**1.35pm** Here is the audio of today's session of the NC Senate, which focused mainly on debating the Defense of Marriage Amendment. It passed 30-16 and the voters of North Carolina will decide if they want to protect traditional marriage or not.
**Audio Information** I posted some of the audio (over three hours of it) from yesterday's debate on the defense of Marriage Amendment. You can listen to it here.

The North Carolina General Assembly will convene today in accordance with the Adjournment Resolution here is the schedule for today. There are also a committee meeting today, a couple of press conferences and sessions of the NC Senate and the NC House are currently scheduled noon today.
If you cannot listen to these meetings live, check back later to see if I have. I currently plan to listen to the press conferences. If I do, I'll post the audio (and a download link) for the meeting at the top of this page. You can also follow what is happening in the NC General Assembly by keeping an eye on the hashtag #ncga on Twitter.
If I haven't been able to listen, please check with Voter Radio. You should already be subscribing to their podcasts anyway. I do. ʘ‿ʘ
Link for audio webcasts by room. The old linking system no longer works.
Here is the legislative calendar with more details:
8:00 AM | Agriculture -- CORRECTED (House) | 643 LOB |
10:30 AM | Rep. Faison/Press Conference (Time Change) | Press Room LB |
11:00 AM | Session Convenes (House) ADOPTION OF CONFERENCE REPORT SECOND READING - ROLL CALL SB 580 Conference Report - Hartsell - ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE OF THE COURTS OMNIBUS COURTS ACT. (Conference Report -Ruled Material) PUBLIC FOR CONCURRENCE SECOND READING - ROLL CALL HB 823 Senate Committee Substitute - Holloway, Hilton, Brubaker and Blackwell (Primary Sponsors) - SPEAKER/PRO TEM TERM LIMITS. (Senate Committee Substitute) (5th Edition) UNFINISHED BUSINESS RECONSIDERATION OF VETOED BILLS HB 351 Lewis, T. Moore and Killian (Primary Sponsors) - RESTORE CONFIDENCE IN GOVERNMENT. (Vetoed by Governor - 6/23/11) (Veto Override Vote Reconsidered - 7/26/11) (Ratified Edition) HB 482 Burr - WATER SUPPLY LINES/WATER VIOLATION WAIVERS. (Vetoed by Governor - 6/27/11) (Ratified Edition) SB 709 Rucho, Brown and Tucker (Primary Sponsors) - ENERGY JOBS ACT. (Vetoed by Governor - 6/30/11) (Ratified Edition) SB 727 Hise - NO DUES CHECKOFF FOR SCHOOL EMPLOYEES. (Vetoed by Governor - 6/18/11) (Ratified Edition) SECOND AND THIRD READINGS SB 354 House Committee Substitute - Bingham - FURTHER MODIFY 2011 APPOINTMENTS BILL. (Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House) (3rd Edition) | House |
11:30 AM | Rep. Glazier/Press Conference | Press Room LB |
12:00 PM | Session Convenes (Senate) PUBLIC BILLS SECOND READING SJR 792 Apodaca ADJOURNMENT RESOLUTION. 9/12 Rules Susp; Refer to Rules; Fav FOR CONCURRENCE SECOND READING ROLL CALL SB 514 Brunstetter 3rd Ed. NUTRIENT MANAGEMENT PLAN ONLY FOR NSW. H Com Sub No. 2 4/6 Ag./Envir./Nat Res. 4/26 Fav 4/27 Passed 2nd & 3rd Rdgs; To House 9/12 Received for Concurrence in H Com Sub #2; (Chgs title); Cal 9/13 DEFENSE OF MARRIAGE CONFERENCE REPORT FOR ADOPTION SECOND READING ROLL CALL SB 580 Hartsell 2nd Ed. AOC OMNIBUS COURTS ACT. Com Sub 4/14 Judiciary I 6/7 Unfav bill; Judiciary I Com Sub Adopted (Chgs title); rerefer Pens./Ret./Aging 6/8 W/D Pens./Ret./Aging; Sup Cal Today; Passed 2nd & 3rd Rdgs; To House by Sp Mess 6/17 Rec'd for concurrence House Amd (Chgs title); Rules Susp; Cal today; Sen Fails to concur in House Amd; Senate Appts Conferees; House Notified 6/18 House Appts Conferees 7/28 Sen Conf Rpt Submitted; Calendar 9/12 9/12 W/D Cal; Senate Removes Conferee; Senate Appts Conferee; Sen Conf Rpt Re-submitted (Chgs title) Held as material; Calendar 9/13 | Senate |
2:00 PM | Rep. Mike Hager - Hydraulic Fracturing Informational Session (immediately following session) | 1425 LB |

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