Thursday, August 31, 2006
One good thing about Ernesto, from my point of view, is I got a much needed day off from work.I caught up on my sleep I lost on Monday, and from the extra work getting the drainage situation prepared before the rains arrived. Now, if my luck holds out, it'll rain tomorrow as well.Here are some things I found today:An article commenting on Five Minutes to Midnight.I also found a Ralph Peters essay, courtesy of one of my favorites, CDR Salamander.I am also sorting throught the many blogs I found while randomly following links to see if I could find...
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Southeast Emergency Information
FloridaGeorgiaSouth CarolinaNorth CarolinaMore as needed, depending on the path of Ernest...
The Future of The John Batchelor Show
An announcement on John's site reveals that the show will be on hiatus, implying a return. So say we all.Late Fall '06. That's Oct-Nov, righ...
Monday, August 28, 2006
Final Week of John Batchelor Show
I have just heard on The John Batchelor Show that this is his final week on ABC Radio Networks.Should you care enough, shoot an email to The text of my missive:I have listened to John Batchelor since before September the 11th on WABC, going to great lengths to hear him and Paul. John Batchelor was the reason I purchased an XM Radio, so that I could hear him loud and clear. His Radio Show is entertaining and VERY informative.I feel this is a bad decision, and will not be listening to his replacement.Bobby CogginsWhy do the...
Nonpartisan? I think not
Tim Peck has posted the audio of Asheville City Councilman Brian Freeborn making some very partisan remarks, blaming Republicans in general and Bush in particular.Hat Tip to Matt Mittan for playing the audio on "Take A Stand" today on WWNC, and thanks to Tim Peck for doing all the hard wor...
I can't be here 24/7 reporting on the troplical weather, but I have done the next best thing... I've added links to my right-hand sidebar with a short list of my tropical protocols. You can also check up on the Florida Division of Emergency Management for public advisories.And, if you should care, you can watch live video shot by storm chasers with a subscription at Hurricane Track.And a throw away directed at The Emmys, seriously now, by now you should know that Hollywood is out of touch with the rest of us. These awards shows are the perfect...
Saturday, August 26, 2006
My Concerns About Heath Shuler

View my album of the recent Democratic Rally in Hendersonville here choose slide show to see the photos in sequence and a larger size.I have received a number of e-mails asking me where I stand on the 11th District Race for the US Congress. I guess people have picked up on my ambivalence about Taylor. My biggest problem with him is the CAFTA vote, where he didn't vote, whether by accident, or on purpose I cannot determine. As a conservative,...
Sharing A Meal

I have seen very few few Honeybees this summer, and managed to get this shot after a few trie...
Thursday, August 24, 2006
Pluto now a "Dwarf Planet" my beehind !!! article on the scheme.Have these people got nothing better to do than to argue about this?Maybe I should be glad I never became an Astronomer according to my boyhood dreams. The answer is ovious as the nose on their faces: Let Pluto be the dividing line between planet and large asteroid (or planetesimal for the politically correct).And elevating Charon to the same status as Pluto is absurd, Charon is a moon, not a planet. All planets and their moons orbit about a common center due to the laws of physics. Since Pluto and Charon are close...
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Democrat Rally

