I just saw this on WWNC-AM:
Republicans have been wondering who would challenge Heath Schuler for the 11th District Congressional seat. Shuler will have at least one challenger - Asheville City Council member Carl Mumpower says he will run. Dr. Mumpower has served on City Council for six years. He says he hopes to bring his 'independent conservative voice' to Congress.
This will get interesting.
Also in the Citizen-Times:
ASHEVILLE – City councilor Carl Mumpower today announced he is running as a Republican candidate in North Carolina's 11th Congressional District.
Mumpower, who has served for six years on the Asheville City Council, seeks to unseat Democratic incumbent Heath Shuler. In a news release, Mumpower said he is committed to what he defines as “essential issues” as the foundation of his “principles over politics” approach to public service.
Some of those issues include, "securing our borders, resisting a ballooning national debt, challenging Washington's indulgence of special interests, reducing bureaucratic strangulation of our education, business and health care systems, redirecting our energies in the fight against the harms of hard drugs and focusing on enforcement of existing laws over the creation of new ones," the news release states.

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