Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Blogs 4 Borders Video Blogburst 073107
This week's burst tells the story of Terry Funderburk, an American citizen nearly driven out of his profession by illegal aliens. His one man protest is a fairly good working definition of irony!And of course the 100% Preventables!Read Terry's original storyhere, follow uphere. A follow up letter from Terry isher...
Monday, July 30, 2007
Qur'an Defiler Faces Felonies,
Local Ron Paul Supporter Desecrates Flag, Assualts Deputy
7/30/2007 05:24:00 AM
Idiot Ron Paul Supporters
Political Correctness
From Charles Johnson of Little Green Footballs:I’ve received an email from Stanislav Shmulevich, who has been arrested in New York for putting a Koran in a toilet at Pace University. And his case is even more outrageous than we first reported.First, Shmulevich was arrested and jailed for 24 hours. Second, he’s not facing misdemeanor charges—he’s being charged with two felonies, criminal mischief and aggravated harassment.Felonies. For putting a book in a toilet.Third, his income is on a borderline that disqualifies him for a public defender, so...
Club Gitmo Alum Participate in Jihad
AT LEAST 30 former Guantanamo Bay detainees have been killed or recaptured after taking up arms against allied forces following their release. They have been discovered mostly in Afghanistan and Pakistan, but not in Iraq, a US Defence Department spokesman told The Age yesterday. Commander Jeffrey Gordon said the detainees had, while in custody, falsely claimed to be farmers, truck drivers, cooks, small-arms merchants, low-level combatants or had offered other false explanations for being in Afghanistan. "We are aware of dozens of cases where...
Sunday, July 29, 2007
ABC Lies About Gun in Murder Case (So what else is new?)
I just saw this at Newsbusters, and had to pass it along for those who haven't seen it:On Friday's World News, ABC host Charles Gibson incorrectly implied that a murder suspect in New York City had purchased his weapon from a gun store in Virginia, ignoring the fact that the original owner, now deceased, had purchased the gun legally from the shop in 1999, and that police have not yet discovered how the suspect obtained the gun. Instead, Gibson contended that this case shows that criminals often go to shops for their weapons as he set up the piece:...
Lefties For Censorship:
A Preview of a Democrat Administration
The Neo-Stalinists of the nutroots have once again displayed a love of Tyranny and Censorship, especially when the views expressed are at odds with their view of reality.These people are as dangerous a group to American Liberties as has ever walked our shores, and anyone who considers an alliance with them is suspect. They have been shamed from using the term "Liberal" because Bush-41 so effectively ridiculed them from using it as a self descriptor.What has gotten me on this rant? The latest "movement" by Moveon.org and Daily Kos to scare advertisers...
Saturday, July 28, 2007
QUIZ--Foreign Policy Philosophy

I just found a website called Neo-Libertarian through an email list. I found a couple of quizes on the site, and I took one on Foreign Policy Philosophy, and here are my results: My top result for the SelectSmart.com selector, Foreign Policy Philosophy,is ?????#1NeoconservativeEmphasis on civilizations, democracy, strength; states act through civilizational and cultural means for their own advancement. We must spread democratic institutions and...
Friday, July 27, 2007
1,000th Post!
General Patton Speaks on WW IV
The General has requested the use of my blog, and I am only too happy to let him speak.General Patton Rock...
Annual Book Sale in Waynesville

I made my annual trek to the Waynesville Public Library for the Annual Book Sale today. I thought today was the first day, but yesterday was...so tomorrow will be the last day of the sale.My haul this year: 21 books!HistoryCivil War by Bruce Catton*Lexington and Concord by Arthur Tourtellot*102 Minutes by Jim Dwyer and Kevin Flynn*The Convention and The Constitution by David SmithThe Discovery and Conquest of Mexico by Bernard Diaz del CastilloThe...
A Funny Joke About Liberals
I found a funny joke about Liberals, and posted a link to the guy who first led me to it at WNC Citizens Blo...
Thursday, July 26, 2007
The March Toward Victory Continues!
The Bogus TNR story continues to unravel, and the John Doe Amendment has been saved from the Democrats, and the bogus Lancet Iraq Fatality figures are again shown to be extremely suspect. These victories are the result of Conservative Talk Radio, Conservative Bloggers, and hundreds of thousands of alert Conservative Activists who were willing to contact their elected representatives to save the John Doe Amendment.(Washington, D.C.): The Center for Security Policy is gratified that its efforts, those of innumerable bloggers, radio talk show hosts...
