The North Carolina General Assembly is about to go into action for the coming session tomorrow. The only events on today's calendar are a press conference by the Speaker of the House at 11am and a meeting by the Joint Legislative Committee on Workers' Compensation Insurance Coverage Compliance and Fraud Prevention and Detection at 1pm. The speaker will be meeting in a room where the audio is broadcast, and I'll try to record that and embed it here after it is over. Unfortunately, the other meeting is taking place in a room that is not wired for sound. We will be at the mercy of a technologically illiterate and opaque legacy media...with the possible exception of WRAL, who do sometimes post a video of an entire committee meeting...but only when it is a meeting that is important to the progressive wing of the Democrat Party. Did I just say that aloud?
Anyhow, the legislative calendar for today:
11:00 AM | Thom Tillis | [Audio] Press Room LB |
1:00 PM |
Joint Legislative Committee on Workers' Compensation Insurance Coverage Compliance and Fraud Prevention and Detection (2011)
| 415 LOB |
Here are some helpful links for you to use in following the upcoming session of our state legislature:
NC General Assembly
NC Senate
NC House
Legislation and Bill Lookup Tool
Representative Lookup Tool
(this may take a while to load on slow connections)
Citizen Guide to State Government
Other Helpful Resources
North Carolina Legislative Library
Fiscal Research Division
Legislative Drafting Division
Program Evaluation Division
Research Division
Legislative Publications
Mobile Website for the NC General Assembly
The Media
This is my shortlist of resources I use to cover the North Carolina General Assembly and websites that help me a get a handle of what is going on in Raleigh from different perspectives.
Voter Radio
My favorite website when it comes to covering the state legislature. They archive the audio from House and Senate sessions, as well as the committee meetings they cover. If I had the funding, I'd be in Raleigh doing a video version of this website.
Like it or not, they're Johnny-on-the-spot until some enterprising citizen journalist arrives on the scene. The menu system is confusing and changes frequently take place, so it is useless for me to link to a section where they cover state government news, because it'll be broken in a month or two. When they stream live events, they will wait until the last minute to post anything on their website, so be prepared to miss the first couple of minutes of an event looking for the link to their live stream.
Under The Dome
A blog run by the Raleigh News & Observer. It remains head and shoulders above the coverage by other media organizations in the state.
Raleigh News & Observer
The only thing that recommends this paper is that it is right there in Raleigh and they can't help but cover the state legislature when they're in session.
Greensboro News-Record
These guys used to have a good section on state government, but it has gone to seed since WRAL-TV poached Mark Binker from them. I'm posting a link to them because I hope they find someone to replace him soon.
Opinion Media
The biggest lie told by anyone in the world of public policy is often found in the incorporation papers or the about pages of websites of public policy organizations. None of them of non-partisan, and all of them have partisan axes to grind in order to further their own agendas. Caveat emptor.
Carolina Journal
A project of the John Locke Foundation that does what newspapers used to do before they became cheerleaders for the Left. Covers news from the right.
NC Policy Watch
The progressive version of the Carolina Journal. Covers news from the left.
John W Pope Civitas Institute
A conservative public policy institute that presents a conservative view on all things state government. I prefer this over anything from the John Locke people.
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