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Friday, April 6, 2007

The Latest Iranian Kidnappings

Would we have responded any better than the Brits to the latest in a long line of morally reprehensible behavior by the Iranians, and their co-religionist ancestors?

I really don't know, and suspect we would respond in the same manner. I am also afraid our 'secret war' inside Iran is too little too late, but I can rest assured knowing that at least the SAS boys will now be exacting some amount of payback.

I have had long experience in dealing with thugs, and the only language they understand is that of power wielded far above their own capacity to respond. I am growing weary of western governments who apparently are unwilling to respond appropriately to these situations.

Our leaders are only aware of short-term solutions, pushing back the day of reckoning beyong their current term, not thinking about the proper way to get in the harness, and do the necessary work that Churchill and Roosevelt committed to, and Truman finished.

The Lightning Baron addresses the situation more eloquently than I, and has the added bonus of being in the Watchtower some us have gathered alongside.
[Inside joke for BSG Fans. I never heard the song until Crossroads, Pt 2, and wouldn't recognize the singer if he was standing beside me.]


Tp, i hope you guys in America would handle a similar situation much more fiercely than the Brits, if not, we're all in the crapper.

I read an article in Newsmax that apparently the USS Nimitz steaming to the persian gulf (with lots of guns and bombs) helped the Iranians make their decision, to hand the sailors over, very quickly.

The whole thing about the USS Nimitz was sensationalized by the news media for ratings, to ramp up fear in the anti-American war protest crowd, and to make Bush look like a war monger.

The deployment was scheduled for more than a year. Every time a Carrier Group deploys, the media tries to make a big deal out of it, and since the 24-hour news networks refuse to do any real reporting [I include Fox News in this category], they go for the stories that appeal to the lowest common denominator.

Global is a good Open Source of Intel about fleet and unit deployments in general terms, and may be helpful to you.

They have a Carrier Deployment Grid that may prove helpful to you.

There are other sites, but this this is perhaps the best generalized information source.