Since Congressman Shuler is so afraid of Carl Mumpower that he will only appear in public with him one time...in Murphy...I will start releasing details of why Congressman Shuler cannot afford to debate Mumpower.
Monday afternoon, I will lay out the Shuler-Pelosi Connection in the first of a series of posts about how Heath Shuler's "Mountain Values" have been traded for "Washington Values".
Thanks TP,
The progressives for the most part will go along to get along with Shuler even though he cuts them out when he votes most of the time.
Shuler is either a coward or is unable to go head to head with Mumpower.
Shuler QB I.Q. was ranked near the bottom of all NFL QB's which may indidcate his poor showing in the NFL.
Though we have had only one progressive blogger call Shuler out to debate, thats good however is that all this blogger can do?
Their is a new movement going on that will hold our elected officals to their word & expect them to be honest & upfront.
Shuler is what he is & seeing him avoid any debate shows what this person is. Shuler needs rest on Sunday's or so he says - my friend why do you go to events on Sunday?
To much double talk from a person who has no real mountain values.
Bob, I think Suler really is afraid. Especially if he is push-polling in the district as I am hearing and he keeps running from having debates after having pushed so hard to have them when Charlie Taylor wouldn't debate him. He is looking and sounding just like Taylor.
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