
I am working on the template of this blog today in order to chase down some problems that have developed with my template and widgets.

Macon County Commissioners

Coverage of the meetings of the Macon County Board of County Commissioners.

Franklin Town Board of Aldermen

Coverage of the meetings of the Franklin Town Board of Aldermen.

Macon County School Board

Coverage of the meetings of the Macon County School Board.


Photos from my photoblog.

nullspace for future use

nullspace for future use


Saturday, September 29, 2007

VIDEO- Rediscovering Your Party Part 3

This installment features NC-10 Congressman Patrick McHenry:Highlighting the importance of keeping spending in-check through accountability and transparencyThe third episode of the Rediscover series features Congresswoman Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) and Congressman Patrick McHenry (R-NC) discussing the importance of keeping spending in-check through accountability and transparency. Congresswoman Blackburn also points out the Democrats’ dangerous “tax and spend” addiction they have carried out since taking over Congress. And Congressman McHenry underscores...

NC Dems Dinner Named After White Supremacist

Bob Parks has the story, and here is a portion of his remarks:Can any of us imagine the hell that would be unleashed if the Republican Party in 2007 held an annual fund-raising dinner named after a white supremacist?Well, I guess it's okay if Democrats do it….Source: Black And RightCommentarySauce for the Goose....

Friday, September 28, 2007

WCR Video Seminars

I have embedded some videos at West Carolina Report that might be interesting to watch.The first column is former NC Senator RL Clark discussing buffer zones with Richard Bernier on URTV. The first 2 of 5 have been uploaded as of this morning.The second column is a series of 5 videos where Dr. Carl Mumpower (R-Asheville) sits down with Richard Bernier and Randy Thomas of "Sound Off Buncombe" of URTV. He is currently seeking the NC-11 seat held by Congressman Heath Shuler (D-Waynesville).The third column is a favorite of mine I've had embedded...

West Carolina Report For Sept 28

I have updated West Carolina Report for today, and will be updating it throughout the day since I will not be working. I will also be engaged in redesigning the sidebars to accommodate my West of Balsam readers who are on dial-up, so the pretty pictures are gonna hafta go!I am also playing with a site re-design for WCR to accommodate contributions from Citizen Journalists as they become available.Thank you for reading, and consider this an open thread. Any body have any ideas on how to implement Trackback on Blogger? Every time I've tried it,...

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Press Release: Mumpower on Inflight Movies and Open Air Drug Markets

PRESS RELEASEWednesday, September 26, 2007Congressman Heath Shuler’s Tuesday introduction of a bill requiring cabin separation for children under 13 who might be exposed to PG-13 and R rated in-flight movies has prompted a response from announced 11th District candidate, Carl Mumpower. Citing an appreciation for Shuler’s values, Mumpower did offer challenge to the Congressman’s priorities. “In flight movies are a pretty lofty target for congressional action” said Mumpower. “It might be better if we came down to earth and got more serious about...

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Massive Redesign of Thunder Pig Coming

Your voices have been heard load and clear, West of the Balsam Readers!!!I fully admit to having abandoned load-time for "pretty pictures and shiny objects."My recent access to a Giga-bits per second connection from a secure location has blinded me to the needs of my Primary Audience...the people from West of the Balsams.From home, I have access to the intertubes via a "56k line" that seems to average right about 40k or so, with swings from 22k to 45k depending on how many clouds are in the sky, birds on the wire, and Floridiots lost in my driveway.I...

Question: How Do You Define Terrorist?

I am a firm believer that questions can reveal more about the Questioner than the Answerer, so I was intrigued by the question from a Commenter that I have appropriated for the title of my post for today.MY off-the-cuff definition is: One who uses terror to further an agenda.My 10th Ed. of Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary says:One who systematically uses terror as a means of coercion.The context of my use of terrorist was in relation to the Freedom's Watch advertisement in this post.I sincerely hope my inquisitor was not hoping to roll...

