
I am working on the template of this blog today in order to chase down some problems that have developed with my template and widgets.

Macon County Commissioners

Coverage of the meetings of the Macon County Board of County Commissioners.

Franklin Town Board of Aldermen

Coverage of the meetings of the Franklin Town Board of Aldermen.

Macon County School Board

Coverage of the meetings of the Macon County School Board.


Photos from my photoblog.

nullspace for future use

nullspace for future use


Monday, April 30, 2007

The Colonel's Secret Recipe Revealed!

I was driving around this weekend, and this is what I saw:Hat Tip: Samantha Bur...

Bloggers at NC-11 Convention

A couple of bloggers from the other side of the aisle attended the NC-11 GOP Convention Saturday, and here are their reports of the event:Report filed at Scrutiny Hooligans: Karl Rove and the North Carolina 11th District Republican Convention“They embrace a culture of defeat…death, and we have to fight them there, so we don’t have to fight them here.” - Karl Rove, in Hendersonville on Saturday, April 28, talking about Democrats or terrorists. I’m not sure which. 179 old white delegates gathered at West Henderson High School to hold their...

Sunday, April 29, 2007

To Raise the Edifice (Geo. Washington on the Constitution)

Guest Commentary by John ArmorFrom time to time, I return to my favorite subject, which I freely admit is a tad boring for most people. That subject is Constitutional Law. This time, George Washington made me do it.An article in the New York Times on 27 April reported on the find of a previously unknown letter from George Washington in May, 1787, to Jacob Morris. It was contained in a scrapbook gathered by a 10-year-old girl in 1826, and was found among the trunks and boxes of her descendants’ gift of their mansion and its contents to the State...

North Carolina Leadership Conference

The North Carolina Leadership Conference in Raleigh happened at the same time the GOP District Conventions were going on...not exactly a case of stellar event planning in my opinion. Anyhow, I've noticed that once again, the coverage from the blogosphere is head, shoulders, and torso above the Legacy Media.The Raleigh News & Observer has noticed the blogs, but only the screaming meemie commies at BlueNC:But what created a stir was Shuler's breakfast appearance at a conservative conference sponsored by the Civitas Institute, a Raleigh-based...

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Polls on Iraq

I was told in one of the comment threads that the majority of people support the Democrat position on Iraq.Hmmm....According to a recent USA Today/Gallup poll, 61% of Americans oppose “denying the funding needed to send any additional U.S. troops to Iraq,” and opposition is up from 58% in February. (3/23-25, 2007). Can't say these guys are biased. Here is another one I found:CBS News/New York Times Poll. April 20-24, 2007. N=1,052 adults nationwide. MoE ± 3 (for all adults). . ...

Shenanigans in Buncombe County Government?

Say it Ain't So!/sarcasmApril 11, 2007Michael FrueAssistant County Attorney205 College Street, Suite 200Asheville, NC 28801Dear Mr. Frue,I am writing on behalf of the Canary Coalition urging that you advise the Buncombe County Board of Commissioners to rescind the contract between the County and Progress Energy for the lease of land in the vicinity of the old County landfill (hereinafter “Woodfin Property”). Major problems with the lease include the existence of an option contract which directed or influenced the County Commissioners’ decision...

Thursday, April 26, 2007

The New Earth That Wasn't

Scientists have recently announced the discovery of an earthlike planet orbiting around Gliese 581, and I wondered what a few of my favorite astrometric sites had to add to the story.Sol Station Al Fin has a satirical piece offering more hope for the future than I currently have in my heart.ISDB [Internet Stellar Database]and for the non-geeks, there is Wikipedia.What does all the jargon mean? Is it really earthlike?Here is the money quote from the Sol Station HO Librae page:The more Earth-like planet "c" has at least 5.03 Earth-masses (or 0.0158...

