**2.30am** Here is the video of this meeting:
Here is a copy of the presenation by Andrea Leslie. Use it to follow along with the presentation while the video plays:
NC DENR Watershed Presentation to The Franklin Town Board of Aldermen
**8.25pm** Here is the audio of tonight's meeting:
Download MP3

The Franklin Town Board of Aldermen are meeting at 5.30pm this evening and I will be there as usual, recording video and tweeting from the meeting...this time without my laptop. I'll be test driving my Kindle Fire tablet to see how it holds up during the meeting. You can follow along using the hashtag #MaconGov on your favorite twitter client, or on the widget I have installed at the bottom of this post.
There has been no agenda posted. If memory serves, the plan was to continue the discussion of the 'Wild Mint' cell tower that Verizon Wireless wants to build. Lefties and hypochondriacs were, as usual, opposed to the idea. We'll see what happens tonight.
Andrea Laslie, from NC DENR, will be making a power point presentation regarding the Franklin to Fontana Watershed. If it is the same one she gave to the Macon County Planning Board on Thursday, you can click here to check it out.
You can also watch the video from the meeting two weeks ago by clicking here.
I will post the video and audio from this meeting as soon as I can. The audio will be before midnight and the video sometime tomorrow if the meeting doesn't run over two hours.

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