Monday, September 24, 2007

ALERT: Boy Scout Troop Missing in Haywood County

(CNN) -- Eleven members of a Boy Scout troop did not emergefrom a camping area in the mountains of western North Carolina as scheduledSunday evening, prompting an overnight search effort, local authorities said.The Scouts were camping in southern Haywood County, North Carolina.The eight scouts and three adult leaders from Troop 217 in Raleigh,North Carolina, were on a weekend camping trip in the Black Balsam Gap area nearthe Blue Ridge Parkway in southern Haywood County, according to Haywood Countysheriff's dispatcher Michael Huffman.Their vehicles...

No Closer


Ahmadinejad Is A Terrorist

PRESS RELEASEWASHINGTON, Sept. 21 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Friday Freedom's WatchPresident Bradley A. Blakeman released a statement and a copy of the printadvertisement it has requested to be run in the Monday edition of the NewYork Times. "Freedom's Watch could not sit back and allow a terrorist to come toAmerica masquerading as a world leader. We have an obligation to warn theworld of the dangers of a nuclear Iran and to uncover the true...

Friday, September 21, 2007

Friday Night Jazz:
Lily Was Here

This is a live version of Lily Was Here performed by Candy Dulfer and Dave Stewart.Candy Dulfer's Official Page, and a Wikipedia article about her.Dave Stewart's Official Page, and a Wikipedia article about hi...



Thursday, September 20, 2007



West Carolina Report For Sept 20

I have updated the news content for West Carolina Report for today, including links to local bloggers and national and international new...

Congressman Shuler Keeping Pro-Life Promise

RALEIGH — U.S. Rep. Heath Shuler, N.C.-11th, who ran for office as a pro-life Democrat last year, has fulfilled his campaign promises on those issues, according to a national lobbying group that concentrates on social and family concerns.Focus on the Family Action, a lobbying group separated from the more familiar Focus on the Family advocacy organization founded by Christian leader James Dobson, said Shuler has been reliably pro-life since entering office last year, although his opportunities to demonstrate that have been relatively few. Focus...

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Fred on Hillarycare

Fred Speaks Truth to Socialis...

What Do All These People Have In Common?
(Besides Being Stupid)

This is a serious question.Drunk Guy Getting TaseredSheffield Taser IncidentMad At The WorldPhilly ProtestAnswer: All these idiots were resisting the police. Which would you prefer, a taser, a billy club, or following instructions like an adult instead of a childish temper tantru...

UF Student Andrew Myers Got What He Deserved

I don't normally comment on pop poop culture. 99% of it is junk, something to be wiped off your shoe at the earliest opportunity. The tasering of UF Student Andrew Myers is available on many online videos, and these two are the best I've seen: This video was shot by Claire Jessup with Andrew's own video camera, and has been edited to remove scenes of him resisting arrest. Another video: This guy also has described himself as:"a born heckler." Now, you have to know this about me: I am huge Marlins fan, and a born heckler. My purpose in...

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Rays of Light


Blogs For Borders Blogburst 091807

FBI cover ups and scandal at the border! We investigate.100% Preventable! And this week every one had been deported previously.Amnesty alert! Congress seeking to pass an amnesty...again!Make sure to vote for us in the Blogger's Choice Awards!After next weeks show we will be taking a five week hiatus to revamp and improve the show. Please make sure to let us know what you're liking and what you ain't!NumbersUSA has the goods on stopping the latest amnesty debacle.This has been the Blogs For Borders Video Blogburst. The Blogs For Borders Blogroll...

Monday, September 17, 2007

Buncombe County District Elections Meeting

Community Meeting Notice: Monday, the 17th of September Community meeting at the AB Tech Campus in Enka 7:00 pm to 9:00 pmLocal citizens are beginning our push for elections for our commissioners by School District Boundaries. This is the first community meeting of many and we will hold a meeting in each community. Please let your friends and neighbors know and urge them to atten...

Rally Recap: The Enemy Among Us

My internet connection crapped out over the weekend, so I couldn't follow the rallies like I wanted to, and here is the guide to coverage of them.Gateway Pundit has a few links, and an interesting bit of reporting on Cindy Sheehag:Cindy Sheehan in true Leftist fashion called for mass resistance against the government yesterday since the "peaceful" tactics were not working so well.Cindy can go ahead and call for "mass resistance", or even "mass protests" because they will fall on deaf ears. The people of America support our troops, and support...

