HARARE, Zimbabwe (AP) - Pets are being slaughtered for meat in shortage-stricken Zimbabwe and record numbers of animals have been surrendered to shelters or abandoned by owners no longer able to feed them, animal welfare activists say.Source: Guardian Unlimited
The National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals said it could not feed surrendered animals or find them new homes and was being forced to kill them and destroy the corpses.
Animals, like people, are being hard hit by Zimbabwe's economic meltdown, with official inflation of more than 7,600 percent, the highest in the world. Independent estimates put real inflation closer to 25,000 percent and the International Monetary Fund has forecast it will reach 100,000 percent by the end of the year.
Related: Blue Crab Boulevard has an open letter from Mugabe to the world.
Seems to me, I remember that the productive farmers were run off their land, and it was given away to idiots who could not farm. Now, the people are starving.
The answer is simple, and works every time it is tried, CAPITALISM !!!!
When Marxism, Socialism, or Progressivism (but I repeat myself) are tried, it always leads to starvation...especially if the people have no weapons with which to defend themselves against the government.

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