Press Release
Asheville, NC- On Monday, July 2 FreedomWorks activists, including the ‘stop pandering-Panda’ will be making an appearance outside Congressman Heath Schuler’s Asheville office. The Panda will be joined by 10-20 activists from FreedomWorks’ North Carolina chapter to educate voters on recent votes Congressman Schuler cast to gasoline prices and limit domestic energy production, making America more dependent on foreign sources of energy.
Allen Page, FreedomWorks’ Southeast Director, commented:
“Congressman Schuler is supposed to be Blue Dog Democrat, but for someone who claims to be a fiscal conservative, he’s not taking real life economics into consideration on his energy votes. His recent vote on the Energy Policy Reform and Revitalization Act helps to limit development of domestic energy sources, thereby increasing gas prices.”
“Limiting domestic production will do nothing to relieve energy costs; in fact it will make them worse. If we want to see gas prices come down we need to increase the supply. Congressman Schuler needs to understand that although his votes satisfied the Hollywood elite, he is raising costs for hardworking North Carolinians at the pump.”
FreedomWorks is a national grassroots organization promoting lower taxes, less government, and more freedom, including 26,000 members in North Carolina .
The FreedomWorks Panda has been seen at many events, most recently at an Al Gore book signing and an AFL-CIO rally by the US Capitol.

Why can't people figure out how to spell Shuler's name? It makes them looks stupid.
I've always thought it was a slam, because a friend of mine with the last name Shuler spells the Congressman's in that manner, notwithstanding the correct way drives my spell checker crazy.
Like most Anglicanized names, there are many spelling variations.
I'm also guessing that Shuler is an uncommon name, and Robert Schuller of California is the only famous person they know who has a name that sounds like Shuler. My 87 yr-old grandmother thinks the Congressman must be related to him somehow.
You'll notice I spelled his name right in my labels. But, then I have grown up with Shulers since the first grade, sharing a birthday with one.
I'm thinking you should start a campaign of public appearances in your pig mask, except where it might scare small children. lol
John W
PS This thing won't take my ID. Why?
Children nowadays aren't as tough as they used to be!
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