Al Gore's Army

NASHVILLE -- The stocky man with the soft Southern accent rivets the hotel ballroom crowd with his plea: "We are in a time of peril, so please allow me to explain a topic that has overwhelming importance in my life." Meet, no, not Al Gore, but Gary Dunham, 71, a grandfather from Texas who was the first of 1,000 Americans Gore trained to deliver his Oscar-winning An Inconvenient Truth slide show to schools, Rotary clubs and nursing homes around the nation. Two weeks ago, the last 150 of this hand-picked crew arrived here -- paying their own way...

A Preview of Moonbattery For 2008

In my first look at Moonbattery, we observe the reactions of the humorless to MIchelle Malkin's Cheerleading Parody at Gateway Pundit. For those who haven't seen the video yet, scroll down to my previous post.And, if you need more proof that Moonbats are humorless, check out this FReeper thread about the original LA Times piece, then this one on their reaction to the Rush Parody, "Barack, the Magic Negro" there are links there to a You Tube smashup someone posted. I have a pristine stereo copy someone thoughtfully sent me I'll have to consider...

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

The Defeatocrats Cheer

Ha Ha Ha!Priceless, but I think Code Pink Cheerleaders would be more appropriat...

Democrats Camera Shy on Troop Funding Debate

Call me stupid, but I thought most Politicians would sell their grandma to get coverage on TV, especially if they think they have the majority on their side...Oh! That's it!!!The Democrats know that the majority of Americans are opposed to their nefarious shenanigans, and would be incensed if they heard the mealy-mouthed politicians try to argue their case.Here is a video about the controvers...

The History Behind Political Correctness

Does anyone know the origins of Political Correctness? Who originally developed it and what was its purpose?I looked it up. It was developed at the Institute for Social Research in Frankfurt, Germany, which was founded in 1923 and came to be known as the "Frankfurt School." It was a group of thinkers who pulled together to find a solution to the biggest problem facing the implementers of communism in Russia.The problem? Why wasn't communism spreading?Their answer? Because Western Civilization was in its way.What was the problem with Western Civilization?...

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Locals Take A Stand Against The ACLU

I received the following in an email, and decided the news was too good to pass up sharing this feel good story of local people taking a stand against meddling outsiders who want to change the way we live to suit them.Hat Tip: Betty B.Reinforcements: Stop the ACLU BREVARD -- Monday night there were as many as 1,200 people waiting outside the Transylvania County Courthouse according to the Transylvania Sheriffs department, prompting the Brevard City Police to close main street, as well as a standing room only crowd of 325 inside as the meeting...

Widespread Panic in Georgia

ARCADE - Southern rock fans trekking to Athens to party with homegrown Widespread Panic prompted at least one police department to spread its net. But police took just as many locals - if not more - to jail as out-of-town music fans. Arcade police, with the help of the Georgia Bureau of Investigation and the state Department of Corrections, set up roadblocks in advance of a three-night Widespread Panic concert stand that started Monday in nearby Athens. "We're out here just assuring that we don't have the same problems that some of the other...

Duke Lacrosse Scandal: Eight Lessons by Dennis Prager

Duke Lacrosse Scandal: Eight LessonsBy Dennis PragerAmerica's news media, an amoral university, an opportunistic district attorney, and a police department that seems to have collaborated in framing innocent students all combined to nearly destroy the lives of three innocent young men -- members of the Duke University lacrosse team.The attorney general of North Carolina announced that all charges -- of rape, sexual assault and whatever other charges a mendacious young woman got Mike Nifong to bring against the Duke lacrosse team players -- were...

Monday, April 23, 2007

No Wonder Lefties Are Always Mad!

Sheryl "Stinky" Crow has mused the following in her blog:Crow (4/19), Springfield, Tenn.: I have spent the better part of this tour trying to come up with easy ways for us all to become a part of the solution to global warming. Although my ideas are in the earliest stages of development, they are, in my mind, worth investigating. One of my favorites is in the area of forest conservation which we heavily rely on for oxygen. I propose a limitation be put on how many squares of toilet paper can be used in any one sitting. Now, I don't want to rob...

