Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Market Moves Back Up, Media Silent
Yesterday, the Dow Jones Industrial Average dropped over 700 points and it was all over the place.Today, the market shot up about 500 points and the silence is deafening, and no one is saying "What a great thing this is, an example of the strength of the market and economy"...as they used the template of a drop to pass their talking points of weakness.Rusty Shackleford has a graph of the drop and rise.I am reminded that the man who bets against America lose...
On 14 Centuries of War Against European Civilization
“The Jihad, the Islamic so-called Holy War, has been a fact of life in Europe, Asia, Africa and the Near and Middle East for more than 1300 years, but this is the first history of the Muslim wars in Europe ever to be published. Hundreds of books, however, have appeared on its Christian counterpart, the Crusades, to which the Jihad is often compared, although they lasted less than two hundred years and unlike the Jihad, which is universal, were largely but not completely confined to the Holy Land. Moreover, the Crusades have been over for more...
Find Out What Richard Moore Says About Beverly Perdue
9/30/2008 12:01:00 PM
Beverly Perdue
north carolina
Pat McCrory
Richard Moore
What Beverly Perdue says and what she has done are too often very different...THE LIEBeverly Perdue's website says, "she was instrumental in developing Smart Start, a national model for school readiness and early childhood development." Her television commercial, "Love and Faith," claims that in the General Assembly, she was "leading the fight for Smart Start."THE TRUTH In 1995, Beverly Perdue's hometown newspaper, the New Bern Sun Journal, reported that: "Jones County’s Smart Start program could be in jeopardy. Perdue said she...
Obama Cult Children Video
Hat Tip: Drudge ReportThis is just too weird. Where do their parents think they live? North Kore...
Anatomy of a Failed Bailout
...Meanwhile, Nancy Pelosi's political opportunism was now going into overdrive. She was hoping to hang the crisis that lead to the bailout around the neck of Bush and the Republicans. Furthermore, she would do everything to minimize the number of Democrats that would vote for the bill hoping that Boehner would pull his weight. As such, we learned from Congressman Defazio that he wasn't whipped. In other words, the Democratic leadership never counted the votes and did little if nothing to twist arms. As it turns out, multiple committee persons...
Change in Flag Code
“During the ceremony of hoisting or lowering the flag, or when the flag is passing in a parade or in review, all persons present in uniform should render the military salute. Members of the Armed Forces and Veterans who are present but not in uniform, may render the military salute. All other persons present should face the flag and stand at attention with their right hand over the heart, or if applicable, remove their headdress with their right hand and hold it at the left shoulder, the hand being over the heart. Citizens of other countries present,...
Hubble Down, Repair and Upgrade Mission Postponed

The space agency announced today that an onboard communication problem has temporarily shut down the World's Greatest Telescope — and postponed the planned house call in orbit, scheduled to begin October 14th, until no earlier than next February or perhaps April.The failure occurred in the Command Unit Science Data Formatter, an electronics package that moves digitized streams of data from the science instruments to spacecraft's digital tape recorder...
Sylva Still Short

One of several gas stations I passed this morning that were out of gas when I passed through Sylva on my way to Cullowhee. I hope that doesn't mean idiots will be clogging up the roads this evening on my way hom...
Lefties and Legacy Media Lie About Drop In Dow Jones Industrial Average

Don't believe it when lefties and their friends in the Legacy Media say the Dow dropped over 700 points after the socialist bailout bill failed to pass. They are lying, or repeating a lie they have been told, but didn't have a scintilla of intelligence to check it out for themselves.Here is the Dow Jones Industrial Average chart for yesterday's price action.You will note that the big drop occurred after Nancy Pelosi's speech and BEFORE the vote....
