Here is the video of the meeting of the Macon County Planning Board that took place on October 20, 2011. You can now observe what happened at this meeting without having to rely on the written reports of those present or wait a couple of months for the public minutes of the board to be posted online.
Meeting Agenda
CALL TO ORDER -Review agenda items, revise if necessary
APPROVAL OF MINUTES -Approval of the September 15, 2011 minutes
- Folders to be distributed to board members
- Presentation highlighting subdivision review process and issues currently arising within the planning department, regarding the subdivision ordinance.
- Continue review of Subdivision Ordinance
PUBLIC COMMENT -Citizens who wish to speak should make it known at this time
ANNOUNCEMENTS -Establish next meeting location and date
Copy of the minutes of the September 15, 2011 meeting that were approved in the the October 20, 2011 meeting: (transcribed from handout by me)
Call to Order
Chairman Lewis Penland called the meeting to order at 5.01pm in the Macon County Health Dept
Lewis Penland, Mike Gruberman, Alan Marsh, Karl Gillespie, JImmy Tate, Susan Ervin, Larry Stenger, Lamar Sprinkle, Bobby Kuppers, Jimmy Goodman
Derek Roland, Jack Morgan
(edit- None listed in minutes as present)
Approval of Minutes
Mike Gruberman made motion to approve minutes from September 8, 2011 meeting, Alan Marsh seconded this motion
Liaison Reports
MCWC -Group is still awaiting legal review of the revised Sedimentation and Erosion Control Ordinance
New Business
After discussion, the board decided to begin the review review of the ordinance by looking back at the final draft they completed for the original, before that draft was taken to the county attorney. Roland will gather this information prior to the next meeting. Prior to the October 20,2011 meeting the Planning Department will begin putting together recommendations that would solve recurring problems the department is seeing from the administrative standpoint of the Subdivision Ordinance. Furthermore, Roland suggested that the board members email him their recommendations concerning the ordinance, which can then be included into the Planning Department Document.
A motion was made by Larry Stenger to revise the agenda, allowing the public to speak at the beginning and end of Planning Board meetings. This motion was then amended to include a sign up sheet for those who wish to speak and time limit of 20 minutes per public session period, with anything over 20 minutes being left at the discretion of the chairman. Susan Irvin seconded this motion. Motion carried unanimously.
Unfinished Business
Public Comment
Terry Dalton was glad to see the board addressing the Macon County Subdivision Ordinance
Next Meeting Date
October 20, 2011. Meeting will be held at the Macon County Health Department in meeting room(s) A&B located at 1834 Lakeside Drive
Meeting Adjourned
Alan Marsh made motion to adjourn meeting at 6pm. Jimmy Goodman seconded this motion. Motion carried unanimously

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