
I am working on the template of this blog today in order to chase down some problems that have developed with my template and widgets.

Macon County Commissioners

Coverage of the meetings of the Macon County Board of County Commissioners.

Franklin Town Board of Aldermen

Coverage of the meetings of the Franklin Town Board of Aldermen.

Macon County School Board

Coverage of the meetings of the Macon County School Board.


Photos from my photoblog.

nullspace for future use

nullspace for future use


Wednesday, October 31, 2007

VIDEO--Night On Bald Mountain


Dark Walk

What is that next to the tree?What is at the end of the walkwa...

Cart of Darkness


Spooky News Reads

I woke up extremely late this morning (at 5am) and don't have time for a post, so I'll link here without much comment to some of the interesting things I found while updating West Carolina Report.Hillary's CrimeDem Debate Four: The UFO DebateNeo-Nazi Leader Organizing Ron Paul Youtube "gaming"As you can see, there is no reason to dress up as a scary creature...they walk among us!I posted on Folding the Flag on WNC Citizens Blo...

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

More Fake News From Iraq
Decapi-Gate 2

This should be old news by now. When are the Old Media Types gonna learn? Or, are they so invested in the defeat of America, that they will run with any story that sounds ba...

WCU Cheerleaders

WCU had their Homecoming Parade last week (maybe the week before) and I got caught in the aftermath...not knowing to avoid downtown Sylva that evening. This is the one shot that is worth displayin...

VIDEO--UK "Islam Is Peace" Campaign


West carolina Report For Oct 30

I have updated West Carolina Report for today, and will probably update it until at least noon, as events warran...

Why Martin Luther King, Jr. was a Republican

Jim Quinn read from the excellent piece by Frances Rice this morning, so I thought I would post this again:Why Martin Luther King, Jr. was a Republican By Frances RiceIt should come as no surprise that Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was a Republican. In that era, almost all black Americans were Republicans. Why? From its founding in 1854 as the anti-slavery party until today, the Republican Party has championed freedom and civil rights for blacks. And as one pundit so succinctly stated, the Democrat Party is as it always has been,...

On Strangling The Counterjihad In The Cradle

I found this in my Google Reader this morning, and thought to share it with you regarding the idiotic blow-up between memebers of the Counterjihad, specifically the people at Little Green Footballs: 2:24 PM (11 hours ago)A statement from Bat Ye'orfrom Jihad Watch by RobertThe controversy over the Brussels Counterjihad Conference, and specifically the participation in it of people affiliated with Vlaams Belang and the Sweden Democrats, seems to be dying down. I have made my position clear here -- I reject and repudiate all racist and neo-Nazi statements...

Monday, October 29, 2007

The Left Isn't The Free Speech Movement Anymore

In schools and colleges across America, teachers and professors recall the "Free Speech Movement" of the hard left at Berkeley in the 1960s. But today's left often shreds that idea in its own intolerant behavior. At Michigan State University, British Nationalist Nick Griffin was shouted down from a speech on the danger of radical Islam. The Lansing State Journal reported: "Hurling obscenities and using chants to interrupt his address, rambunctious student organizations forced Griffin to abandon his speech and allow an informal question and answer...

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Conservative Groups Counter-Protest "Code Pink" in Smithfield

Smithfield NC -- A large protest, and a larger counter-protest caused local police to be out in full-force today here. Yet, no violence occured. Harsh words were lobbied to and fro but in the end, the event ended just as it began, passion-filled and peacefully. Katy's Conservative Corner has a number of interviews, both with the Code Pink and Victims of Torture protestors, along with counter-protestors from a Gathering of Eagles and Rolling Thunder. Up to 40 different groups were represented. Eric M. Weaver, Sr. and your blogger covered all...

Saturday Morning Blog Burst

First, the North Carolina Bloggers are blogging.First, the people with their fingers on the pulse of America...the conservatives:Katy has noted that the John Edwards Campaign is bullying UNC students over a negative story in their newspaper, and she gets a good dig in about Edwards being third in his home state. Ouch! That's gonna leave a mark.My good friend Longstreet has blessed us with a reprise of his masterpiece on the new lefty religion, Environmentalism!The Appalachian Scribe misses Boone.Lemuel Calhoun is reporting that Romney is saying...

Friday, October 26, 2007

Bill Clinton Delivers Smack Down To Twoofer

I am no fan of President Bill Clinton, but his reaction to a 9/11 Twoofer could not have been more eloquently stated!The video will no longer play for me, so as I backup, I have re-uploaded it to another account: ...

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Military Motivator Posters

Check out more: Military MotivatorHat Tip: OgreParting Shot:The Children Know Better Than Congres...

Video: Elaine Lite Hearts George McGovern!!!