Correction: Democratic RallyHat Tip: Screwy Hoolie in the comments section.I attended the Shuler/Edwards Rally in Hendersonville yesterday, and took some pix and shot a video of the speeches. Here is the money shot:I will post more as I have time available, and am looking for a way to get the audio put somewhere on the net so you can listen to them.Update: Screwy Hoolie has an excellent post and pictures of the event, plus links to more coverage...
Sunday, August 20, 2006
The Baron has a Diagnosis...
Saturday, August 19, 2006Down with the Flu by Baron BodisseyThe advent of digital computers and the emergence of the internet have allowed the development of a generalized theory of viruses as invasive self-replicating structures within information systems. Biological organisms, human cultures, and computer networks all constitute information systems which can be exploited by virus-like entities.In many ways radical Islam acts as a virus on societal structures. It is passed from host to host rapidly, without the necessity of any intervention by...
Saturday, August 19, 2006
Military Entusiast Alert: Military Aviation Videos
I thought that might get your attention. Security Watch Tower has a post about the utlity of the A-10 Thunderbolts stationed in Afghanistan.Here is a video of another maligned platform, the AH-64 Apache.And thanks to Heads Up America, click this to see more aviation video...
Thursday, August 17, 2006
Return From The West
YAY!!!Earlier in the week, I stood at the pier, wiping a tear, as Dave sailed away into The West. Today, I went to Dave's House to rumage around and download his best posts... And found the lights on. Put this guy on your favorites lis...
Jimmy Carter Speaks Against Israel
I seem to have degenerated into name-calling (at least I tell you why) when it comes to certain Marxist Celebs and Elected Critters. Well, former President Jimmy Carter has spoken to Der Speigel, of which I have a snippet below: SPIEGEL: You also mentioned the hatred for the United States throughout the Arab world which has ensued as a result of the invasion of Iraq. Given this circumstance, does it come as any surprise that Washington's call for democracy in the Middle East has been discredited?Carter: No, as a matter of fact, the concerns I...
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Drudge on Obama
Drudge has a story developing on Barrack Osama (I know!) about him touting fuel efficiency, then leaving the meeting in an SUV that is not on E85 (that 85% Ethanol equipped), threby exposing him as one of those Aristocratic Types who say, "Do as I say, Not as I Do."Nothing new here, for if these retards really cared about Energy Independence, they'd all tout the use of Nuclear Energ...
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Robert Spencer on Heads Up America Tomorrow
Robert Spencer of Jihad Watch will be in Heads Up America either after the 10am or the 11am news. One of the things he will be discussing is the August 22 threat by Ahmadinejad to light up the skies over Jerusalem.Also of interest, After the 9am news, Matt Cole will be on the show for an hour.He is one of The Founding Fathers of talk radio in Western North Carolin...
Another Great Blog Goes Into The West...
Click on the title to read Garfield Ridge before it goes away.I have enjoyed Dave's comments, links, and the innappropriate photos.I can't tell the guy how to run his life, so I'll go ahead and tell him:Hey, Dave... You don't hafta post everyday, just when you had time.Godspeed, and The Best of Everything, I enjoyed it!...
Monday, August 14, 2006
Monday Morning Roundup
Hezbollah claims victory in fight, having survived long enough for the U.N. to save them.A little prediction that requires no thought. Hezbollah will not be disarmed, nor will they abide by the ceasefire for long.July 31, 2006The Weaponization of ChildrenTHE NEW BATTLE FLAG now being waved high over the armies of Allah mustering across the world is not the banner of Muhammad, but a flag almost as ancient as the prophet, the Bloody Shirt. Among the weak in arms and courage and righteousness, the Bloody Shirt is their weapon of mass distraction;...
Sunday, August 13, 2006
Five Minutes to Midnight
An interesting piece at NRO. No comment now, still reading.Thought it important enough to post now.Hat Tip to Heads Up Ameri...
President Ahmmadinejad is a Blogger?
It took several tries to get through. I wanted to do a screen capture, but apparently didn't have anything on hand. WIndows XP, you have let me down!Anyhow, what to do?I grabbed my camera and took a few shots. I have posted them on my PhotoBlog because sizing them down won't work for clarity. Here is Ahmadinejad's Blog...You think he'll show some linky love, and link back?Do you think the Iranian Revolutionary Guards have sleepers nearby?Might I be signing my death warrant? (Gets up and turns out the light, so as to make it hard to see in the...
Saturday, August 12, 2006
The Domocrat Party 1828 to 2006 R.I.P.
The Democrat Party -- 1828* - 2006 -- R.I.P. The Fifth Column John ArmorAugust 12, 2006 The Democrat Party died last Tuesday in Hartford, Connecticut. Present when this venerable institution breathed its last were a minority of the Democrats in the Nutmeg State. The Party was the child of the Republican-Democrat Party, and the Anti-Federalist Party. It leaves no known descendants. However, political parties sometimes spawn children many years after their deaths.Is that verdict too harsh? The leaders of the Democrat Party in Washington, New York,...
Chris Matthews and Charlie Rangel are both Idiots
While making my rounds this morning, I found a link at Pajamas Media that led to a story at News Busters.Update: Transcript available Monday afternoon.Also, should this exchange get posted on the internet, lemme know!CommentaryI suppose this all got started because President Bush has finally started to use a more descriptive identifier when referring to one of our enemies we are fighting in the 4th World War. I will pick these statements apart one by one and expose Matthews and for what they are. First:Matthews got things started by challenging...
Thursday, August 10, 2006
Terror Alert Levels Raised
BREAKING NEWSPajamas Media CoveragePress Releases Statement by Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff Announcing a Change to the Nation’s Threat Level for the Aviation Sector For Immediate Release Office of the Press Secretary Contact: 202-282-8010 August 10, 2006 The Department of Homeland Security is taking immediate steps to increase security measures in the aviation sector in coordination with heightened security precautions in the United Kingdom. Over the last few hours, British authorities have arrested a significant number of extremists...
Wednesday, August 9, 2006
ISM Sending Human Shields to Hezbollah
By Lee Kaplan, Communications Director, Senior Investigative Analystleekaplan@homelandsecurityus.com9 August 2006: Adam SHAPIRO, one of the founders of the International Solidarity Movement, has resurfaced after a long hiatus and teamed up with Northern California ISM’s Leader, Paul LaRUDEE, to create a program for ISM “activists” to act as human shields for Hezbollah in Lebanon. The ISM has acted as human shields for Hamas, Islamic Jihad and the PFLP in the West Bank and Gaza for the last four years, according to Shapiro’s wife and ISM co-founder,...
Joe Lieberman

