**update** Franklin VFD has submitted their actions during this call to Fire News.
I have also added screenshots of my tweets covering the fire as it happened at the bottom of this article.

A structure fire last night in Macon County has left a mother and son temporarily homeless and their dog in an animal hospital.
The initial report indicates that a third party caller reported the fire shortly before 10 pm to the Macon County Emergency Operations Center and said the fire had started in the oxygen machine and that both occupants in the home were disabled.
Both escaped the home before firefighters arrived and, according to radio communications, the dog was injured in the fire and was revived by firefighters.
The fire was in the Franklin Fire district and mutual aid was provided by Mountain Valley and Cullasaja Gorge Fire Departments. A fire truck and personnel from West Macon Fire Department were called to stand by at the Franklin Fire Department to handle calls for them while they were fighting the fire on Kinsland Road near the Jackson County line.
Red Cross was contacted to provide assistance to the family and Macon County Animal Control transported the dog to the Rabun County Animal Hospital.
Audio of the first eighteen minutes of radio communications is embedded below. It is time compressed to remove the time spaces between communications.
**Social Media Record**
Here are screenshots of my tweets documenting the event...

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