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Blogs For Borders Video Blogburst 072407
More violence threatened on our southern border, when will our feckless gubmint notice?Illegal alien rampage in St Paul Minnesota, media uninterested?100% Preventable! A harvest of American children!More coverage of the ongoing war with Mexico.Watch the entire Minnesota news story here. More blog coverage here and here.This has been the Blogs For Borders Video Blogburst. The Blogs For Borders Blogroll is dedicated to American sovereignty, border security and a sane immigration policy. If you'd like to join go to the Blogs For Borders Website and...
The New Republic Bogus Story Challenged
I have previously covered this developing story in this previous post. Now, MNF-Iraq has responded to the TNR's claims:"We are aware of what was written under a pseudonym. Its writer is unknown asare his motives. We hold soldiers to the highest standards and theallegations made are completely inconsistent with those expectations. In the absence of any credible information or independent corroboration, we presently have no reason to believe it."Source: Gateway Pundit, where there is much more on this apparently fabricated stor...
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Democrats Want You
To Keep Quiet About Suspicious Behavior

Photo stolen from Jihad Watch, who stole it from Say Anything, who stole it from The Gates of Vienna, where the Baron is a gifted graphics producer.Public pressure is mounting on Capitol Hill Democrats to include the "John Doe" provision into a written conference report of the final 911 Commission bill. The provision would protect the public for reporting suspicious behavior that may be terrorist connected, and is the result of a current lawsuit...
Monday, July 23, 2007
The Recipe for SUCCESS
I have been going over my archived data for several websites I've mirrored over the years, and found a two-part essay that reminds me of why it is so fantastically great to be an American, why I have almost always felt that the future would be better than the past.After sitting and re-reading it again, I feel recharged, ready to take my act on the road again.Here are the two parts of the essay:TRINITY [part 1] [part 2]If you find you like this guys writing, he has published a book of his essays, and you can get it in Softcover for $24.95.I purchased...
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Another Media Attempt to Harm Our Troops Fails
The Left, which includes most of the Media, is so against this war that they are willing to lie in order to support their agenda to get us out of Iraq.I have documented others' findings on this matter before, and here is another one exposed: The New Republic, who's only response to the discovery is a terse statement as follows:NOTE TO READERS:Several conservative blogs have raised questions about the Diarist "Shock Troops," written by a soldier in Iraq using the pseudonym Scott Thomas. Whenever anybody levels serious accusations against a piece...
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel Fuel
Remedies for Lubrication Problems
I don't know about you guys, but I've had problems with the new diesel fuel wearing out engine parts. Today, I read with interest several suggested remedies to that problem on Survival Blog via reader letters. Here is a snippet of one:Hello Jim,I have been a fuel distributor since 1972. I have seen many changes in the industry since then and IMHO the ULSD fuel is one of the goofier ones. The fuel is treated to get rid of the nasty sulfur. Along with this goes some of the wax, thus less power. BTU losses of 3-7% are common. The ULSD fuel is harder...
Meet President Cheney

President CheneyThis man will have Presidential Powers for a few hours today, much to the dismay of moonbats.That makes today a good day indeed!!...
Friday, July 20, 2007
Neal Boortz For President !!!
I Stand With Neal Boortz!!!This was a seminar caller.Related: Terrorist Sniper Taken Out...
Thursday, July 19, 2007
You Think They Got The Message?
According to this story linked from Drudge, the Feds are claiming they're gonna finally build some of the wall...HOUSTON (Reuters) - Construction on a border wall in southern Texas is expected to begin by this autumn, despite strong local opposition, U.S. Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff said in an interview published on Thursday.Chertoff told the Houston Chronicle the federal government "can't rule out" using powers of eminent domain to seize land for the wall that is intended to stem the flow of illegal immigrants entering the United...
Which Theologian Are You?

I saw this quiz on a blog called ruminations from the distant hills, and I don't quite know what to make of it...You scored as Martin Luther, The daddy of the Reformation. You are opposed to any Catholic ideas of works-salvation and see the scriptures as being primarily authoritative.John Calvin100% Martin Luther100% Anselm93% Jürgen Moltmann93% Jonathan Edwards80% Charles Finney67% Friedrich Schleiermacher60% Karl Barth60% Paul Tillich53% Augustine47%...
