I went to Sylva, NC this morning to cover the Occupy Sylva protest and this is the first video. It is Representative Phil Haire's remarks to the participants of the protest.
I disagree with everything that Phil Haire says in the video and present his speech here in full in the interest of making people aware of where he stands on the issues he spoke of this morning in Sylva, and so you can make up your own mind if you agree with him or not.
I disagree with his advice to the people of Sylva to not do business with the Roses Store located in Jackson Plaza just because the owner of that business donates money to the Republican Party.
What if all Americans did business that way? What if Americans chose their mechanic, grocer, doctor, landscaper or Realtor based on their political ideology? What right does an elected official have to recommend this type of behavior?
Democrats are always trying to claim that Republicans are trying to create divisions between people. It seems to me that if this type of behavior were taken to heart by people...we would be creating two nations, a house divided against itself in economic warfare.
Imagine if this event had been a Tea Party and a state representative had advised participants not to do business with a certain business because the owner of that business donated money to the Democratic Party. I think it is safe to say that there would be outrage over the incident.

I love how the Youtube thumbnail has Haire pointing at the Thunder Pig logo.
Sadly, I must agree with your commentary. Haire's comments were poorly conceived and badly constructed. His comments nor his presence represent the spirit or the concerns of the non-partisan and growing movement of the 99%. He mistakenly believes that because he is a democrat, a people's movement will blindly support his election. He remains in denial at his own peril. His comments demonstrate how out of touch he is with his constituents and his mis-reading of the 99% movement. Thus far, I've not heard any intelligent discourse from either side of the established fascist coin in their discourse regarding the 99%. Our congressional representatives turned their backs on their constituents a long time ago so why would we expect them to understand that which swells from the grass roots?
Phil Haire does NOT represent me or the views of many of us who attended on Saturday. Just because he showed up does not make him the Mayor of discontent. We the People are fed up with both major political parties and I don't blame them. It's crap like this that keeps us divided.
Phil Haire told me personally over two years ago that you did not own your property you just occupied it till you die. That is right. He is socialist of the 41st degree. Do you want a man like that in Raleigh that feels that way about property rights. He basically said you don't own it you rent it and if you fail to pay your property tax the county will take it. In the constitution, "life, liberty and the persuit of happiness" was orginally the right to property. That give you some freedom. Phil and his crowd have taken a lot of those rights away. The Republicans have given you a lot of them back. Throw out Haire with Obama.
I've posted the full video of the event, along with minimal commentary. You can see it by clicking here.
I think the business that people in Phil's District need to boycott is his election campaign.
Phil is very much a socialist, and has attacked property rights of the citizens he represents at every opportunity he's had.
Straight ticket voting has kept him in office, and it's about time that changed.
I think the business that people in Phil's District need to boycott is his election campaign.
Phil is very much a socialist, and has attacked property rights of the citizens he represents at every opportunity he's had.
Straight ticket voting has kept him in office, and it's about time that changed.
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