Sunday, September 16, 2007

West Carolina Report For Sept 16

I've updated West Carolina Report for today, and it was a real struggle because my phoneline was acting up, and I was surfing at between 22k and the connection kept dropping on me. Just think, I only live 4 miles outside of Franklin, imagine how bad it must be at my childhood home 12 miles from town!So, I limited my coverage of the Rallies in DC and the local blogging scene, with whatever else I could squeeze in before I went nut...

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Eagles v Traitors in DC

This is the weekend culmination of the Surge in September, with Gathering of Eagles III: Operation Eagle Justice.The Eagles are back in DC to protect our National Monuments from vandalizing traitors, and Michelle Malkin has been liveblogging the event.Update 5:00pm Eastern. Well, they came, they spewed, they cursed. Several thousand Soros marchers descended on the Capitol yelling “Fuck Bush” and “Fuck you” at Gold Star Families. As Capitol Hill...

Friday, September 14, 2007

Pets Killed For Food In Zimbabwe

HARARE, Zimbabwe (AP) - Pets are being slaughtered for meat in shortage-stricken Zimbabwe and record numbers of animals have been surrendered to shelters or abandoned by owners no longer able to feed them, animal welfare activists say.The National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals said it could not feed surrendered animals or find them new homes and was being forced to kill them and destroy the corpses.Animals, like people, are being...

Tree Hugger For Asheville City Council

And we have video to prove it, too!Get on over to the Carolina Stompers to watch Pagans in Action!...

Will Hsu Keep His Mouth Shut About Hsillary?

Norman Hsu (pronounced shoe) is in custody, and is hsure to be questioned about his fundraising activities, and his straw man donation...

West Carolina Report For Sept 14

I've updated my news site, West Carolina Report for today, and will be posting updates to it as other people Live-Blog The Gathering of Eagles III: Operation Eagle Justic...

Thursday, September 13, 2007

The Official Twelve Step Program For Liberals

1. Admit that you are powerless and that your life is best managed by strict adherence to progressive ideology.Congratulations for taking this, your first step towards recovery. You will soon find a new global community of friends that are just like you. Your first step requires you to surrender independent thinking and acknowledge the wisdom of the majority. It is essential you learn to disregard facts in favor of consensus. Consensus to be defined by your sponsor, the Democrat party.2. Come to believe that the power of progressive ideas can...


In light of recent developments (and a Glenn Beck Special Series), I believe I should point all my readers to a web page with helpful information for parents, administrators, and local civilian militia groups that have been forming to respond to local terror incidents. [Free Republic discussion]The following five videos are from Jihad: Slaughter of the Innocents (Besla...

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

VIDEO: NC Senator Fern Shubert
Illegal Immigration in North Carolina

This is an interview I conducted with former NC Senator Fern Shubert at the "Rally to Stop Illegal Immigration" on June 23rd of this yea...

Press Release From Dr. Mumpower

~ Press Release ~9-12-07On Wednesday, September 12th, Asheville City Councilman Carl Mumpower committed to running as a Republican candidate for the 11th District Congressional seat. Mumpower, who has served for 6 years as an independent conservative voice on Asheville's liberal City Council has vowed to stay the course on this important political race.Mumpower highlights a commitment to what he defines as essential issues as the foundation of his principles over politics approach to public service. Some of those issues include securing our...

Dr. Carl Mumpower to Challenge Heath Shuler

I just saw this on WWNC-AM:Republicans have been wondering who would challenge Heath Schuler for the 11th District Congressional seat. Shuler will have at least one challenger - Asheville City Council member Carl Mumpower says he will run. Dr. Mumpower has served on City Council for six years. He says he hopes to bring his 'independent conservative voice' to Congress.This will get interesting.Also in the Citizen-Times:ASHEVILLE – City councilor...

VIDEO: O'Reilly Punks Paul

Congressman Ron Paul has not got a clue about our enemy in this war, not a freaking clu...

Russia Claims New Bomb Rivals Nukes and Environmentally Friendly, Too!

Well, isn't that just nice, a green bomb:MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia has tested the world's most powerful vacuum bomb, which unleashes a destructive shockwave with the power of a nuclear blast, the military said on Tuesday, dubbing it the "father of all bombs".--snip--Such devices generally detonate in two stages. First a small blast disperses a main load of explosive material into a cloud, which then either spontaneously ignites in air or is set...

