The Macon County Republican Party held it's summer meeting last night at the Boiler Room restaurant in Franklin, NC. Please visit their website to find out how you can become involved.
After the meal, Roger West presented Wayne Carringer with a Bataan Survivor Medallion from the Macon County Republican Party. More information on Wayne Carringer's experiences in World War II, including his eyewitness account of the detonation of an atomic bomb over Nagasaki, Japan can be found at this website.
A video of that follows:
Wayne Carringer leads the pledge and is presented with a Bataan Survivor Medallion by Roger West.
Then the party, led by Chairman Chris Murray, took care of business and the various clubs made a series of announcements about upcoming events.
Mark Meadows thanked those gathered for their support during the primary and the runoff. He remarked that 80% of Maconians voted for him in the runoff and he looked forward to the general election.
Please visit his website for more information on his campaign.
Justice Paul Newby dedlivered the keynote address. He is running for re-election to the North Carolina Supreme Court. Please visit his website for more information.
Here are some of the photos that I took at the meeting:

Wayne Carringer leads the pledge of alleigance to the flag.

Macon County Republicans listen to a speaker at the Boiler Room Restaurant.

Mark Meadows thanks Macon County Republicans for their support during the two primaries held this spring.

Roger West poses for a photo. Please visit his website for more information on how you can help him win re-election.

Gary Dills and Jenine Crossman enjoy a conversation.

Mark Meadows and Wayne Carringer.

Chris Murray and Paul Newby pose for a photo with some of the fabulous ladies of the Gem Country Republican Women's Club. Please visit their website for more information on their activities and for information to join them in their efforts.

A gratuitous photo of the beautiful sunset that was taking place after the meeting was over.

Another gratuitous photo of the beautiful sunset that was taking place after the meeting was over.
Wayne Carringer leads the pledge and is presented with a Bataan Survivor Medallion by Roger West.
Then the party, led by Chairman Chris Murray, took care of business and the various clubs made a series of announcements about upcoming events.
Mark Meadows thanked those gathered for their support during the primary and the runoff. He remarked that 80% of Maconians voted for him in the runoff and he looked forward to the general election.
Please visit his website for more information on his campaign.
Justice Paul Newby dedlivered the keynote address. He is running for re-election to the North Carolina Supreme Court. Please visit his website for more information.
Here are some of the photos that I took at the meeting:

Wayne Carringer leads the pledge of alleigance to the flag.

Macon County Republicans listen to a speaker at the Boiler Room Restaurant.

Mark Meadows thanks Macon County Republicans for their support during the two primaries held this spring.

Roger West poses for a photo. Please visit his website for more information on how you can help him win re-election.

Gary Dills and Jenine Crossman enjoy a conversation.

Mark Meadows and Wayne Carringer.

Chris Murray and Paul Newby pose for a photo with some of the fabulous ladies of the Gem Country Republican Women's Club. Please visit their website for more information on their activities and for information to join them in their efforts.

A gratuitous photo of the beautiful sunset that was taking place after the meeting was over.

Another gratuitous photo of the beautiful sunset that was taking place after the meeting was over.

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