Monday, September 29, 2008
Charles Johnson and his Lunatic Lizards
9/29/2008 09:00:00 PM
Counter Jihad
Enablers of Jihad
Enablers of the Left
For my regular readers, I have posted enough on the hateful antics of Charles Johnson and his lizards for you to know how I feel about him. You should also know that he is a part of Pajamas Media, and I do not link to bloggers associated with Pajamas Media when I am aware of that association. The stink that is on Charles is on that whole organization.What set off this latest tirade was an attack by Charles on Andrew Bostom...Andrew Bostom breaks his silence on the the blogosphere's dirty not so little secret - the smear campaign of "fascist" fighters...
The Worst Speaker of the House in American History
9/29/2008 07:58:00 PM
110th Congress
Barack Obama
Carl Mumpower
economic socialism
Heath Shuler
John McCain
Nancy Pelosi
Do you really want to elect a Democratic Congressman that would keep this woman in charge of the US House of Representatives?Do you really want to elect a President of the same party as this woman that will work with her to make all kinds of mischief to harm our nation?Vote Republican in 2008, and Vote to strip this woman of her role as Speaker of the United States House of Representatives. At least she was stupid enough to tweak the noses of the Republicans in the US House, and snatch defeat from the jaws of defeat for the Democrats on this ...
YAY! Bailout Bill Fails First Vote
WASHINGTON — The $700 billion bailout of the financial industry failed to win congressional approval on Monday, with the House of Representatives rejecting the measure.The measure could still be reconsidered today — if House Republicans request it. It was unclear whether that would happen, however.The vote tally was 228 to 205, with 95 Democrats joining 133 Republicans voting against the package, which had been cobbled together during days of late-night negotiations. The leadership of each party consented to keep the vote open while they tried...
Watch Pat McCrory Live at WCU at 10:30 AM
9/29/2008 09:43:00 AM
Live Event
live stream
north carolina
Pat McCrory
**1.08 PM** Here is a short video of a supporter speaking for Pat McCory I recorded this morning: And here is the forum on Education that aired on Public Television: **10:53 AM** Due to Pat not showing up, most people left, and only a few students remained to speak with Joe Johnston in a very informal setting. I decided not to broadcast or record the meeting. Here is a you tube play list I made of the Gubernatorial Debate at Blue Ridge Community College back in March.I received word this morning that Pat McCrory was speaking at WCU in...
An Obama Administration...Stepping Stones To Leftist Dictatorship?
9/29/2008 08:51:00 AM
Barack Obama
Saul Alinsky
stalinist tactics of the left
A commenter left an excellently distilled statement that I just have to highlight on the frontpage...1. Obama challenges the 2nd Amendment ... The Right To Bear Arms. 2. Obama challenges the 1st Amendment ... The right of Free Speech. Obama pressures all media who accepts NRA advertising.3. Obama wants a Civil National Security Force ... with the same budget as the Pentagon. So, Obama does not want any opposition, so he stops Freedom of Speech.Then, to make any opposition defenseless, he wants to take away our right to bear arms.Next, he wants...
Family of Slain Soldier Ask Obama NOT to Wear Bracelet...Obama Ignores Them
Submitted without comment...Barack Obama played the "me too" game during the Friday debates on September 26 after Senator John McCain mentioned that he was wearing a bracelet with the name ofCpl. Matthew Stanley, a resident of New Hampshire and a soldier that lost his life in Iraq in 2006. Obama said that he too had a bracelet. After fumbling and straining to remember the name, he revealed that his had the name of Sergeant Ryan David Jopek of Merrill, Wisconsin.Shockingly, however, Madison resident Brian Jopek, the father of Ryan Jopek,...
Blogs 4 Borders 092908
9/29/2008 04:36:00 AM
economic socialism
Freedom Folks
illegal alien crime
illegal immigration
law enforcement

From Jake and MJ at Freedom Folks:Our weekly vlog/podcast on illegal immigration and border security. In this weeks edition...Vigilance Dispatch: Everyone is talking about the massive bailouts. How has illegal immigration fed into the financial crisis that Washington plans to fix using our taxpayer dollars?100% Preventable! Americans continue to pay the bloody price for open borders, when will the madness end? Download for your Ipod here.Make...
