The New Hampshire Primary was yesterday and the results were pretty evident early on as Mitt Romney made it 2-0 so far this campaign cycle. On the strength of Independent and Democratic voters, Ron Paul finished second and Jon Huntsman third. Gingrich squeaked out a fourth place over Rick Santorum's fifth place finish.
Here are the speeches the candidates gave last night.
Next week is the South Carolina primary, where Mitt Romney is also favored to win.
Mitt Romney's Victory Speech
Ron Paul's Speech on finishing in second place
Jon Huntsman on finishing in third place
Newt Gingrich on finishing in fourth place
Rick Santorum on finishing in fifth place
There were no videos of Rick Perry's remarks on his finish in New Hampshire.

Please keep your blog going. This is a vital election cycle. We are trying to move to the Durham area this year.
Ivon Fergus
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