged Photos
These photos speak volumes about the enemy we (Western Civilization) face. I am the type of person who wades into anything to help a friend using every tool, every skill set at my disposal to help them, including placing my body between a threat and my friend; I feel that the United States should do the same to help Israel. This enemy we face is truly barbarous, and their ideology should be extinguished from the Universe with extreme prejudic...
An Excellent News Source
I just found an excellent news source for those wishing to learn more about The Israel-Islamist War currently underway between Israel and Hezbollah. I think maybe Hamas has been shut up for the time being, only time will tell.Something else to worry about, as if we haven't enough on our plates already!Note on PhotosI've been unable to upload photos from my new machine to the web. I believe the problem is on my end, so bear with me while I work on wrestling those photos out over the phonelne. If anyone can save me the blood, sweat, and tears with...
Friday, July 21, 2006
Graphic of Middle Eastern bloggers
Click here to see a cool graphic created by The Truth Laid Bear, who has put together a map of bloggers and where incidents are reported. Hat Tip: Security Watch Towe...
Maps of LebanonState Dept Travel WarningWorld AtlasThe Daily Star of LebanonLebanon WireEver wonder why Palestinians are still refugees after fleeing Israel so Arab armies could destroy Israel in 1948?The following is an excerpt from an Amnesty International report released in June of 2006:Discrimination against Palestinian refugee children is one aspect of the long-standing discrimination and abuses of fundamental economic and social rights of Palestinian refugees in Lebanon. In relation to employment, Palestinian refugees have restricted access...
Thursday, July 20, 2006
Israel-Islamist War Updated Links

Here is my Public Bookmarks thingie again, I can't get it to stay in the sidebar box right now, so I'll post it here and try to get it to stay in the sidebar later.And here is an updated list of news sources for The Israel-Islamist War, as some have taken to calling it. Please note that these sources also link to other s covering the situation, and many have a distinct bias pro or con.Blogs of War (Israel)HaaretzSecurity Watch Tower Link LibraryMiddle...
Protest/Advocacy Groups Lining Up

Well, it had to happen. The Jew Haters have crawled out from under their rocks and have brought signs.There may be an opportunity to stand with Israel near you. I am sorry, every time I see an A.N.S.W.E.R. sign or flyer, I think of S.P.E.C.T.R.E. from the James Bond films. You can see the entire photo-essay at ZombieTime....
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
I'm Back
My modem problem has been fixed...I got a newer computer! This is something I shoulda done a year ago!More News LinksPajamas Media was a serious oversight on my part, forgive me for not including it earlier.Little Green Footballs is another good source and has an interesting comment community. And here is an interesting article on the next Dubai Port media event, or will it go under the radar?Guest on Heads Up America TodayJohn Burnam of the National War Dogs Monument will be on Heads Up America today. If streaming is up,Click Here for the current...
Saturday, July 15, 2006
More News Sources
Link TV shows the news from another perspective.Jihad in America?Iranian missile used to hit Israeli warship.USA Action should cover the res...
Video: Public Executions in Iran
A hint for Amnesty International on one place they might visit in person to protest, preferably en masse.My preference is for the militaries of the Free World to make that visit. These people only respect violence, and we should give them plenty to respec...
Thursday, July 13, 2006
Israel at War
If ya keep tossing rocks at a bee's nest, sooner or later you're gonne get stung. I had a photographic demonstration, but blogger wouldn't upload it because I expect they are quite busy with the bloggers testing their bandwidth capacity. the photo I had was one I had taken the day before yesterday of a yellowjackets nest on a bank that I had chucked a rock into so I could photograph a swarm of angry bees. Not exactly the smartest thing I've done lately, and I paid for it many times over, much to the amusement of my co-workers. Oh well. Bookmark...
Monday, July 10, 2006
New Terrorist Video
Click here if you wish to see images and information on how to receive a link to video showing the desecrated bodies of two American soldiers in Iraq. Do not proceed if you are in the least bit squeamish. I post it only to remind you that we are engaged in a struggle with animals, and that should we cut and run, they will follow us here. Unlike my previous post, there is no humor her...
Cat Prints on your Car?
Warning: Not for people who can't take a joke.At this time next week, I should be the proud owner of a brand-new used machine that will enable me to perform feats heretofore (is that a word?) not possible with my old, dearly departed boat ancho...
Saturday, July 8, 2006
My Response to Matt Mittan
I heard a caller have a conversation with Matt Mittan on the radio about political parties. Matt is an "unaffiliated voter". The parenthesis is mine because I hear them when he speaks. I think I have it right when I say that Matt thinks that parties are harmful to self-government. I disagree with that statement.He said he supported coalitions rather than parties. I think of the horrors of Israeli coalition building, as well as the system it was based upon, the British System. I guess the bright side of that is government efficiency would suffer.Another...
Thursday, July 6, 2006
A virtue of Islam
I found a couple of clips that you have to see. It is a children's show that teaches how to get along with murder others while commiting sucid...
Monday, July 3, 2006
Cafe Posting
Well, my fair town of Franklin now boasts an Internet Cafe, from which I am now posting. The place is called HOBNOBR's Internet Cafe and Computer Repair. I guess I'll be a regular until I get my internet problem fixed.Here are what some of my favorite people have been posting lately:Dymphna has an interesting post on crime rate stats in what I thought were very civilized places. Hmmph. Who new?Over at Winds of Change, a poster I hadn't noticed before intrigued me. Good writing and good peanut gallery activity in the comments.There was also a WoW...
Saturday, July 1, 2006
Still Down, But Not Out

Who are you looking at???What a time for my modem to die on me! My new modem will not work, no matter how many times I change the IRQs and BIOS. My machine is just to dad-blamed old. After I throw the thing in the yard, I'll figure a way to get a-hold of a better machine.There are plenty of things going on that I wish I could blog about, so I'll just cover a very few of them:1. Freedom Works trip to Raleigh last week.Several people went to Raleigh...