**see bottom of post for update**
If you are a tourist looking to come look at the fall colors in western North Carolina, cancel that trip because we are out of Gasoline and Diesel. You might get stranded in the mountains. On my way home from Western Carolina University this evening, every gas station except one was out of Gas save the Enmark in Sylva...but judging by the length of the line...it will be out soon.
I heard on "Take A Stand with Matt Mittan" out of Asheville, that they are having extensive fuel shortages there as well as most areas surrounding Asheville.
The one bright side to this whole thing is that there seem to be a lot less vehicles on the road...except for the one neighbor who has made two trips to town since I got in this evening. I think their SUV runs on water.

This is a map showing the major pipelines in the USA...and nearly all of our fuel in western North Carolina come from the Colonial Plantation Pipeline that zips by us on the way to New Jersey.
I wonder if the people in this region will become converts to "Drill Here, Drill Now" campaign, or suddenly favor building new refineries. It's something to think about.
**7.45 PM**
Governor Easley has noticed that we have no fuel. It is rumored that he asked his advisors what state western North Carolina is in and why we needed his help.
**8.34 PM** Here is what I have found on the local blogs and Websites concerning the fuel shortages in the region:
Mountain Xpress is reporting things should be okay within a week, and has started a twitter so people can report on where they are finding fuel.
Scrutiny Hooligans has a thread about the situation and GreenAsheville has a few pictures and choice words, and AshVegas has many posts on the situation, including one about a rumor that Buncombe County may close schools on Friday and another wondering if a State of Emergency should be declared.
AsheVillein spotted relief coming from Georgia, and the Weaverville Tribune spotted a tanker truck with a line of cars following it on Weaver Blvd.
That is all I have for now.
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