I have the latest Press Release from the Mumpower Campaign, and I think he has hit upon an excellent idea that is even better than the "empty chair" prop used by Shuler when Taylor wouldn't show up to debate him on eight separate occasions during the 2006 Campaign Cycle.
Mumpower To Press On with 'Missing Man' Debate Series
During the press conference, Mumpower introduced a life-size cardboard cut-out of his opponent he called 'Shulerman'. "We worked hard to get Heath an orange tie," said Mumpower. "I am looking forward to traveling with him throughout the 11th District to make sure that people have an opportunity to know his true liberal voting record and obligations to lobbyists who are funding 98% of his roughly 2.8 million in special interest contributions from outside the district."
Mumpower announced the first debate will be on October 9th in Bryson City at the Swain County Administration Building beginning at 6:00. "We are going to uphold the 9th Commandment and represent Shuler's positions on the issues fairly and honestly." said Mumpower. "His 'quotes, notes, and votes' will be presented in response to questions from the audience. If the real Heath Shuler decides to join us, that will be all the better. We will keep him informed in case he decides to change his mind again."
"Heath does not want his voting record revealed through an authentic debate." said Mumpower. "It's easier to buy your seat in Congress today than to earn it. It will be up to the people of WNC as to whether his strategy is successful."
Principles first - always.
I will remind the readers that Congressman Shuler has even gone out of his way to avoid answering the question of having a debate, and my arch-rival, Gordon Smith of the group blog Scrutiny Hooligans has even told Shuler to 'Man Up' and debate Mumpower.
Here is a link to my previous coverage of the Running Man, I mean Congressman Shuler, and here are two videos of him running away from the question of debating Mumpower:
I have a question for you, will he continue running?
Why is Congressman Heath Shuler afraid to face Dr. Carl Mumpower in an honest debate?
If Heath Shuler is afraid of Carl Mumpower, how then can he be brave enough to face the other politicians in Congress?
I have liked this Congressman and have agreed with him on a number of issues. Why is he so willing to throw away the respect he has earned in the past two years in Congress?
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