You know, all kinds of idiots have been wondering why the price of gasoline did not reflect the drop in Oil recently while they were rushing the pumps last week and into the weekend. Gas at other places was as much as 50 cents higher...but I couldn't catch a red light this morning to save my life...so I stopped in the road to get this shot.
Well, the product that did not see a spike in demand, DID reflect the drop in Oil prices. The place where I ususally get Diesel was charging $4.279 a gallon, and this morning on my drive in, I noted it had dropped to $4.159. Sweet!
In related news, according to Capital Beat, the Republican challenger to NC Attorney General, Bob Crumley is saying that North Carolina's price gouging law doesn't go far enough.
In fact, the law should be changed to let the attorney general go after price gougers outside of times of emergency or "market disruptions" like the one Gov. Mike Easley declared last week, Crumley said.
That makes me sad that a Republican would be stupud enough not to know about the working of a Capitalist Economy...this blogger understands the service to an economy of a sharp rise in the price of an item in short supply.
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