Someone sent me this audio anonymously, but I guess they got tired of waiting on me to write up a post about it, so they went ahead and posted it online...then sent me the link to where they had uploaded it.
So, here is what I had prepared to provide context for the audio. I had more research to do, but I'm walking away from the project since they've posted it online elsewhere...
LTE in Asheville Citizen-Times dated Oct 5, 2011
Cecil Bothwell has, in my opinion, once again showed his total ignorance as to how a small business might work. Since he has never developed a successful business of his own, and loves to see his name in print, he decided to attack Jan Davis for providing tire service for the ABC vehicle fleet. He has retracted his statements, but I feel his intent to smear the good name of Davis was obvious. Mr. Bothwell, along with the new slate of left leaning progressive candidates for council, do not reflect the mainstream of thinking for the majority of Asheville citizens. Candidate Lael Gray has stated that automobiles need to be eliminated from city streets. Asheville voters need to ask candidates Pelly, Gray, and Hunt one simple question. “What portion of the city budget do they plan to cut in order to pay for their special agendas during the economic downturn?” Will it be police, firefighters, or basic city services? Or will higher taxes be their agenda?
Dr. Joe Dunn, Asheville
Dunn is a former Asheville city councilman
The above LTE generated a response from Cecil Bothwell, which was sent to me anonymously:
Download MP3
It also generated a response from fellow progressive Lael Gray in the Mountain Xpress.

I admit, I was furious. I actually think it's pretty funny that Joe decided to share the message.
I was pissed at Dunn and at the paper for printing lies about me and about Lael's platform. Should I be more reserved in personal communication with a liar and a slanderer? Maybe so.
At least you didn't go full on cuss mode like Jason Bugg. There's that, at least.
Why the two different versions?
The shortened audio looks like an attempted smear job. The longer audio here doesn't.
It looks like somebody tried to use you, Thunder Pig. They shouold have just sent you the edited audio without refering to Dr. Dunn.
Are you sure it wasn't Don Yelton or Chad Nesbitt who sent you this?
Oh, and I forgot to mention that I didn't retract my statement about Jan Davis. I observed that his automotive work for the ABC LOOKED bad, and I still think it looks bad. Elected officials should go out of their way to avoid the appearance as well as the fact of conflicts of interest. It smacks of good-old-boyism, and therefore demeans the image of government in the eyes of citizens.
As much as I'd like to hit Cecil on this, I can't. We've all gotten bent out of shape before.
Has anyone checked to see if this came from the Mark Cates people? Or from Lefites in Asheville who want to discredit Cecil in his run against Shuler?
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