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Online Videos by Veoh.comJoin us on September 11, 2007 in BrusselsFor more information on how you can join the Counterjihad:SIADSIOEAKTE-ISLAMGATES OF VIENNAVIGILANT FREED...
Moonbats in Charlotte
A Charlotte area blogger, Ogre, checked out a Moonbat Rally yesterday:What an evening. I have to say I really felt like I completely wasted an afternoon. I could have come home and done something important, like go to the bathroom or something. Ah well. Here's the report from the scene. I found out Tuesday morning that Sheehan was supposed to be at a local park at 5:00pm. I decided I'd head over with the camera. Just before it was time I found out the morning host at WBT 1110, one Keith Larson had found out that Cindy's "people" didn't reserve...
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Blogs 4 Borders Blogburst 0717
It was a crazy, busy, amazing weekend in the Chicago area. This week'sBlogburst is chock full of video from...Conference on Immigration-- Lake CountySeveral hundred patriots turned out to listen to and mingle with thelikes of Ted Hayes, Monica Ramos & Joe Loya, Rick Biesada, RosannaPulido, and William Gheen. Not to mention Chris Burgard, whose movie, Border was screened at theconference (my review is here).Shoppingin WaukeganThe anti-law enforcement crowd has been boycotting Waukegan businessesthat don't display an orange "no 287(g)" sign...
Fighting An Enemy Congress
I found an interesting article over at Redstate on my morning rounds:Last week on his radio show, Morning in America, Bill Bennett proposed that the GOP presidential candidates hold a joint press conference. The purpose of such an event would be for the declared candidates to position themselves firmly beside President Bush and in support of his policies in fighting the Global War on Terror. Additionally, and perhaps more importantly, the candidates would be placing themselves directly in the path of a Congress hell bent on bringing about a defeat...
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Robin Cape's Partisan Power Grab
My copy of the Asheville City-Council Meeting won't arrive until later in the week, but others are busy parsing the content from the latest meeting, and fellow blogger Tim Peck has already posted one (from which I stole the title for this post), and here it is:For Background on this issue please visit the following websites:Let Asheville Vote,Tim Peck, andScrutiny Hooliga...
A Decade of Blogging
No, not me! Although I am approaching the 1,000th post of this particular blog.We are approaching a decade since the first blogger -- regarded by many to be Jorn Barger -- began his business of hunting and gathering links to items that tickled his fancy, to which he appended some of his own commentary. On Dec. 23, 1997, on his site, Robot Wisdom, Mr. Barger wrote: "I decided to start my own webpage logging the best stuff I find as I surf, on a daily basis," and the Oxford English Dictionary regards this as the primordial root of the word "weblog."Source:...
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Grassroots Conservatism on Political Pistachio
I listen to the podcasts of several radio shows on Blog Talk Radio (see left side bar for the drop down menu), and one of them is Political Pistachio. His show will be addressing some concerns that all grassroots conservatives should be addressing in their own minds. I'll let Doug do the talking:A couple of Republicans are now challenging Bush's Iraq Policy. They are proposing that Bush must have a new strategy by mid-October, to make adjustments to the "reality" as they see it that sectarian factionalism is not likely to abate anytime soon. In...
Friday, July 13, 2007
Ron Paul Registers A Zero In Poll
Republicans.Giuliani has the support of 30% of "Republicans and Republican leaners," vs. 28% a month ago; Thompson comes in with 20%, vs. 19% in June; McCain has 16%, vs. 18% a month earlier.Former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney remains in fourth, at 9% vs. 7% in June.The current numbers for the rest of the Republicans included in the survey: Former House speaker Newt Gingrich, 6%; former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee, 2%; Rep. Duncan Hunter, 2%; Rep. Tom Tancredo, 2%; Sen. Sam Brownback, 1%; Sen. Chuck Hagel, 1%; former Wisconsin governor...
Video Debate: Hindu Prayer Before US Senate
Here are a few videos on this controversy:The EventHarry Reid RespondsFor one of thousands of examples of violent Hindus, click here,or watch this video.An Atheist Chimes in, cannot stay on Topic or resist attacking Christianity.A Christian Respon...
This Too Will Fail (The Surrender Caucus)
This latest ridiculous attempt to surrender will fail, and cannot override a President Veto. This Resolution has less support than the previous effort. All it will accomplish is the identification of moderate Democrats and Republicans who may be eligible for defeat in 2008.A Taste of others covering the story in the Blogosphere:RedstateCaptain's QuartersMichelle MalkinDaily KosWizbangUpdate 6.11am: Jim Quinn's analysis of the bill is that the language on withdrawal starts out strong on the 1st page, "Demand Immediate Withdrawal", then weakens...