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Belgians Arrest Anti-Jihadi Protesters

Protesters sought to use the Sept. 11 anniversary to point out that Islam threatens democracy and the rule of law in Europe.The demonstration was initially planned by Stop Islamization of Europe, a loose alliance with roots in Germany, Britain and Denmark, which had predicted that 20,000 people would come to Brussels from all over Europe.Brussels Mayor Freddy Thielemans banned the protest last month, calling SIOE an inflammatory group and its proposeddemonstration...

September 11, 2001

This is the sixth anniversary of a day I shall never forget.I would suggest that you begin with this CNN Chronology of events.**Update** Better Time line is at Free Republic. List of all VictimsFox News has more videos here, including Presidential and Mayoral footage.Twin Towers Memorial Site. Watch for the Troofer stuff. (Thanks John W.)And, if you have a fast internet connection, the Television Archive has links to streaming video of event coverage as it happened.I will present bits and pieces of the events as they happened:8.46am:...

Patriot's Day 2007

This is Phyllis Fox of the Sylva, NC Lions Club planting flags on Main Street in Sylva in honor of Patriot's Day 200...

Why The Left Must Deny September 11, 2001

In the endless Summer of Love there is no 9/11. And to tens of millions of dreamy folk on the Left, the Summer of Love never stopped. For those people there is no dangerous Ahmadi-Nejad in Tehran, threatening a fiery new holocaust for Tel Aviv and Washington, DC. There is no nuclear proliferation by mad little mass-murdering Kim Jong Il. There is no Osama Bin Laden stirring up terror cells around the world -- just a poor, confused man somewhere...

Anti-American War Protesters Deface Viet Nam Memorial

It should be no secret to regular readers that I am diametrically opposed to the America Haters, whether they be jihadis, or juveniles.Yesterday, I received an email about an act of vandalism at the Viet Nam Memorial in Washington, DC. My first thoughts were of the families of those remembered by the wall, and of their buddies who still lived, and visited the Wall. This attack was on them as well as America herself.Not content with defacing flags, these people are like psychic vampires, feeding off the anguish of others to fill their empty souls...

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Letter To The People of America
From Ahmad Shah Massoud

Date: 1998A Message to the People of the United States of AmericaI send this message to you today on behalf of the freedom and peace-loving people of Afghanistan, the Mujahedeen freedom fighters who resisted and defeated Soviet communism, the men and women who are still resisting oppression and foreign hegemony and, in the name of more than one and a half million Afghan martyrs who sacrificed their lives to uphold some of the same values and ideals...

VIDEO: Osama bin Laden "Sounds Like a Lefty Blogger"

Thank You, David Brook...

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Willow in the Light


Friday, September 7, 2007

Friday Night Jazz:
Diana Krall "Fly Me To The Moon"

Diana Krall Official Website (You can buy MP3's there as well, I have!)If I remember, I hope this will be a regular weekly featur...

Guest Commentary from Frank Salvato:
A Single Reason for US Intervention in Iraq

GUEST COMMENTARY[View Original Here] A Single Reason for US Intervention in Iraq USA Frank Salvato, Managing Editor September 7, 2007“It is as useless to argue with those who have renounced the use of reason as to administer medication to the dead.”– Thomas JeffersonAs progress continues to be made in every aspect of the Iraqi conflict – militarily, socially and politically – the debate among the ideologically entrenched here in the United States rages on. This is in large part due to the positioning of candidates from all political...

How Will Thunder Pig Die?

I saw a quiz over at Ogre's, and couldn't help but take it. How will I die? Your Result: You will die while saving someone's life. The most noble of all deaths. Your rewards will be great in the next life. You are most definitely a humanitarian. If not currently, you will be. To give one's life is a precious moment that will be remembered by friends and family for many decades.You will die while having sex. You will die in your sleep. You will be murdered. You will die of boredom. You will die in a car accident. You will die in a nuclear holocaust....

