Photo stolen from Jihad Watch, who stole it from Say Anything, who stole it from The Gates of Vienna, where the Baron is a gifted graphics producer.
Public pressure is mounting on Capitol Hill Democrats to include the "John Doe" provision into a written conference report of the final 911 Commission bill.The provision would protect the public for reporting suspicious behavior that may be terrorist connected, and is the result of a current lawsuit against U.S. Airways and "John Doe" passengers filed by a group of imams who were kicked off a flight.
"Democrats have been backed into a corner by public outrage over their efforts, so we are seeing these Democrats publicly say they support it in principle, but behind the scenes they are working to kill it," said one Republican leadership aide close to the conference process.
"There are powerful Democrats in the House and Senate trying to kill this provision," the aide said.
"Keeping the pressure on" to include the provision are Sen. Joe Lieberman, Connecticut Independent and chairman of the Senate Homeland Security Committee, the committee's ranking member, Republican Sen. Susan Collins of Maine whose efforts last week fell three votes short of passing the provision to an education bill, and Rep. Pete King, New York Republican and ranking member of the House Homeland Security Committee and an author of the provision.
Source: Jihad Watch
Related: The Democrats' New Negotiating Partners
Please contact your elected critter to voice your concerns.
Senate Switchboard 202-224-3121
House Switchboard 202-225-3121
I'm gonna hafta dig up my Chicken Party Logo, and switch it to Democrats on Terror from my original GOP on Illegal Aliens.
I'm sorry... this is somehow going to keep you from reporting suspicious activity? No. I would hope not.
It will, however, keep racists and radicals from targeting people unnecessarily.
If you're sued by a terrorist for giving him a hard time, I'm guessing you won't ever have to see the inside of a court room. Don't you agree?
Like so many things in this Bushie era - the 101st fighting keyboardists are so busy crapping their pants that they're willing to jettison basic protections and freedoms for our citizens.
Look, TP, if I see somebody looking real sketchy, I'll tell someone. I don't need some ridiculous immunity.
Accusing Democrats of wanting you to be less safe is patently absurd, especially while our current officeholder has presided over a rebuilding of Al Qaeda and created a shitstorm in Iraq.
That is precisely what this is supposed to do.
You have heard of the 'Flying Imams' who attended an Islamic Conference in Minnesota, then, when they were departing (the six in question), they made a very loud and ostentatious display of unfurling their prayer rugs in the wide open spaces of the airport, and prayed very loudly. (I have been around Muslims...they preferred to seek seclusion, especially if there were infidels around, as djinn could approach and hear them)
After these Muslims had their prayer service, they began wandering the terminal, making loud comments about their solidarity with Usama bin Laden, and their desire to become martyrs.
This continued until they were boarded. All six had seats near one another on the plane. After takeoff, they changed seating to sit in the classic hijacking pattern, Aft, Center, and near the Front of the cabin.
They then requested seat belt extenders despite their thin frames, and not being obese in any way. They then placed these extenders next to their seats, and from time to time would pick them up, and wrap them around their hands with the hard buckle outward, as one would do if planning to use as a weapon or to threaten or 'terrorize' others.
Several people reported their activity, including an Arabic speaking Muslim, who acted as interpreter for the stewardesses.
The 'imams' were speaking of conducting jihad, and receiving their virgins in paradise.
The plane's pilot contacted authorities, the imams were removed from the plane to the applause of virtually the entire passenger manifest.
Now, these imams have been trying to sue the airline, and have been trying to identify the passengers who reported their suspicious activity.
We need a Good Samaritan Law to protect people who see suspicious behavior, just like the Laws that protect First Responders to the scene of an accident. I have responded many times as a civilian to accidents I have come across in my daily travels. I have had the luck of being in the right place at the right time to cold cock a purse snatcher, and to shoot a fleeing armed robber. I have been shot at on the interstate in the dark of night, but surprised my attackers with 'a substantial volume' of return fire. (Having three loaded weapons at hand, and extra mags helped)
You forget that this enemy is engaged in fighting us on ALL FRONTS, and these imams were engaged in jihad, whether it was a Psy-Ops endeavour, a dry run, or just some imams screwing around with people they perceived as keeping an extra eye on them.
As far as the 101st Keyboardists...these guys have no formal organization, just a common goal. There are those of us who are organized, watching, and acting.
The only reason al-Qaeda is rebuilding is because Bush 43 did them serious damage, unlike the feckless Clinton, who only acted against them to distract the public from the brewing Monica Lewinski Affair.
"J'Accuse!" I do accuse the Democrats of wanting us less safe because they do not recognize the danger, and would use any successful attack by the enemy as a political weapon against the President.
I'll give you just one source of the tactics being used by our enemies, both foreign, and domestic.
An Addenda to the previous, during my morning search for news content I ran across this story on Yahoo, Airports Warned About Terror Dry Runs.
Part of which says:
WASHINGTON - Airport security officers around the nation have been alerted by federal officials to look out for terrorists practicing to carry explosive components onto aircraft, based on four curious seizures at airports since last September.
The unclassified alert was distributed on July 20 by the Transportation Security Administration to federal air marshals, its own transportation security officers and other law enforcement agencies.
The seizures at airports in San Diego, Milwaukee, Houston and Baltimore included "wires, switches, pipes or tubes, cell phone components and dense clay-like substances," including block cheese, the bulletin said. "The unusual nature and increase in number of these improvised items raise concern."
Security officers were urged to keep an eye out for "ordinary items that look like improvised explosive device components."
These people are working with the enemy to soften up our resolve, our vigilance, and to create holes through which their brethren can kill Americans. The Democrats want to help them.
May God have mercy on you lefties should these guys succeed, I will not.
"The only reason al-Qaeda is rebuilding is because Bush 43 did them serious damage."
Bush did them serious damage in Afghanistan. Hooray! Then he went to Iraq, where AQinIraq has, so to speak, exploded while Pakistan AQ has grown by leaps and bounds.
Bush did them serious damage then did them serious favors through his ham-handed, poorly planned, and badly conceived foreign policy.
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