Thursday, July 12, 2007
VIDEO--CIndy Sheehan for Congress #2
Cindy Sheehan is threatening to unseat Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi if she does not promote the impeachment of President George W. Bush.I have managed to secure a copy of one of her campaign ads, and hope you enjoy the look into her thought machinations:Hat Tip: Red StateRelated: British Release Giant Badgers in Bas...
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
The Case of the Bogus Baghdad Bullet in the Bed

Or, Another Bogus Story Pimped by the Legacy MediaThis woman claims her bed was hit by a bullet fired by US or Iraqi Troops during a raid (presumably nearby).Gateway Pundit has more about the bogus story, and the bloggers who exposed it.CommentaryI'm thinking that the best way to expose these Chuckleheads in the Legacy Media is to call them on it, and post the idiocies they "report" as news. This is more of a Propaganda Piece than a news story,...
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Blogs For Borders Video Blogburst 071007
Uncounted Beans: Illegal aliens influencing congressional seats?100% Preventable! arrested 11 times, not deported, rapes 15 yearold girl!Vigilance Dispatch: Illinois town seeks to deport aliencriminals, Hispanics not happy!You can learn more about illegal aliens effects on the apportionment ofcongressional seats in this excellent CISstudy.Do you have your tickets yet? If you're in the greater Illinois areawe will be attending (and possibly live blogging) the "LAKE COUNTYCONFERENCE ON IMMIGRATION!" Sorry about that I just lost controlfor a second.Please...
Monday, July 9, 2007
North Carolina Conservative Disavows Martin Nesbitt Indictment
In regards to the stories here, and here, the North Carolina Conservative has posted the following:Important message, please readAn article has appeared on blogs and been forwarded through email lists, claiming that Sen. Martin Nesbitt is under federal investigation. The article is being attributed to The North Carolina Conservative. However, no article has been written or published by our publication regarding this matter.Although we have heard similar rumors, the NCC does not know if anything in the email concerning Sen. Martin Nesbitt is valid....
Audio: Dems Plot to Turn Troops Against President Bush
I listen to Quinn and Rose on XM165 every morning on the way to work [Link to WPGB], and at work when I can.This morning Quinn has broken another story about Democrats, and how they work behind the scenes.I have taken the liberty to embed the audio.I have had trouble getting the audio to work, so try downloading this wma file. It is 12.3MB in size.**Update** I'm still working some leads on this story...will add more.Beaver County Newspaper Article I've been in contact with both the White House, and Congressman Shuler's Office, and both seem unaware...
The Panda Patrol Visits WNC
Panda-monium in Asheville!!!WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA. Twenty-two Freedomworks members from 3 chapters-- McDowell, Macon and Buncombe Counties-- rallied for sensible energy policy and against recent votes in Congress to place price controls on gasoline. FreedomWorks received press coverage from WLOS TV ABC and the Asheville Tribune as they rallied outside Congressman Heath Shuler’s Asheville office. Allen Page, FreedomWorks’ Southeastern Director, said , “Congressman Shuler is supposed to be a Blue Dog Democrat, but for someone who claims to be...
Sunday, July 8, 2007
BREAKING--NC Senator Nesbitt To Be Indicted?
**Updated see bottom of post**Apparently, this story is in the early breaking stages, although former NC Senator RL Clark has warned us of it for over a year. I received it in my email, and the story is not posted at North Carolina Conservative yet, so I'll post an excerpt, and then the link to the full story once it becomes available.Raleigh, NC -- North Carolina's Democratic State Senator Martin Nesbitt may soon be indicted on Federal racketeering and money laundering charges from his repeated funneling of state budget funds through the statewide...
WaPo--Twisting the Numbers on Civilian Deaths in Iraq
The news sounded ominous, with reporter Joshua Partlow openly questioning the success of the current surge strategy, stating as fact that June civilian deaths in Baghdad were much higher in comparison to January: Nearly five months into a security strategy that involves thousands of additional U.S. and Iraqi troops patrolling Baghdad, the number of unidentified bodies found on the streets of the capital was 41 percent higher in June than in January, according to unofficial Health Ministry statistics. During the month of June, 453 unidentified...