There will be no sessions of the NC Senate or the NC House of the North Carolina General Assembly today. There is a committee meeting scheduled for today.
If you cannot listen to this meetings live, check back later to see if I have. I currently plan to listen to it. If I do, I'll post the audio (and a download link) for the meeting at the top of this page. You can also follow what is happening in the NC General Assembly by keeping an eye on the hashtag #ncga on Twitter.
If I haven't been able to listen, please check with Voter Radio. You should already be subscribing to their podcasts anyway. I do. ???
Link for audio webcasts by room. The old linking system no longer works.
Here is the legislative calendar with a draft agenda of the committee meeting included for a little more detail on what to expect:
1:00 PM | Joint Legislative Oversight Committee on Health & Human Services (DRAFT) AGENDA September 20, 2011 1:00 P.M.; Room 643, Legislative Office Building Senator Louis Pate, Co-Chair, Presiding Health and Human Services Legislative Policy Review 1:10 – 1:30 Shawn Parker, Research Staff Health and Human Services Budget Overview 1:30 – 1:50 Fiscal Research Staff Medicaid Management Information Systems (MMIS) 1:50 – 3:00 Karlynn O’Shaughnessy, Fiscal Research Staff Angeline Sligh, Director, Office of MMIS Services, DHHS Federal Grant Review and Consultation 3:00 – 3:15 Jim Slate, Director of Budget and Analysis, DHHS IMD / PCS / Mental Health Update 3:15 – 3:30 Beth Melcher, PhD, Assistant Secretary for MH/DD/SAS Development, DHHS Open Discussion 3:30 – 4:00 Adjourn (NEXT MEETING – OCTOBER 11, 2011) | 643 LOB |

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