**1.08 PM** Here is a short video of a supporter speaking for Pat McCory I recorded this morning:
And here is the forum on Education that aired on Public Television:
Here is a you tube play list I made of the Gubernatorial Debate at Blue Ridge Community College back in March.
I received word this morning that Pat McCrory was speaking at WCU in front of the WCU Political Science Club...so here is my live coverage without splashy graphics...I am flying by the seat of my pants today!
I will have the speech up later today if my batteries hold out.
I have already started the stream as I try to work through the bugs...in real time.
**10:05AM** I just received word via email "Due to the buyout of Wachovia Pat is now going back to home. Joe Johnston will be there today for him...."
**10:28 AM** Here is some info about Joe Johnston from the McCrory Website:
Joe Johnson currently serves as the Director of Resource Development for the Council on Aging for Henderson County. He previously served as the Director of Public Affairs and chief political advisor for the Sheriff of Henderson County. Johnson has worked actively in Republican Party politics on the local, regional and statewide levels and was a candidate for North Carolina Superintendent of Public Instruction in 2008. He is a graduate of North Carolina State University. "I am excited to join the McCrory Campaign in this capacity," said Jeff Hunt. "Pat understands Western North Carolina issues and will be able to bring true positive change to our state government as the next governor of North Carolina. As District Attorney, I know that Pat has what it takes to tackle the issues facing our criminal justice system and make North Carolina truly a safe place to live, work and play.""I am honored to have this opportunity to serve with a leader such as Pat McCrory," said Joe Johnson. "Pat will bring a needed breath of fresh air to the halls of our government in Raleigh. He cares about all people throughout our great state and I know he will be able to tackle the tough issues facing North Carolina of corruption, the economy, creating new jobs and strengthening our educational system."
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