**10-04-2011 at 4.00pm** Here is the video of last nights meeting:
**10.00pm** Here is the audio of tonight's meeting.
Download MP3 (right click to download)

The Franklin Town Board of Aldermen will be meeting tonight at 7.00pm in the Town Hall. I will be there to tweet the meeting and record video, but will not be providing live video. You may follow my tweets at #MaconGov, using your favorite twitter client, or on the widget below. Once the meeting is over, I will replace the widget with a record of my tweets from the meeting, and I will upload video and audio from the meeting as soon as I am able to process it. Meanwhile, you can watch the last meeting.
1. Call to order -Mayor Collins
2. Public hearing 7:05 p.m. for Chuck Holland ‘s special-use application
3. Public hearing 7:10 p.m. for Mildred Rice, et. al. (Windy Gap) re-zoning request
4. Set public hearing for Verizon wireless cell tower site “Wild Mint” at the end of Gaston Street
5. Approval of September 6, 2011 meeting minutes
6. Public Session
7. Board consideration on the following items:
A.) Chuck Holland’s special-use application
B.) Mildred Rice, et.al. (Windy Gap) re-zoning request
8. Proclamation for Mental Illness Awareness Week- Debbie Roberts
9. Informational briefing on Angel Medical Center and Mission Hospital merger- Tim Hubbs
10. Discussion on Duke re-licensing of Lake Emory- John Boaze
11. Water and Sewer
A.) Authorizing resolution by the Town of Franklin to apply for Rural Center funds
B.) Bib preparation approval for sewer plant renovation project
12. Fire Department
A.) Resolution adopting Hazard Mitigation Plan for the Town of Franklin
B.) Financing for fire equipment- Chief Warren Cabe
13. Appointment of Matt Bateman to fill vacancy on the TDA board for tourism related business- Mike Grubermann
14. Committee reports; Nikwasi Indian Mound
15. Adjourn
Monthly Reports enclosed in agenda packet (I will try to post a PDF of the agenda packet as soon as I can)
Here are my tweets from the meeting in reverse chronological order:

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