**3.45am** Here is the low resolution video of this meeting. I will replace it with a high resolution video in a few weeks when I get time.

The Macon County Commissioners are meeting tonight at 6pm and I will be there to provide nearly live coverage on Google Plus [LINK]. The meeting agenda and packet are below.
I will add the video as soon as I can after the meeting is over. I will be unable to provide audio coverage as someone has stolen my audio recorder. This is the 4th time someone has stolen an audio recorder at a public meeting, so I will not be replacing it.
2. Announcements
3. Moment of Silence
4. Pledge of Allegiance
5. Public Hearing(s)
6. Public Comment Period
7. Adjustments to and approval of the agenda
8. Reports/Presentations
- NC FAST Software Implementation Briefing - Jane Kimsey, Director, Department of Social Services
- Current status of Cell II and development of Cell III - Chris Stahl, Solid Waste Director
- Mercury Product Handling Program - Chris Stahl, Solid Waste Director
10. New Business
- LeadsOnline Program/Ordinance - Sheriff Robert Holland
- Award of bid for poolhouse renovation project - County Manager and Tom Ritter, Ritter Architecture
- Award of bid for pool renovation project - County Manager
- Release of performance bond for Diamond Falls Subdivision - County Planner Matt Mason and County Attorney
- Capital Project Ordinance for school computer equipment - Finance Director
- Acceptance of grant and Capital Project Ordinance for Clean Water Management Trust Fund (CWMTR) grant - Finance Director
- Release of sewer easement for Jeff and Evelyn Boatwright - County Manager
- Discussion/consideration of next assignment for the planning board - Commissioner Tate
All items below are considered routine and will be enacted by one motion. No separate discussion will be held except on request of a member of the Board of Commissioners.
- Minutes of the September 11 and September 24, 2012 meetings
- Budget amendments #41-48
- Tax releases
- Monthly ad valorem tax report
- Town of Franklin Planning Board and Board of Adjustment -- representatives from the Extraterritorial Jurisdiction (ETJ)
14. Adjournment/RecessAny questions please contact Mike D

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