Joe Lieberman may have been the last democrat on the national scene I respected as a person. His party have revealed their true colors for all but the blind to see. This man has taken it on the chin for an honestly held view that differs from the Orthodoxy of the Church of Liberalism. Ann Coulter was right, for Liberals, their politics is their religion. That scares me. This is another instance where Liberalism marches jackboot to jackboot in time...
Tuesday, August 8, 2006
Back from Lightning Strike
Geez, this is the second time this summer I've been taken out by a lightning strike!I was taking a nap until the fatal hit, some 100 yards or so away. I must have levitated three feet in the air!It took Duke Power almost four hours to get to me, since I was the only house affected. Kudos to those guys.I reserve the full force of my venom for the Verizon computer-auomated system. I did everything according to the voice menus from my cell phone, and awaited a repair sometime Monday. Along 5pm, I started getting antsy. I called again. My situation...
Sunday, August 6, 2006
Sunday Rounds
Here are a bunch of posts I'd like you to read:The Brink of MadnessAn Enemy Like No OtherThe Lieberman-Lamont VoteWhat They Wa...
Hiroshima Day
"We are now prepared to obliterate more rapidly and completely every productive enterprise the Japanese have above ground in any city. We shall destroy their docks, their factories, and their communications. Let their be no mistake; we shall completely destroy Japan's power to make war."These words were in a press release that was released on August 6, 1945 on the occasion of the first use of an atomic weapon in war. You may find page 1 of 3 here. You might enjoy poking around in the Truman Library, where I found that press release.If I didn't...
Saturday, August 5, 2006
Calling All Chickenhawks
Do you support our troops?Do you support our war(s) in the Middle East?Has anyone ever called you a Chickenhawk?This is what you tell them, after you scroll down to the post and links therei...

Is this the last of Chris?I've gotta pull one more day at work. Bummer! We had a pretty rough Thunderstorm come through yesterday around 5ish at work, made scarier because I was looking for a co-worker who had, unknown to me, been nabbed by the head developer for a project elsewhere.My truck, The Beast, nearly collapsed on the way home yesterday, will have to take the back-up truck today. Talk about timin...
What Are We Fighting For?
Bill Whittle knows, as we, less eloquent creatures do, my apologies for taking so long to get around to it.I've changed the post date on this post to stay at the top of the page for a few days, I feel it is so important for you to become acquainted with Bill. Enjoy. Buy the book. I have. Scroll down for regular posting...
Friday, August 4, 2006
What a Difference a Day Makes

Reports are that Chris has been sheared apart. Will it restrengthen in the Gulf?Hezbollah's war crime...
Thursday, August 3, 2006
Two Days From Vacation !!!

However, since my truck is in need of serious engine work, I will be going nowhere. Bummer.Chris heads for the Gulf of Mexico.There seems to be something odd about Chris according to The Storm Track.Meanwhile, Fjordman informs us that The Welfare State is Dead. One can only hop...
Wednesday, August 2, 2006
Now we know why his name is Dingle...
I can't say I'm shocked. I do, however, note that men, and women just like him are the reason the Democrat party is headed for the dustbin of histor...
Hurricane Tracking Sites

Here are some of the internet sites I use to follow tropical storm activity, I will add more on a sidebar on the right after I get home from work today.NOAA Tropical Prediction CenterThe Storm TrackHurricane CityHurricane AlleyGolden Triangle Weather PageStrike Probabilities as of 5am WednesdayDennis Prager has a new column out, from which are the beginning paragraphs to entice you to read more:If you are ever morally confused about a major world...
Tuesday, August 1, 2006
Yet Another Hezbollah Deception
And I thought that serial killers were the only ones who posed their victims. Then again....
Round Up

This is a round up of interesting things I think you should see:EVIL, as practiced by Palestinians.Renewed clashes in the Iranian city of Tabriz.There has been more vandalism of The Action Club Billboards. Photos. My previous post. Also, I can't find anything other than personal messages about the vandalism. Tjhere is nothing in the media, unless its in an editorial in the Asheville Bird Cage.Yesterday, John Longenecker was on Heads Up America....