From my friends at the Franklin Bird Club:
Bird Friends,
Don't forget our last meeting of the year:
October 17 at 7:00 at the Macon County Public Library
We have a special program: Karen Lawrence and Barbara McRae will talk about "Birding Through the Camera: Tips on Photographing Birds and Using Photos for Identification." We should see lots of bird photos and be inspired to do our own.
Our Greenway walks will continue though October so come out on Tuesdays/Wednesdays to watch for last migrants and other interesting birds.
And you can always check our bird happenings at our blog: http://franklinbcb.wordpress.com/
The time is NOW to consider joining Cornell University’s PROJECT FEEDERWATCH which begins Nov. 12, 2011. This project is a fun way to learn about and enjoy the many birds that come to your feeders as well as other birds that visit the feeder area. It gives you a chance to “go birding” in the winter without leaving the warmth of your home, and you are also contributing to the research of scientists at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. To join you can sign up online at http://www.feederwatch.org OR you can call (800)843-2473. There is a $15 fee to join and you will receive in the mail a kit which includes a beautiful bird poster, a birding calendar, a Handbook and Instructions, tally sheets, as well as a subscription to the Cornell Lab of Ornithology newsletter and Birdscope. You also have the option of sending in your bird lists by mail or entering the data online. LAST year there were 2 of us in Macon County involved in this project–hopefully we can have YOU and many others as well!!!!!
UPCOMING BIRD EVENTS (Events are free unless otherwise noted)
October 11
8:00 am
Bird walk along the Greenway with Karen Lawrence. Walk will begin at the Greenway entrance
adjacent to the Macon County Public Library parking area.
October 12
9:30 am
Bird walk along the Greenway with Paula Gorgoglione will begin at Salali Lane. Park in the lot off
Fox Ridge Rd., just south of the Flea Market on Highlands Rd.
October 17
7:00 pm
Franklin Bird Club meeting at Macon County Public Library. Karen Lawrence and Barbara
McRae will discuss photographing birds.
October 18
8:00 am
Bird walk along the Greenway with Karen Lawrence. Walk will begin at the Greenway entrance
adjacent to the Macon County Public Library parking area.
October 19
9:30 am
Bird walk along the Greenway with Paula Gorgoglione will begin at Salali Lane. Park in the lot off
Fox Ridge Rd., just south of the Flea Market on Highlands Rd.
October 21
9:00 am
The Land Trust for the Little Tennessee (LTLT) will host a nature walk at Tessentee Bottomland
Preserve in Macon County just south of Franklin. The walk will feature different forest stands,
historic farmhouse and silo, rivercane patch, and a great time to view the fall leaves. Tessentee
Bottomland Preserve is stop #53 on the NC Birding Trail with the preserve’s bird list at 126
species and butterfly list at 43 species and counting. The walk will be led by Jason Love, LTLT
board member and Site Manager for Coweeta Long Term Ecological Research. To get to
Tessentee Bottomland from Franklin; take the Georgia Rd. (US 23/US 441) south for
approximately 5.2 miles, turn left onto Riverside Rd and follow for 0.5 miles, turn right onto
Hickory Knoll Rd and follow for approx. 1.9 miles — the Preserve is located off a private drive
(2249 Hickory Knoll Rd) on the right-hand side of the road; parking area is on the left, before the
farm gate. For directions from other locations and to RSVP, contact Jill Wiggins at
outreach@ltlt.org or by calling 828-524-2711 x209.
October 25
8:00 am
Bird walk along the Greenway with Karen Lawrence. Walk will begin at the Greenway entrance
adjacent to the Macon County Public Library parking area.
October 26
9:30 am
Bird walk along the Greenway with Paula Gorgoglione will begin at Salali Lane. Park in the lot off
Fox Ridge Rd., just south of the Flea Market on Highlands Rd.
October 28
7:30 pm
Highlands Plateau Audubon Society meeting. Program by the Eagle Lady.
Highlands Civic (Rec) Center
November 12
9:00 – 10:00 am
Fall Seminar provided by Blue Ridge Bird Seed Company: “Successful & Economical Bird
Feeding.” At Harvest on Main Restaurant, Blue Ridge, GA.
December 10
9:00 – 10:00 am
Fall Seminar provided by Blue Ridge Bird Seed Company: “Our Winter Birds.” At Harvest on
Main Restaurant, Blue Ridge, GA.

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