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Democrats Wage War Against US Forces

Doug Ross has an excellent post about the insidious Informational Warfare they are engaging in against our soldiers in Iraq, and on the homefron...

Hate Crime, or Enforcement of Sharia Law?

LEWISTON - One student has been suspended and more disciplinary action could follow a possible hate crime at Lewiston Middle School, Superintendent Leon Levesque said Wednesday.On April 11, a white student placed a ham steak in a bag on a lunch table where Somali students were eating. Muslims consider pork unclean and offensive.The act reminded students of a man who threw a pig's head into a Lewiston mosque last summer.The school incident is being treated seriously as "a hate incident," Levesque said. Lewiston police are investigating, and the...

Friday, April 20, 2007

I've Been Thinking

About where things are headed....


Guest CommentaryCULTURAL TOLERANCE, MORALITY & THE DEATH OF ISLAM by WNCCB2I would like to thank the liberal institutions of this world and their self-deluded efforts to bring cultural tolerance (multiculturalism) to the fore to promote greater understanding of Islam. The result of their identifying with cultural differences between the West and Islam will ultimately lead to the death ofIslam. For that, I thank them. Allow me to elaborate.With so many projects approached by the socialist/communist left in this world, the result is often the...

You Want Some of This, Senator Reed?

An Open Letter to Senator Harry Reid [Copperhead Dhimmicrat]Dear Senator Reed:In my opinion, you have crossed the line with your declaration that we have lost.Shame on you Senator, you have betrayed your nation, your oath of office, and history will spit on your memory.Should you decide to act like a man, I have a video for you, which I found posted on Free Republi...

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Whither Ismail Ax?

I don't quite know what to think of the weird inked inscription on Cho's arm. I have been reading about the speculations on and off, and am still unsure.Why would the murderer remain silent, and only give vague hints?Could the young man have been a weapon found, forged, and directed to keep blame off the conspirators? [A 5GW Tactic]I don't know.Read more at Webloggin, where some more thinking, and linking has been done. I am ill, and just don't have the energy to do original research just no...

Fearing Fox News and Media Manipulation

I was going to do a write-up on the Nut Root Jihad against Fox News, then I saw this cartoon over at Ogre's Politics & Views, and could not resist swiping it because it said basically what I had in mind, only more effectively.I am 100% certain that who ever gets the Democrat nomination, will appear on Fox News, because without the Number One News Network, they cannot win the White House.The candidates are fearful of a shrill minority in their...

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

NC-10 Congressman to receive Spirit of Enterprise Award

WASHINGTON, DC-The United States Chamber of Commerce today presented Rep. Patrick McHenry (R-NC-10) with its annual “Spirit of Enterprise” award for his strong voting record on critical business issues in the second session of the 109th Congress.“Rep. McHenry proved to be a valuable ally to the business community last year, supporting measures to stimulate job creation and spur economic growth,” said Tom Donohue, Chamber president and CEO. “The business community appreciates Patrick’s dedication to a pro-growth agenda and we are proud to present...

Brave Horatio

Professor Liviu Librescu recognized that Evil was coming to his classroom. He had seen evil before, when many of his family were swallowed by the Holocaust. He survived, and went on to have a family of his own and pursue a successful career in aeronautical engineering.This time, when evil came, he stood at the door and instructed his students to flee. Then evil took him. He fell. He gave them the time to flee as the bullets pierced his body. He purchased, with his life, the lives and futures of his students.He will be laid to rest in Israel on...

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Aggregation of Virginia Tech Massacre Coverage

I decided to lift my block of coverage from my news site and put it here, where it might be found more easily by those who read blogs. The Virginia Tech Massacre Victims32 Shot Dead on Virginia Tech Campus - John Broder, New York TimesIt's Too Early for 'Healing' - Dennis Prager, Creators In Loco ParentisPeople Must Be Able to Save Themselves - Neal Boortz, Nealz NuzeWhy Did This Happen and What Can We Do? - John Nichols, The NationVA Tech & the Vampire MediaRed State open ThreadA Blogger comments on "Instant News v Linear News."Shootings...