Sunday, September 28, 2008
John Batchelor Show For Sept 28th
9/28/2008 05:06:00 PM
Barack Obama
John Batchelor
John McCain
World War IV

It's Sunday night, and that means it's time for John Batchelor!Here is his website.And here is where you can listen to the show live online:New York, WABC-AM 770 7-10PM ET;Washington DC, WMAL-AM 630 7-9PM ET; San Francisco, KSFO-AM 560; Los Angeles, KFI-AM 640;Schedule for Tonight:First Three HoursLast Three HoursEnjo...
ACORN: Radical Lefty Army for Obama and for the Destruction of American Exceptionalism
9/28/2008 06:03:00 AM
anti-American protesters
Barack Obama
citizen journalism
economic socialism
Lies From The Left
stalinist tactics of the left

Most of this is old hat for me, because I have heard about it on Quinn & Rose (6-9am), Glenn Beck (9-noon), Rush Limbaugh (noon-3pm), Sean Hannity (3-6pm) and Mark Levin (6-8pm) for over a year. I have gathered a two-part video and an article by Stanley Kurtz that is a good starting place for you to find out about the radical organizers known as ACORN.AN ANTI-CAPITALISM AGENDATo understand the nature and extent of Acorn’s radicalism, an excellent...
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Burning Down The House: What Caused Our Economic Crisis?
**update** Warner Brothers and others have repeatedly sought to get this video banned.The maker has repeatedly uploaded it. Here is the latest incarnation of the video with new information added:Hat Tip: Gofa (Backbone of the Conservative Email Network in North Carolina!) TheMouthPeace You Tube Channel and Bl...
Friday, September 26, 2008
Watch John McCain and Barack Obama Debate Live
Updated With Recording of Debate
9/26/2008 07:33:00 PM
Barack Obama
John McCain
Live Event
1 comment
**For thse of you looking for the Town Hall Debate of October 7th in Nashville, Tennessee, click here for the live feed.**5.52 AM** Here is a You Tube Playlist of last night's debate:The video playlist was created by the folks at You Decide 2008.Here is a player that will play the debate between John McCain and Barack Obama in Oxford, Mississippi liven tonight, and the CBS analysis later. I will leave the player up until tomorrow morning. And in case I misunderstood whether the debate itself was embeddable, here is the CBS Live Coverage.I don't...
The NRA Ad Obama's Lawyers Are Suing to Keep Off The Air
In another of my continuing memes about lefties employing Stalinist tactics when they don't agree with the message being put out by those on the right...here is another campaign ad Obama's "Chicago-style" Lawyers are suing to prevent you from watching it.Hey, Obama...sue me...please. I'll own you if you do....the Obama campaign has sicced its lawyers on t.v. stations that might air a well-sourced NRA advertisement that correctly points out Obama's longstanding anti-gun record. The proper response to such attempts to infringe on the First Amendment...
West of the Balsams News Update for a Rainy Friday
To read and hear the folks in Asheville, you'd think the state ended there. Well, it does not and here are a few news items from the real western North Carolina: Some Cherokee County gas stations were out of gas and others had limited supplies Monday, but the price of gas was significantly lower than on Sept. 12, when prices surged toward $5 a gallon as hurricanes Ike and Gustav churned up the waters of the Gulf of Mexico. Big D Convenience stores were selling gas for 94 cents less than on Sept. 12, when prices rose briefly to $4.99 a gallon....
Thursday, September 25, 2008
SpaceVidCast for September 25th
9/25/2008 09:47:00 PM
citizen journalism
Human Spacefilght
Live Event
This is another show that I have been neglecting to embed...mostly because I have been asleep for a couple of hours by the time it comes on. However, tonight has been a busy night...so here it is: *update** I have replaced the live feed with the recorded version of the show. It will remain available as long as Ustream hosts the video file.The show is by a husband-wife team out of Minneaoplis, and starts at 10 PM Eastern Time.After the sow, the player will revert to simulcasting the NASA Channel until I get up in the morning ad replace it with...
