Don't believe it when lefties and their friends in the Legacy Media say the Dow dropped over 700 points after the socialist bailout bill failed to pass. They are lying, or repeating a lie they have been told, but didn't have a scintilla of intelligence to check it out for themselves.

Here is the Dow Jones Industrial Average chart for yesterday's price action.
You will note that the big drop occurred after Nancy Pelosi's speech and BEFORE the vote. The Dow Jones Industrial Average was already down about 500 points by the time the 110th Congress conducted it's Roll Call #674 after 2 pm.
Astute observers will note a brief rally after the roll call vote.
Remember that people in the Legacy Media are invested in portraying the actions of Republicans in a negative light and think nothing of lying to do it. Their lapdogs and political fellow travellers in the lefty and progressive blogosphere will gladly repeat the lie...if for no other reason than it fits their template.
Fact checking never enters into the equation for them.
Shame on you, Errington Thompson, and shame on you, Raleigh News & are being singled out as the Lefty Liars of the Day.
For an intelligent analysis of the markets based on price action without emotion and political bias:
This guy has a blog, and he is back from vacation.
Take the time to listen to what the guy says.
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