Shooter Photos an Internet Hoax

I got bit by an Internet Hoax last night while combing through the Virginia Tech Blog Community looking for students blogging about their experiences yesterday.Gateway Pundit has the story.Makes me remember the old adage about having more than one sourc...

Monday, April 16, 2007

WCU to Observe Moment of Silence

Western Carolina University will observe a Moment of Silence in front of the Bell Tower on Wednesday, April 18th, at 5.30 pm.Anyone is welcome to attend the event, which is organized by the SGA and Student Affairs.The event may be visible from this webca...

Blogging the Virginia Tech Shootings

Ive searched out blogs by Virginia tech students, and have found a few, and some accounts are in the following places, and some are comprehensive linkings to other sites:Suspected Shooter's Facebook pageSuspected Shooter's Livejournal PageCollegiate TimesThe Paper ChaseBlacksburg BeaconTough SleddingCybersocVirginia Tech Main pageBugle 2007 YearbookMTV acknowledges BloggersGateway PunditDrudge Repo...

The Liberal Position on Virginia Tech

This just in...The Democrats are advising that we pull all students out of Virginia Tech by a certain date, and that Bush, Cheney, and/or Halliburton had something to do with it.But seriously, when you hear the phrase "Gun-Free Zone" think "Death Trap."And the only way they can be certain there are no weapons on any campus is to thoroughly search every last vehicle that enters and to throw up a perimeter that they are willing to patrol and enforce with deadly force.More websites for info...Northeast Intelligence NetworkI am also doing more research...more...

Virginia Tech Shootings

Terrible News...Here are some quick places to go for info:Gateway PunditDrudge ReportGates of ViennaGovernor of Virginia PageI'll have more later....

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Junk Science Produces Junk Law by John Armor

Guest CommentaryJunk Justice Produces Junk Lawby John Armor[BB 541, 7 April 2007, 713 words]On 2 April, 2007, the US Supreme Court issued its decision in Massachusetts v. EPA. The Court ruled 5-4, over two Dissents, that the Environmental Protection Agency must regulate carbon dioxide as a pollutant in order to reduce global warming.There are only two problems with this decision. It is based on junk science. And it is based on junk law.First, the science: the Opinion by Justice Stevens spends its opening section on a review of mostly international...

Holocaust Remembrance Day

Hat Tip to Jeffrey Imm of United States Action for reminding what today is.Being educated in government schools, i.e. public schools, I did not learn much about the Holocaust at school, only that Nazis were very bad people who killed a lot of people in their attempt to bring about a European Union under the aegis of German National Socialism.I was, however, a very voracious reader, and learned of the horrors that had taken place in Europe during...

Dress Warm to Protest Global Warming!

I wonder if these people realize how silly they look, protesting Global Warming in the snow? It's almost as if the weather actually gets colder when they gather, I think they'd be better off choosing late July and August to gather, and let the headlines report on the numbers that succomb to the heat bolster their claim, rather than what we are getting now. [See my headline for an idea]With the sun having reached it's peak in the current solar cycle, we can expect the temperatures to start coming down in the next few years [the sooner the better!]...

Friday, April 13, 2007

NANCY GOES TO IRAN by Richard Rivette

Guest CommentaryDear Ms. Pelosi;Please go to Iran immediately. We are sure your brand of shuttle diplomacy will have an equally stunning effect as it has with the terrorist activities that emanate from Syria. We can hardly wait to see what wonderful concessions you bring about in Iran’s nuclear program. We also hope you are able to bring about a warming of relations between our two nations so that Iran can once again enjoy all the benefits of being a world partner. Thank you so much for acting as the alternate President (as the Saudis call...