Find more videos like this on AshVid.NetI nearly fell out of my chair when I heard Elaine Lite speak lovingly of the "Defeated in a Landslide" Defeatocrat George McGovern!! I guess these people never learn.This video could be more dangerous to her candidacy than the world-famous Carolina Stomper video of her dancing around a Magnolia tree, which I have taken the opportunity to embed below for the shear joy of i...

Indian Casinos A Bigger Gamble Than You Think

Gary Hoffman was a millionaire, and then he wasn't. Hoffman hit a jackpot worth over $1.5 million in a New Mexico casino on an Indian reservation, and received all sorts of congratulatory salutations on the casino floor. Once he made it to the executive conference room of the Sandia Casino, however, the tone changed from celebration to intimidation: Hoffman, a retired Albuquerque city employee, was playing a "Mystical Mermaid" slot machine on the morning of Aug. 16, 2006, when he thought he hit it big. The nickel slot said he'd won $1,597,244.10....

West Carolina Report for Oct 25

I have updated West Carolina Report for today, and published an article on WNC Citizens Blog on the Sylva Town Council Race. The Scene in Macon Coun...

Worth Reading-- The American Covenant by Longstreet

The American Covenantby LongstreetIt is said the USA has more of it’s citizens incarcerated, imprisoned, than any other nation on earth.I heard this the other night on TV. I wondered what reaction the person making the statement hoped to elicit from me, and others, who heard it.My own reaction was… so what?I mean, only a person having no understanding of the foundation of this country could be surprised by such a fact.Now… for those of you who still think that is an awful thing to say about a nation… hold on a minute!Consider the US is a nation...

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Fern Shubert on Glenn Beck

Since I have no TV Reception where I live, I had no clue until I started getting tons of google searches for "Fern Shubert" and "Glenn Beck" so I checked it out.You can see her appearance at The Village Scribe, who made the catch, or below on You Tube:And here are some videos I recorded when she spoke at The Rally to Stop Illegal Immigration on June 23 of this year:And here is my coverage of the event:Part OnePart TwoPart Thr...

Hillary Uncensored: The Video

Happy Birthday Hillar...

Diapered Donor Donates $2,300 To Obama Campaign

This kind of scandal would ruin any Republican Candidate, as would the multiple shenanigans in the Clinton Chinese Cash Machine:Elrick Williams's toddler niece Carlyn may be one of the youngest contributors to this year's presidential campaign. The 2-year-old gave $2,300 to Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.).So did her sister and brother, Imara, 13, and Ishmael, 9, and her cousins Chan and Alexis, both 13. Altogether, according to newly released campaign finance reports, the extended family of Williams, a wealthy Chicago financier, handed over nearly...

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Congressman Shuler Votes
To Censure Congressman Stark (Raving Mad)

These comments are unbecoming a Congressman, and I salute Congressman Shuler for voting to censure Congressman Stark.DUmmies React to vote.FReepers React to Vote.House Roll Cal...

The Cold Civil War

Ahh, Mr. Steyn and Mr. Gibson have stumbled upon our ongoing Civil War in America that I, and others [Part One] [Part Two], have recognized for quite while now:That's quite a concept: "A cold civil war." Since 9/11, Mr. Gibson has abandoned futuristic sci-fi dystopias to frolic in the dystopia of the present. Spook Country boils down to a caper plot about a mysterious North America-bound container, and it's tricked out very inventively. Yet, notwithstanding...

West Carolina report For Oct 23

I have updated West Carolina Report for today, and will likely be posting frequent updates throughout the day as I work on editing some video. Even when I get a few days off work...I somehow seem to escape relaxing. Maybe that's why there were pink clouds this morning...9.10am...Freedom Folks attended an Islamofascism Awareness Event last night, and have plenty of photos, and even video.9.32am...Feel Good Video of the Morning. I wanna hu...

Islamofascism Awawreness Week--Jimmy Carter's War Against The Jews

I apologize for the bad here for the Flash Version.The Vocabulary of WarBy David HorowitzVocabulary of WarThe Left is up in arms over the effort to hold an Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week on American college campuses. The goal of the Week is to alert Americans to the threat from Islamo-Fascism and to focus attention on the violent oppression of Muslim women under theocracies in Iran, Saudi Arabia, the Sudan and other Islamic states. It has been attacked as “Islamophobic” and “racist” by the Muslim Students Association, the Revolutionary...

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Video: Don Yelton--Secret Agent Man

Don is the man with a plan! And the plan is coming together...Stay Tuned for further developments!...

Christians Raise $8.5 Million For Israel

SAN ANTONIO - The curtain rose to a hundred performers singing “Hinei Ma Tov” as the audience swayed back and forth and clapping their hands. They remained standing through “Hatikva,” declarations of support for Israel, and a duet of “Jerusalem of Gold.”And when the evening closed - on a prayer for the State of Israel - 6,000 people, all but a few of them evangelical Christians, streamed out of the Cornerstone Church in San Antonio, Texas.On Sunday night, Pastor John Hagee, head of the Cornerstone Church and a founding member of Christians United...

