The Left, which includes most of the Media, is so against this war that they are willing to lie in order to support their agenda to get us out of Iraq.
I have documented others' findings on this matter before, and here is another one exposed: The New Republic, who's only response to the discovery is a terse statement as follows:
NOTE TO READERS:Matt Sanchez wrote the following:
Several conservative blogs have raised questions about the Diarist "Shock Troops," written by a soldier in Iraq using the pseudonym Scott Thomas. Whenever anybody levels serious accusations against a piece published in our magazine, we take those charges seriously. Indeed, we're in the process of investigating them. I've spoken extensively with the author of the piece and have communicated with other soldiers who witnessed the events described in the diarist. Thus far, these conversations have done nothing to undermine--and much to corroborate--the author's descriptions. I will let you know more after we complete our investigation.
--Franklin Foer
These type of stories are part of I believe are part of a 5GW-type of campaign being conducted against our troops, against our people, and designed to provide moral support to the anti-American War Protesters here, and the enemy in the Theater.
I was at Camp Falcon earlier this month and didn't recognize any of what Scott Thomas described. So, I e-mailed the public affairs officer Major Luedeke at Camp Falcon:
Per COL Boylan's request, I have prepared the following:
1. There was no mass grave found during the construction of any of our coalition outposts in the Rashid District at any time. Such a discovery would have prompted an investigation and close attention paid at levels higher than ours to making sure that the victims were properly interred and attempts would have been made to determine their identities. It is difficult to fathom that a unit's leadership would condone Soldiers disrespecting the remains of anyone in the fashion described.
2. Due to the threat of IEDs, our combat vehicles are driven professionally and in control at all times. To be driving erratically so as to hit dogs or other things would be to put the entire vehicle's crew at risk and would be gross dereliction of duty by the noncommissioned officer or officer in charge of the vehicle. Drivers aren't allowed to simply free-wheel their vehicles however they see fit, and they are *not* allowed to be moved anywhere with out a vehicle commander present to supervise the movement. Therefore- claims of vehicles leaving the roadways to hit animals are highly dubious, given the very real threat of IEDs and normal standards of conduct.
3. As for the alleged woman with severe burn scars, we have nobody matching that description here at FOB Falcon. As Soldiers, we practice the value of Respect: "Treat people as you want to be treated." If the blogger and his friends can't live the Army value of respect, I have little doubt that someone around them who does would have made an on-the-spot correction. The Falcon dining facility is not a spacious one. Anyone being rude, loud or raucous calls immediate attention to himself. It is hard to fathom that anyone would be able to get away with such callous behavior without somebody intervening and stopping it from happening.
For a more detailed timeline of how this particular story unfolded and fell apart, visit Gateway Pundit, where Jim has been following developments of this story.
He also links to others who are covering the story.
70% of the American public wants us to get out of Iraq. This is despite the myriad talking heads carrying water for Bush since the invasion began.
Bush botched the whole operation, which he never should have started in the first place.
You think there's a conspiracy against the soldiers from some vast left-wing conspiracy?
That's cuckoobananas.
#1... This country is not, nor has it ever been a democracy. It is a Republic. It is not ruled by mobs.
@2... Operation Iraqi Freedom has succeeded beyond our wildest dreams. We have freed 25 million Iraqis, exposed a network of mass graves totaling several hundred thousand dead. Forced al-Qaeda to respond to us in Iraq.
#3... The Left is mostly filled with 'useful idiots' as Stalin called them. Sure, there are some true believers in Revolutionary Defeatism, like Hillary, but most are not.
As to vast conspiracies, I have participated in a few, and the successful ones have just a few people on the inside, with many more out of the loop.
As cuckoobananas as Hillary's claim to a 'Vast Right Wing Conspiracy'?
BTW, I do have a card identifying me as a participant in that conspiracy!!!
Like the conspiracy of the Gang of Four to lock in their power?
Look for more videos on that issue coming soon to a You Tube Channel near you!
#2 - George W. Bush promised us a "Jeffersonian Democracy". Cheney said we'd be "greeted as liberators". Rumsfeld said the war would last "six days, six weeks, I doubt six months". We were told the war would be paid for by Iraqi oil revenues.
And let's not forget that there were a lot of lefties, myself included, who predicted much of what's happened there.
I could go on and on here. It's absurd to say it's gone better than anyone could have imagined.
Technically, the war was over in 2003.
What we are dealing with now is a honey trap, where we are attracting all kinds of jihadis to face us in Iraq...the home of their prophesied Caliphate, from which they will rule the world.
As far as getting paid from Iraqi revenues...we can't just steal their oil, can we? That is not how we operate.
I was hoping you'd bite on the previous post...where the aftermarket additives actually add more sulfur and pollution-emitting "stuff" in the diesel fuel than was there before it was "fixed" to a lower pollution standard.
Technically, thousands of people are dying every day for an unnecessary war.
The "honey trap" is a terrorist recruitment and training center - collecting money, experience, and twisted glory for killing Americans.
Meanwhile, insurgents fight insurgents, Shia fight Sunni, and our troops lie in the middle of it, trying to uncrap the bed.
Meanwhile, Al Qaeda is as strong as its been since 9/11.
Meanwhile, terrorist attacks worldwide are up.
Meanwhile, Pakistan harbors the Afghani terrorists while Saudi Arabia supplies Iraq with more than its fair share.
Anyone who thinks that George W. Bush has made good foreign policy choices has chosen to believe a pastiche of lies. It's a shame.
One day, we'll get out of Iraq and address terrorism in a way that might actually win us some allies in what is essentially a battle of ideologies.
Thousands of people dying everyday in Iraq? That is either hyperbole or a lie.
The 'honey pot' is working very well. Everyday, more and more Iraqis join our side.
It took al-Qaeda 6 years to rebuild, whereas if they had been left at their original strength...who knows what other attacks they would have pulled off? President George W. Bush may very well have saved the lives of hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of Americans, and history will reflect that. He will be remembered side by side with George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, FDR, and Ronald Reagan as one of the greatest Presidents we have ever had, despite his piss-poor performance on Illegal Aliens.
Leaving Iraq prematurely will invite a bloodbath we have not seen since our premature withdrawal from Viet Nam initiated the killing fields, which saw millions die.
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