
I am working on the template of this blog today in order to chase down some problems that have developed with my template and widgets.

Macon County Commissioners

Coverage of the meetings of the Macon County Board of County Commissioners.

Franklin Town Board of Aldermen

Coverage of the meetings of the Franklin Town Board of Aldermen.

Macon County School Board

Coverage of the meetings of the Macon County School Board.


Photos from my photoblog.

nullspace for future use

nullspace for future use


Thursday, December 31, 2009

Coming in 2010: Pat Dollard's "Young Americans"

I will be carrying episodes of Pat Dollard's documentary "Young Americans" in 2010. This is the trailer for the series......

Justice Antonin Scalia on Globalization and the Law

U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia delivers a lecture on the clash between international and state law that is inherent in globalization. He explores historical precedents, and discusses the best and the worst ways of implementing international law.Antonin Scalia spoke at the Lloyd Cutler Lecture in Berlin on September 22, 2009.The above video is only a preview and you must visit to view the entire progr...

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Waynesville Republican Sam Edwards will challenge Ray Rapp for NC House District 118

Waynesville Republican Sam Edwards announced he would take on Rep. Ray Rapp, a Mars Hill Democrat.Edwards's announcement paints him as a man of Main Street, declaring: "Mayberry needs to increase and Raleigh needs to decrease.""Although Raleigh has its uses," he explains further, "'Mayberry' is where the people really live, and work, and have to suffer the consequences of expensive and irresponsible government policies.”Edwards said he is a pastor,...

Twitter and the Iranian Democracy Uprising

The above video is only a preview of the full program, which is viewable at The whole program is very informative, and well worth your time to watch.I've not macro-blogged here regarding the attempt to bring a llittle more liberty to Iran in favor of micro-blogging about it on Twitter and running VPN's for the Iranian students so that they might have access to the Internet to Tweet and upload photos and videos. I think my only post covers...

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Structure Fire

Photo by Bobby CogginsWhat a terrible way for someone to end the year. I had just sat down in the Macon County Library, set up my laptop and turned on my scanner when I heard Franklin and Clarks Chapel Volunteer Fire Depts being called out to a fire in reference to a Dryer overheating and catching fire. The first unit on the scene advised that it was a working fire and requested additional fire departments to be called. Otto and Cullasaja were called...

Kitty Sauna

see more Lolcats and funny picturesI could not resist posting this phot...

Monday, December 28, 2009

Israel Calls ALL Ambassadors Home For Special Meeting in Jerusalem

This is the first time a conference for all of Israel’s Heads of Missions has been held. The idea is to facilitate direct dialogue with the country’s leaders, mutual updates on major diplomatic issues, and a discussion of action plans to deal with the challenges awaiting the State of Israel in the international arena in the coming year, including the Iranian threat.Source: Gateway PunditThe full text from MFA is belowThe Ministry of Foreign Affairs,...

Moon and Walnut Tree


Sunday, December 27, 2009

"The most redeeming feature of capitalism is failure" -Kevin Duffy

Graphic courtesy Free Speech StickersFrom an interview in Barron's:Barron’s: You’ve said that perhaps the most redeeming feature of capitalism is failure. Please explain.Duffy: Any healthy system needs a way to correct error and remove waste. Nature has extinction, the economy has loss, bankruptcy, liquidation. Interfering in this process lengthens feedback loops. Error and waste are allowed to accumulate, and you ultimately get a massive collapse.Capitalism...

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Northern Mountains of WNC Hit with Paralyzing Ice Storm

A week after over a foot and a half of snow fell in the High Country, around a half inch of ice has caused thousands of power outages in the area.According to BREMCO's website, over 22,000 BREMCO customers, that's good for over 30 percent of their customers, are without power. At the outages' peak, around 35,000 BREMCO customers were in the dark. BREMCO's Rene Whitener said the outages began around 5:00 Friday morning.Whitener said crews from...

Friday, December 25, 2009

Mele Kalikimake

Mele Kalikimaka is the Hawaiian Christmas Song sung as a warm greeting from Hawaii as sung by Bing Crosby.This post is dedicated to @mscator, who serves as a positive role model (though I don't always follow her lead, LOL) on Twitte...

Saturn Moon Ballet

The musical piece is Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy by Tchaikovsky...

Star Trek Jungle Bells


Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas Tree Surprise


Ice Storm Warnings and Advisories Issues for Western North Carolina

Map created by the GSP Office of the National Weather Service, and modified by me.Oh No! Here we go again!!! It looks like some severe weather is bound for portions of western North Carolina for tonight and tomorrow, with an Ice Storm for the northern mountains sure to disrupt Christmas plans for thousands...In the past, I've mocked people for waiting until the last minute to get provisions for a storm. This time I won't. YOU NEED TO GET OUT NOW...

Snow Miser versus Heat Miser Dance Contest

It appears that Heat Miser wins the contest this year in my neighborhood as we are forecast to get rain on Christmas Day. Maybe next year our luck will be bette...

US Senate Passes Health Care Legislation 60-39

By a vote of 60 to 39, the Senate passed its version of health care reform. Senator Jim Bunning (R-KY) was the only member not present for the vote.The next step is a conference with the House to form one bill to be voted on by both chambers. Image courtesy C-SPA...


