**2.04pm, 11-09-2011** Here is the video of the meeting:
**7.30am, 11-08-2011** I underestimated the time it will take for the video of this meeting to encode. It will not be ready until sometime on November 9th. I apologize for the error.
**11.44pm** Here is the audio of the meeting:
Download MP3
I recorded the meeting in HD, so it will probably be late tomorrow afternoon or tomorrow night before I can get the video processed.

The Franklin Town Board of Aldermen will be having a meeting tonight at 7.00pm in the Town Hall. I will be there to tweet the meeting and record video, but will not be providing live video. I will post an agenda as soon as one becomes available. You may follow my tweets at #MaconGov, using your favorite twitter client, or on the widget below. Once the meeting is over, I will replace the widget with a record of my tweets from the meeting, and I will upload video and audio from the meeting as soon as I am able to process it. Meanwhile, you can watch the last meeting.
Monday November 7, 2011 - 7:00 p.m.
1. Call to order -Mayor Collins
2. Public hearing 7:05 p.m. for Verizon Wireless Cell Tower special-use application
3. Board consider on the following:
Verizon Wireless Cell Tower special-use application
4. Approval of October 3, 2011 meeting minutes
5. Public Session
6. Presentation on Little Tennessee Watershed from Franklin to Fontana- Andrea Leslie
7. Sidewalk maintenance agreement- Mike Grubermann
8. Board authorization to schedule a public hearing for truck route at the
December 5, 2011 Town Board meeting- Sam Greenwood
9. Appointment of Karen Bacon to fill vacancy on TDA board- Sam Greenwood
10. Recognition of achievement of the Franklin sports program- Verlin Curtis
11. Lease on fire equipment- Sam Greenwood
12. Adjourn

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