Zogby Says Election Could End In Landslide...For McCain
9/25/2008 09:15:00 PM
Barack Obama
General Election
John McCain
Sarah Palin
The presidential election might be a tight race now, but one of the country’s top pollsters thinks the race will end in an electoral landslide. John Zogby, president of Zogby International, told a group of businesspeople today that it’s up to Democratic Sen. Barack Obama to convince voters to go with him. If he’s not successful, the country will likely vote for “a comfortable old shoe”, that being Republican Sen. McCain.Source: Democrat and ChronicleHat Tip: Matt Drudge I just wanted to preserve that article because I have been saying the same...
Macon County Townhall With Carl Mumpower
9/25/2008 11:13:00 AM
Carl Mumpower
Heath Shuler
Macon County
1 comment
Here is the video of the Macon County Townhall with Dr. Carl Mumpower last night. Campaign WebsiteMacon County G...
Video of Shenzhou 7 Launch
9/25/2008 10:11:00 AM
breaking news
Human Spacefilght
Here is the video of the latest Chinese manned launch which is expected to include the first space walk by the Chinese Space Program:For more information:WikipediaChina National Space Administration (English Versio...
Oops! China Releases Space Launch Script Early
An article describing China's long-awaited space mission was launched Thursday hours before astronauts even left the launch pad. The country's official news agency Xinhua posted an article on its Web site Thursday written as if the three astronauts had already been launched into space. The Shenzhou 7 mission, which will feature China's first-ever spacewalk, is set to launch Thursday from Jiuquan in northwestern China between 9:07 p.m. and 10:27 p.m. (1307 GMT and 1427 GMT). The Xinhua article is dated Sept. 27 — two days from now — and comes...
Gas Crunch: Don Yelton Position Statement
After hearing the press conference in Asheville today it is apparent that we have not planned for or considered an interruption in our gas flow. We are victims of oil allocations and refineries located in a prime spot for hurricanes. We in Asheville depend upon tourist trade especially at this time of year. We do not need to be captive to one pipe line or a few distributors. The following is offered with some thought to a location that would be ideal.. Please consider and pass along to those that make up the slow acting power structure in...
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Video Teaser for Mumpower Macon County Townhall
Here is a taste of the Mumpower Townhall Meeting in Macon County tonight:I will have the full video up tomorro...
BREAKING: Terror Attacks Imminent?
SPECIAL REPORT: "Commandments Before The Strike"ALERT: Instructions for actions Muslims are to take before, during & after an attack in the U.S. posted;*Message suggests activation of worldwide jihad following U.S. attack;*Message indicates large-scale attack within the U.S., perhaps early October;*Text, posting under analysis by U.S. Intelligence officials*Analysis by Douglas J. Hagmann, Director & By Randy Taylor, Independent AnalystIntelligence provided by "Archangel"24 September 2008: A posting uncovered in an Arabic language Internet...
Gas Crunch: Asheville Press Conference Called To Address Fuel Shortage
9/24/2008 02:52:00 PM
economic socialism
Live Event
Oh. Joy. Here. Comes. Big. Government. To. The. Rescue.It starts at 3 PMish.Listen Live. (May require Windows Media Player and Internet Explorer)I will post the audio here after it is over.**09-25 10.43 AM**The audio feeds kept dropping, so unless I can find an archived recording of the Press Conference...the best place for a very brief over view is the Mountain Xpress. It (the press conference) was a colossal waste of tim...
Gas Crunch: Logistics, Logistics, Logistics
9/24/2008 12:06:00 PM
economic socialism
Gas Crunch
north carolina
1 comment
Aside from sniping at the panic-filled consumers and our criminally ignorant Governor Mike Easley and Attorney General Roy Cooper, I can relay to you the problems in the logistics of this temporary fuel supply crunch.Most of our fuel in western North Carolina comes from a pipeline that runs from the Gulf of Mexico to Spartanburg, South Carolina. [see map in a previous post] The fuel is brought to WNC by means of tanker trucks on journeys that can take several hours, further reducing the rate at which fuel can be delivered to the gas station.According...