I made my annual trek to the Waynesville Public Library for the Annual Book Sale today. I thought today was the first day, but yesterday was...so tomorrow will be the last day of the sale.
My haul this year: 21 books!
Civil War by Bruce Catton
*Lexington and Concord by Arthur Tourtellot
*102 Minutes by Jim Dwyer and Kevin Flynn
*The Convention and The Constitution by David Smith
The Discovery and Conquest of Mexico by Bernard Diaz del Castillo
The Atlas of World History by Rand McNally
The Age of Napoleon by Wm and Ariel Durant
(Volume XI of The Story of Civilization)my collection is complete!
The Rise and Fall of The League of Nations by George Scott
*The Unseen Hand by A. Ralph Epperson
*Operation Thunderchild by Nick Pope
1632 by Eric Flint
The Source by James Michener
Chesapeake by James Michener
*Our Angry Earth by Isaac Asimov and Frederik Pohl
The Bubble of American Supremacy by George Soros
Slander by Ann Coulter
How to Talk to a Liberal (If you must) by Ann Coulter
Winning The Future by Newt Gingrich
The Final Days by Barbara Olson
The Conservative Intellectual Movement in America since 1945 by George Nash
The Conservative Mind by Russell Kirk
The Woven Figure by George Will
The Third Wave by Alvin Toffler
* Books are paperback or softcover
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