Correction to a previous post

Lightning Baron was so kind to correct a misapprehension I had over the music in a recent BSG video on You Tube, and I have corrected the post.So, if you are working on a BSG Tribute Video with 300 music, you haven't been scooped ye...

Rolls of Hay


Thursday, September 6, 2007

Video: Video Technical Analysis Stock Market Review For 0906

I am heavily into using charts to determine my market moves, (disclaimer---I take all my money out of the market in late July, and return sometime in September or October) and I discovered this guy a few months ago. I never got around to highlighting him until now. He blogs at Alpha Trends, and he usually puts out a video or two a day during trading, or shortly after the markets close.John J Murphy is the best place to start, and get the study guide, too!Martin Pring is also someone I stud...

Video: Hippies Still Smell

Are you going to DC with the Eagles, or with The Smelly Ones?Move America ForwardGathering of EaglesRolling Thund...

I'm With Fred

I'm throwing my lot in with Fred Thompson for President, and I would like for him to choose either Mike Huckabee or Newt Gingrich as his running mate.I will also be active in my community campaigning for Fred, and am glad I have decided to take a sabbatical from work this winter so I can devote a few hours a week working for various GOP Candidate...

Another Reason Not to Vote for Ron Paul

I was going to post some video of Mike Huckabee smacking down Ron Paul...okay I lied, I'll do it anyway:I had a thought to look at the Political Predictions Markets to see how things were going, and found that Slate has a page where the major markets are listed, with current prices.Ron Paul is currently trading on Intrade, a spin-off of TradeSports, at $4.00 a share on a contract that would pay out $100 if Ron Paul wins the GOP nomination, and zero if anyone else wins. That is people betting with their own money on the outcome of the race.The...


I shot this while driving down the back street in Sylva yesterday near 6p...

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Resource: The Militant Ideology Atlas

The Combating Terrorism Center at West Point has an excellent resource for those wishing to find out more about just who we are fighting in the Global War on Terror.It is available as an Executive Summary [Link to PDF 991kB and 23 pages] and as a hefty Research Compendium [Link to PDF 4,918 kB and 361 pages].SUMMARY The Militant Ideology Atlas identifies the most influential thinkers in the Jihadi Movement (see appendices) and delineates the movement’s key ideological vulnerabilities. It situates the Jihadi Movement within the...

Clinton Donor Hsu Money Tracked to Tennessee

Photo SourceLed by a number of conservative bloggers, some of Tennessee's news media outlets have begun to report on the connections of convicted felon and big-time Democratic fund-raiser Norman Hsu to the Tennessee Democratic Party and the failed Senate campaign of former U.S. Rep. Harold Ford Jr., who now heads the Democratic Leadership Council.Read more, and find more links, at News Busters...

Red Dawn Teaser

Folklore has it that Red Dawns are a harbinger of unsettled weather approaching, and I think this one was just a teaser, with no bad weather in the outlook....

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

VIDEO: Thinkers of the Left and Right of the 1900s

Here are two short videos about some thinkers of the last century, I have to admit to having read few of the lefties, and about a third of those on the right...LeftRightGuess I'm gonna have to add a few more names to my list as I sift through the used book stores of WN...

Blogs For Borders Video Blogburst 090407

Border Security: Instead of removing dangerous aliens experienced agents to be inspecting grapefruit!100% Preventable! More Americans killed -- raped -- molested by those not supposed to be in this country!The Deportation Joke: Deported pedophile returns to molest more children, does our government care? You can vote for us in the Bloggers Choice Awards Here.This has been the Blogs For Borders Video Blogburst. The Blogs ForBorders Blogroll is dedicated to American sovereignty, border security anda sane immigration policy. If you'd like to join...

Monday, September 3, 2007

Palestinian Terrorists Rocket Lands Near School in Israel

I have been reading about the terrorist rocket attacks on Sderot for some time on blogs, with very little mention in the Legacy Media, and wire reports giving up little in the way of information.Today, someone has released a video of a palestinian terrorist rocket landing near a school in Sderot, Israel:**UPDATED INFO** Muqata was the source of the video, and stands at the gateway into the JBlogosphere.SDEROT, Israel, Sept. 2 (UPI) -- Summer break for Israeli students came to an end Sunday, one day after a Qassam rocket landed near a school in...