Nocturne from Vincent Laforet on Vimeo.Nocturne was shot at ISO 6400 ASA with a Canon 1D Mark IV using available light. According to Vincent Laforet, a reflector was used only on the scene involving the little girl!If you want one of these cameras, be advised they cost more than $5,000.Read more about the video project an Vincent Laforet's blog.Read more about this camera at Engadget....

Moderate Islam: Western Ally or Western Myth?
Hosted by The Middle East Forum

This video is an hour long and comes from Fora TV, which is an excellent source of video regarding public discourse on many issues from many viewpoints.The above event was hosted by The Middle East Forum, a Philadelphia-based think tank, seeks to define and promote American interests in the Middle East and protect the Constitutional order from Middle Eastern influences. It does this in several ways. The Middle East Quarterly provides in-depth analyses. Campus Watch critiques Middle East studies in North America. Islamist Watch focuses on the lawful...

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

"You're Mean One, Mr. Grinch" Sung By Tay Zonday

I don't necessarily agree with his analysis at the end, but the guy can I had to embed it anywa...

Ray Stevens Sings "We The People"

Good to see that Ray Stevens is on the right side of this issue!...

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Senator Richard Burr Discusses the Price of the 60th Vote

Burr is up for re-election this year, and he will need all the help that conservatives can give him...because the Progressives are going to go all out to win this seat in 201...

Democrats Ensure America Will No Longer Be the Last Best Hope of Earth

As the passage of the bill that will start the process of nationalizing health care in America becomes almost inevitable, so, too, the process of undoing America's standing as The Last Best Hope of Earth will have begun.That description of America was not, as more than a few Americans on the left believe, made by some right-wing chauvinist. It was made by President Abraham Lincoln in an address to Congress on Dec. 1, 1862.The bigger the American government becomes, the more like other countries America becomes. Even a Democrat has to acknowledge...

Saturday, December 19, 2009

After the Storm

Here is a video of my drive through Macon and Jackson Counties this morning sped up about ten times faster than normal...except for the snowball fight at Topcat's Grocer...

Video Views of the Snow in Western North Carolina

Here are some videos people have uploaded to the Internet of the snow that hit our region yesterday, so enjoy the scenery!!!This last one is a three hour webcam view with the local scanner traffic I webcast over the Internet yesterday as it happene...

Friday, December 18, 2009

Snowcam Live Recorded with Scanner Audio

The view from my house this afternoon in the loverly snow. I added scanner audio to the feed as well.Live player has been replaced with the recorded vide...

Thursday, December 17, 2009

West Carolina Report for December 17, 2009

I've been VERY remiss in not keeping a regular schedule of posting here, and I mean to change that, starting today and getting back to overwhelming you with posts.Here are some clippings of the news in western North Carolina from newspapers, blogs and news sites on the Internet, especially those West of the Balsams that are eschewed by the Main Stream types who think the world revolves around Asheville:Winter Weather Forecast (most of this should...

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

The Truth About Congressman Heath Shuler

"The NCGOP produced this video to highlight Rep. Shuler’s blatant disregard for the truth and his attempt to use his office as leverage in a land deal with the TVA. The citizens of Western North Carolina deserve better representation."NCGOP Chairman Tom FetzerThe GOP of WNC is grateful to the NCGOP and Tom Fetzer for producing this ad."I challenge the Congressman to dispute one second of this ad. He can not because facts don't lie."Robert DanosHenderson County GOPRead more about this at The Tenneseea...

Do Republicans in Buncombe County Understand the US Constitution???
Or Do They WANT A Religious Test for Officeholders?

**2.14pm** I've had several emails from Republicans in Buncombe County objecting to my use of the term Republican in my headline, several of whom I respect. I'm letting the descriptor stand because I feel it fits, and I know of no significant numbers of Republicans who have come out in support of Cecil Bothwell's religious freedom. If I am mistaken in this, please correct me.I hope that certain people in Buncombe County will realize the folly of...

Monday, December 14, 2009

Christmas Tree Viewed From Above


Views from the Blue Ridge Parkway October 2009

Here are some views I captured on video while going to Waterrock Knob back in October....

Friday, December 11, 2009

An Evening Drive


Wednesday, December 9, 2009

WCU Young Americans for Liberty Congressional Forum

Here are the first 5 videos of the Congressional Forum held by the WCU Young Americans for Liberty on Monday night dealing with the introduction of the group, the format and the candidates...

Monday, December 7, 2009

Watch NC 11 Congressional Debate Live;
Hosted by WCU Young Americans for Liberty

The player will start playing the event when I start webcasting live, which should be just before 7pm tonight. If you are a webmaster or blogger, feel free to grab the embed code and post it on your own webpage and help spread the word about the candidates, and where they stand on the issues!!! After the event is over, I will replace the live player with the archived recording of the event.Young Americans for Liberty is a Constitutionally-focused...

Remembering Pearl Harbor

NEVER FORGET!!!The USS Shaw exploding on December 7, 2009 KGU in Honolulu calls NBC to report Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor while it is in progress. An NBC Radio report on the aftermath of the attack on Pearl Harbor. "December 7th," directed by John Ford, begins with the aftermath of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, nicknamed "the Navy's hundred million dollar fist." Authentic footage of the invasion is mixed with reenactments to provide a...