
I am working on the template of this blog today in order to chase down some problems that have developed with my template and widgets.

Macon County Commissioners

Coverage of the meetings of the Macon County Board of County Commissioners.

Franklin Town Board of Aldermen

Coverage of the meetings of the Franklin Town Board of Aldermen.

Macon County School Board

Coverage of the meetings of the Macon County School Board.


Photos from my photoblog.

nullspace for future use

nullspace for future use


Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Annual 4th of July Fun Day & Fireworks in Franklin NC

Here is what is happening in Franklin on July 4th...July 4 -Annual 4th of July Fun Day & Fireworks - Macon County Recreation Park US 441S.Activities begin at 11:00am and conclude at dark with the largest fireworks display in Western North Carolina!Contact 800-336-7829 for additional information.Live Entertainment:10am am - Drumming Circle10:30am - Parade in Historic Downtown Franklin (until 1pm)11:30 am - Veterans Memorial Dedication1:00 pm...

Al Gore is Worried, Wants Lefties to Donate Money for a Democratic Senate

Here is a snapshot of the email enviro-hypocrite Al Gore sent to his loyal lefty drones... This is gonna be a tough election cycle, and we can do our part here in North Carolina by helping US Senator Richard Burr in the US Senate. Please visit his website and contribute a little today, and when you can...and think about volunteering with the campaign locall...

NC General Assembly 06-30-2009 Legislative Calender

Here is today's legislative calender for the North Carolina General Assembly:9:30 AMSen. P. BergerPress Room LB10:00 AMJUDICIARY I (House)Disapprove NCMB Rule/Rept. Pub. Certain Japs. (H703)Critical Infrastructure Assm't Changes. (S97)Internet Ticket Resale Amendments. (S99)North Carolina Racial Justice Act. (S461)Clarify Judicial Creation of Trust. (S483)1228LB10:00 AMJUDICIARY III (House)Insurance Law Changes.-AB (H1166)Motorcycle Learner's Permit....

Monday, June 29, 2009

I am the Right Hand of Vengeance

This was the best series that ever appeared on television, and one of my favorite moments....

Asheville, The Video

I can't stand the "music" in this video, but the visuals and the editing are excellent. The video also showcases an element of the feakshow that Asheville has become over the last few years......

The Carolina Stompers and the Case of the Dubbed Applause
Updated with Video Mockery
Update #2: A Ron Paul Supporter Goes Off...

The Carolina Stompers have discovered fake applause in a campaign commercial for Cecil Bothwell, a candidate for Asheville City Council. I find it funny because Cecil Bothwell's slogan is "Keeping it Real". Uh-huh!**8.11am** I was inspired by the Carolina Stomper post to make a video of my own, mocking the video for Cecil Bothwell...**2.26pm** A friend has forwarded an email to me concerning fallout over the Carolina Stompers spotting fake applause...

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Freedom Fest in the Mountains
Jonathan Krohn, Ben Franklin & Bill Fuchs

Here are three videos from last night's Tea Party in Franklin. I'll have the rest up Monday. Right now, I have to go give a seminar on precinct building...Jonathan Krohn at Freedom Fest in the Mountains By Bobby CogginsView in HD Download 480p Version Visit Bobby Coggins's ExposureRoom Videos PageThere were about 300 people at the Tea Party who enjoyed listening to Bluegrass music and speeches given by several people concerning high taxes and the loss of our Constitutional Right...

Friday, June 26, 2009

WSC III: How Christians Will Change the Future

BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND, American Vision is pleased to announce our third Worldview Super Conference to be held July 22–25, 2009, in Powder Springs, Georgia. This year’s theme is The Great Reversal: How Christians Will Change the Future. This unique event will equip you in gaining a biblical understanding of media, economics, politics, education, and science. More importantly, it will show you how Christians can use new media (Internet, Print-on-Demand,...

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Watch the 2nd Annual Move America Forward Support Our Troops Rally
Show Begins at 4 pm Eastern Time

Want to do something that will makea real difference to the troops?You can help make the daily routine of our troops servingin Afghanistan and Iraq a little more bearable.We've heard from countless members of the Armed Forces serving in the Middle East that one precious resource in short supply is quality coffee. That's why Move America Forward wanted to send only the BEST GOURMET Coffee to the troops. And what better to enjoy with a cup of exquisite coffee but with name brand Oreo Cookies? Also included in MAF care packages are special treats...

Thursday Thunder Tech

Here is the latest edition in my occasional Thursday series on technology:I'll start it off by noting that Windows 7 will be cheaper than Vista. I just hope it doesn't suck as much as Vista. (I returned my copy of Vista and am happily using XP). Here is a list of prices.A sign of the times? It costs advertisers more to run an ad during The Simpson on Hulu than on TV.I found a helpful list of 100 essential web tools for those with a side business....

NC General Assembly 06-25-2009 Legislative Calender

The current session of the North Carolina General Assembly continues to plow through our rights and steal money from us this year, and you can keep up with their schedule below:15 MIN. AFTER SESSIONJUDICIARY II (House)Annexation - Omnibus Changes. (H524)544 LOBIMMED. AFTER SESSIONRULES, CALENDAR, AND OPERATIONS OF THE HOUSE (House)Blue Ridge Parkway 75th Anniversary. (H1655)Rep. Owens Desk8:30 AMCOMMITTEE ON EMPLOYEE HOSPITAL AND MEDICAL BENEFITS...

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Another Republican Who Doesn't Believe in Marriage

What is the problem with Republicans who run for public or party office? Can't these idiots get it through their thick skulls that the Republican Party has declared itself to be the party of higher morals than the Democratic Party? The Republican Governor of South Carolina, Mark Sanford admitted to having an affair today. Let's go to the video:I say it is a good thing this came out now, rather than nearer to the primaries in 2012. That narrows the field a bit. Let's hope that the other hopefuls can learn a lesson from this incident.This affair...

NC General Assembly 06-24-2009 Legislative Calender

More from the legislative calender for the North Carolina General Assembly...15 MIN. AFTER SESSIONJUDICIARY II (House)Annexation - Omnibus Changes. (H524)544LOB9:00 AMFINANCE (House)Defer Tax on Builders' Inventory. (H852)Community Land Trust Property Taxation. (H1586)Update Funeral Expense Allowance/Estates. (S159)Oak Ridge ETJ. (S495)Tax Info Disclosure to State Treasurer. (S691)Antlerless Deer Tag Fee. (S1008)Hunting License Exemption for Special...

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

A Video Comparison of the Differences Between Reagan and Obama

A vast gulf separates Reagan and Obama. Courage and Cowardice. Right and Wrong.At least Carter (in his bumbling way) tried to punish Russia for invading Afghanistan by not going to the Olympics. This guy, Obama, is inviting the Iranians over for hot dogs to join us in celebrating our freedom while Iranian students lie bleeding or dead while fighting for their freedom. This guy, Obama, makes Carter look like Churchill in comparison.Hat Tip: Gateway Pundit, who has mor...