**10.16pm** Tonight was the last straw, technically speaking. I had trouble with the video stream freezing up my laptop...even when I lowered it to 320x240 resolution. I had to restart the laptop twice (once removing the battery) and it interfered with me being able to properly tweet, video & photograph the proceedings, so I'm not going to try to do live video any more until I get a better laptop or an assistant to handle the live video coverage.
So, from now on, I'll just concentrate on tweeting, uploading pix to TwitPic if I can squeeze it in, and taking photos and video for later processing and display on my blog. I'll still be doing DVDs for those that want them at $5 a piece.
I appreciate everyone's support and patience with me as I've tried to figure this stuff out.
The Franklin Fire Department had a ladder truck outside the Town Hall that they are considering purchasing. Here are a couple of photos I took of it:
I hope that they are able to purchase a new ladder truck. The one they currently have is beyond ancient.

The Franklin Town Board of Aldermen meets tonight at 7pm, and I'll be there to cover it. You can watch the meeting live on the video player above, or follow along using your favorite Twitter client using the hashtag #MaconGov. I'll be tweeting the meeting on my @wpig account.
There has been no agenda released for the meeting, so I guess the content of tonight's meeting will be a surprise.

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