The never-ending saga of slow or interrupted Internet Service provided by Frontier Communications is continuing today.
Today, my speed test results are: (courtesy SpeedTest)
Ping (closest and lowest ping) was 719 milliseconds (It usually ran 20-40 milliseconds w Verizon)
Download Speed was 0.78 Mbps (It usually ran in the 3-4 Mbps range with Verizon)
Upload Speed was 0.54 Mbps (It usually ran in the 0.7 to 0.8 range with Verizon)
This is unacceptable. Every time I call Frontier, I get a different explanation, a line cut in Salisbury or Sylva, or a server down in a number of different locations.
Due to the technical failure of frontier, I will likely be unable to listen and report on the proceedings of the NC General Assembly today if they are unable to clear this up before 9am. I can't even play the video I recorded last night to confirm that it works properly.
Previously: Dear Frontier Communications, Where Is My Internet?
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Bobby, I'm having much the same problem. I live in the Clarks Chapel Community of Franklin. My wife has been on hold with Frontier for over an hour, and she is mad.
Have had the same problem with Frontier DSL in Fort Wayne, IN since July 7. Trouble ticket is still open. My results are .3Mbs down and .7Mbs up. Service is supposed to be 3Mbs/768kbs and it used to work at those speeds. Technician has been to house, found nothing. I call Frontier daily, no one can give me a time when equipment will be fixed, maybe 30 - 45 days for "upgrades".
Having same issues w/Frontier DSL in Seattle area for a week now. 2880/728 in the morning; 400/100 dwnload/upload after 4:30PM till 1 AM. Frontier claims "upgrades to the system" that will take "another week or so". When I ask to talk to a supervisor I get disconnected from Cust. Service. Has anyone had any luck getting any resolution to this situation?
My cousin have Frontier for over a year now, switched over from Sudden Link, I never thought phone service could get this bad to the point where I'm seriously considering canceling his phone altogether.
I received a telemarketing call from Frontier yesterday asking me to purchase a second Internet line. I told the marketing rep to make the first line more reliable, then we'll talk about a second line. LOL
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