Friday, October 19, 2007

Unintended Consequences--The Commercial

Origins: Doug Ross @ Journ...


by DymphnaThe following is the press release from The Center for Vigilant Freedom.Vigilant Freedom EuropaPO Box 580Wakefield WF1 9FRUnited Kingdom October 19, 2007FOR MORE INFORMATION:gaia2600@hotmail.comOn October 18 and 19, over 70 organizations and individuals joined together in the European and Flemish Parliaments to create a European network of activists from 14 nations to resist the increasing Islamisation of their countries. Keynote speakers included Bat Ye’or,...

Senate Letter Lambasting Limbaugh Raises $4 Million For Charity
Marine Corps Law Enforcement Foundation Benefits

The #1 Supporter of the US Military, Rush Limbaugh has used a disgraceful act of 41 US Senators to raise over $4 Million for the children of US Marines and Federal Law Enforcement killed on duty to attend college.Take that, Butt-Wipes!!!Thank You Betty Casey!Thank You Rush for matching the bid!Update: To memorialize the event...I swiped this photo from a FReeper threa...

Poverty Stricken Chinese Immigrants Donate Hundreds to Hillary Clinton

By Peter Nicholas and Tom Hamburger, Los Angeles Times Staff WritersOctober 19, 2007NEW YORK -- Something remarkable happened at 44 Henry St., a grimy Chinatown tenement with peeling walls. It also happened nearby at a dimly lighted apartment building with trash bins clustered by the front door.And again not too far away, at 88 E. Broadway beneath the Manhattan bridge, where vendors chatter in Mandarin and Fujianese as they hawk rubber sandals and...

Video: The Conservative Approach to Helping Uninsured Children

Video Obtained From Heritage Foundation. A Balanced Approach to Covering Kids The current debate has focused almost exclusively on SCHIP--as though expanding SCHIP is the only way to expand health coverage for children. However, there are drawbacks to expanding SCHIP eligibility above the original income ceiling of 200 percent of the federal poverty level (FPL). For certain family income levels, as many as 60 percent of new SCHIP enrollees would be children who already have private coverage.[1] Also, expanding SCHIP does nothing to help modest-income...

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Video Contest: Has The Democratic Congress Worked For You?

Go here to find out mor...

Congress's New Role: Undermining U.S. Foreign Policy

By Victor Davis HansonThe president establishes American foreign policy and is commander in chief. At least that's what the Constitution states. Then Congress oversees the president's policies by either granting or withholding money to carry them out - in addition to approving treaties and authorizing war.Apparently, the founding fathers were worried about dozens of renegade congressional leaders and committees speaking on behalf of the United States and opportunistically freelancing with foreign leaders.In our past, self-appointed moralists -...

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Video: NC Attorney General on 287G Program

This is another interview I filmed for Dr. Bernier of "Sound Off Buncombe" at the Vance Aycock Dinner, ie I watched the camera and kept idiots from walking in front of it.I have also finished updating West Carolina Report for today. It includes a rather large section on links to stories with the theme "Objectives of Jihad...

Democrats Conduct War Against The President

It has always been my understanding that politics is warfare, mostly conducted without major loss of life. I have also understood that lefties have the objective to win, no matter the cost to our nation. This separates them from most on the right...the unwillingness to put political ideology before patriotism, when (and if) they are willing to fight.In a previous post, I was so mad at the Democrat Leadership, I held back from declaring them to be enemies of America, although their actions spoke louder than my words ever could.This morning I found...

Tuesday, October 16, 2007


I was minding my own business, and felt eyes on the back of my neck....

Another Maunder Minimum On The Way ?!?

There is talk about of an extended solar minimum occurring, or perhaps a recurrence of a Dalton or Maunder type minimum. There are signs that the sun’s activity is slowing. The solar wind has been decreasing in speed, and this is yet another indicator of a slowing in the suns magnetic dynamo....One thing is certain, based on past climate history and solar history, if in fact the suns magnetic activity slows, or collapses and we enter a prolonged...

Behind The Latest Ann Coulter Controversey: Lefties Hate God

For those of you who have been under a rock recently...Ann Coulter has been found guilty of teaching correct Church Doctrine to the Heathens. More specifically, she has said Jews that accepted Christ would be perfected Jews. Now, I ask, "What is wrong with that?"That has been taught to me from the Bible since before I could walk. As a Christian who believes that Jesus was the ONLY begotten Son of God, and before or beside Him there are no other, and I believe that the Born Again have been adopted by God during the Age of Grace so us Gentiles...