**7.39pm** Here is the last three hours of the debate on the Marriage Amendment (I missed the first few minutes) in the NC House. It eventually passed 75-42.
The Mountain Xpress has posted video of the debate, as well as linking to this post. Thanks guys!
**2.12** Here is the audio of the Marriage Amendment being discussed, then passed out of the Rules and Operation of the NC Senate this afternoon. It now goes to the floor of the NC House.
**1.08pm** Here is the audio of a very short committee meeting that took place in Room 544. I believe it was the House Finance Committee. The audio was so bad that I could barely understand what was being said.
**12.57pm** Please note the changes in the legislative calendar. The new calendar is at the bottom of the page. The Marriage Amendment Bill will now be discussed in Room 425, which is not wired for sound...so I will not be able to record the meeting.

The North Carolina General Assembly will convene today in accordance with the Adjournment Resolution here is the schedule for today. There are also a couple of committees meeting today, and sessions of the NC Senate and the NC House are currently scheduled for noon today. They are expected to work the process of continuing to override some of the bills that the Governor has vetoed while they were adjourned.
If you cannot listen to these meetings live, check back later to see if I have. I currently plan to listen to the Judiciary I committee meeting scheduled for 1.30 to 3.30 this afternoon. If I do, I'll post the audio (and a download link) for the meeting at the top of this page. You can also follow what is happening in the NC General Assembly by keeping an eye on the hashtag #ncga on Twitter.
If I haven't been able to listen, please check with Voter Radio. You should already be subscribing to their podcasts anyway. I do. ʘ‿ʘ
Link for audio webcasts by room. The old linking system no longer works.
Here is the legislative calendar with more details:
10:00 AM |
Child Fatality Task Force - Perinatal Health Committee
| 1027/1128 LB |
10:00 AM |
Elections -- CANCELLED (House)
Bd. of Ethics, Lobbying, and Campaign Finance. (H710)
| 643 LOB |
12:00 PM |
Session Convenes (House)
SB 580 Conference Report - Hartsell - ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE OF THE COURTS
OMNIBUS COURTS ACT. (Conference Report)
HB 351 Lewis, T. Moore, and Killian (Primary Sponsors) - RESTORE CONFIDENCE IN GOVERNMENT. (Vetoed by Governor - 6/23/11)
(Veto Override Vote Reconsidered - 7/26/11) (Ratified Edition)
(Vetoed by Governor - 6/27/11) (Ratified Edition)
SB 709 Rucho, Brown and Tucker (Primary Sponsors) - ENERGY JOBS ACT.
(Vetoed by Governor - 6/30/11) (Ratified Edition)
(Vetoed by Governor - 6/18/11) (Ratified Edition)
The House Select Committee on Certificate of Need Process and Related Hospital Issues will meet Wednesday, September 14, 2011, at 10:00 AM in Room 544 of the Legislative Office Building.
The Legislative Research Commission will meet Wednesday, September 14, 2011, 30 minutes after both chambers adjourn, in Room 1228/1327 of the Legislative Building.
| House |
12:00 PM |
Session Convenes (Senate)
| Senate |
1:30 PM |
Judiciary I -- CORRECTED (Senate)
| 643 LOB |
4:00 PM |
Rules and Operations of the Senate (Senate)
(This is typically where bills go to die. Occasionally they may be resurrected)
| 1027 LB |
4:00 PM |
Senate Rules Committee (see above)
| 1027/1128 LB |
Updated Legislative Calendar:
10:00 AM |
Child Fatality Task Force - Perinatal Health Committee
| 1027/1128 LB |
10:00 AM |
Elections -- CANCELLED (House)
Bd. of Ethics, Lobbying, and Campaign Finance. (H710)
| 643 LOB |
12:00 PM |
Session Convenes (House)
| House |
12:00 PM |
Session Convenes (Senate)
| Senate |
12:00 NOON |
Finance (House)
Meeting is scheduled for 12:30 pm or following the first recess of the House session.
| 544 LOB |
1:00 PM |
Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House (House)
Nutrient Management Plan Only For NSW. (S514)
| 425 LOB |
1:30 PM |
Judiciary I -- CORRECTED (Senate)
Judiciary I will meet in Room 643 at 1:30 PM. The committee will take up a PCS to HB 823, which will include a Constitutional amendment regarding term limits. Members of the public wishing to make comments must sign up with the committee assistant prior to the meeting.
Governance of the Dep't of Public Instruction. (H823) | 643 LOB |
3:00 PM |
Rep. Brandon/Press Conference
| Press Room LB |
4:00 PM |
Rules and Operations of the Senate (Senate)
| 1027 LB |
4:00 PM |
Senate Rules Committee
| 1027/1128 LB |

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