Monday, March 31, 2008
Sound Off Buncombe "On The Record With RL Clark"- Metering Wells
BUNCOMBE COUNTY NC NEWS -- The following video from Sound Off Buncombe, "On the Record With RL Clark" is an exclusive interview with Former NC Senator RL Clark discussing the issue of Metering Private Wells in North Carolina. The former Senator served five counties in the North Carolina Senate, Buncombe, Madison, Yancey, McDowell, and Burke counties. The second part of this two-part show will air this Thursday night March 27, 2008, at 8:00 p.m. on URTV Channel 20. In addition, RL Clark is also ...
The Israel Project

Israel is a nation of free people living in a sea of nations living under tyranny.Israel embodies democracy, rule of law, anti-racism, religious freedom, rights for women, gays and Arab and Muslim minorities - Israel is one of the most gender integrated regimes in the world, and has had a female prime minister, a female chief justice, a female foreign minister and leading female military officers.Israel seeks peaceful coexistence while Arabs and...
Blogs 4 Borders! 033108
3/31/2008 04:57:00 AM
Freedom Folks
guest commentary
illegal aliens
illegal immigration

In this weeks show: Us? Socialists? 100% Preventable! Americans continue to pay the bloody price for open borders. When will the madness end? And kidnapping: a defeated crime in America revived by our cheerful invaders.Download the show for your Ipod here Make sure to check out this weeks sponsor… This has been the Blogs For Borders Video Blogburst. The Blogs For Borders Blogroll is dedicated to American sovereignty, border security and...
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Susan Pons for NC Senate District # 50
Susan Pons is running against NC Senator John Snow, and this is the speech she gave detailing why she chose to run and what she wants to accomplish.I will let you know when she gets her website up and running.Also, Richard Bernier of Sound Off Buncombe (a URTV show) was there, and he took a video as well:...
NC-11 GOP Debate in Macon County
3/30/2008 05:47:00 PM
Carl Mumpower
Heath Shuler
john armor
Macon County
Spence Campbell
The player will advance automatically from video to video so that you may watch the entire debate from beginning to en...
Dodie Allen for NC House District #119
Dodie Allen is a thoroughly enjoyable person to speak with and I had an opportunity at yesterday's Macon County GOP Convention to video her speech at the convention.Please visit her website for more details on getting in touch with her during her campaign to replace Phil Haire in the NC House.She wouldn't stay in one spot for the camera, so I got out my spare camera and took a few photos of her to use as a slideshow during her speec...
Old Glory Radio Starts a Live Video Show on Friday Nights
Tom Fredriksen of Old Glory Radio has started a live call-in video show on his blog every Friday night at 9pm Eastern Time. If you thought his radio stuff was good, wait until you see his video humor.Check it out at Old Glory Radio, progressives need not apply, and those who might be harmed by the sight (and sound) of a polar bear using motorized hair clippers will need to stay away as wel...
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Macon County GOP Convention Part I
3/29/2008 10:05:00 PM
Carl Mumpower
john armor
Macon County
Spence Campbell

I attended the Macon County GOP Convention today, and took lots of video and lots of photos. I was amazed at the spirited debate among the three Congressional candidates, and wowed by the state level candidates, who all spoke eloquently.I also found out my video editing software doesn't like large files. So, after three hours of processing, the hour long video of the debate was unusable. So, I am chopping the debate into You Tube sized chunks. THis...
John Armor, Fred Smith Win Macon County Straw Poll
3/29/2008 03:41:00 PM
Carl Mumpower
john armor
NC Governor
Spence Campbell

Here are the results of the Macon County GOP Straw Poll, taken after the spirited discussion forum:32 John Armor19 Carl Mumpower11 Spence CampbellIn the NC Gubernatorial Straw Poll , the results were:34 Fred Smith 5 Bob Orr 3 Bill Graham 1 Pat McCroryI will have video up later, so keep checking back.The Congressional Debate was the most spirited yet.John Armor Wins Macon Straw Po...
Candidate for Governor Bill Graham Interview
3/29/2008 08:29:00 AM
Bill Graham
NC Governor
Sound Off Buncombe
WNC Citizen Blog
Watch the interview at WNC Citizens Blog.Note: Posting will be very light today. I will be at the Macon GOP Convention to film the event, interview people, and distribute DVD's of Fitna for people to watc...
Fitna Removed From Live Leak Due To Death Threats
From Practitioners of The Religion of Peace
Color me surprised!Let me also tell the jihadis out there that it is too late. The video is in the wild, and millions of us have copies of it, and we will continue to upload in ways you cannot imagine. This fight is just beginning!!!Efforts are being co-ordinated over at The Gates of Vienna, and here is a post with some of the links available to download your very own copy of Fitna. I also have a copy, and will make it available (for free) for the asking as long as I have breath in me. I will be distributing some copies at my County GOP Convention...
Friday, March 28, 2008
Hendersonville Gubernatorial Debate Video Playlist
3/28/2008 01:02:00 PM
Bill Graham
Bob Orr
citizen journalism
Fred Smith
NC Governor
Pat McCrory
Here is my playlist of the debate on Wednesday.The videos should advance automatically. If the player hangs up, click on the right arrow symbol on the player to advance, or the symbol on the left to go back to the previous video.I would also like to take this opportunity to thank Richard Bernier for letting me borrow his laptop so I could videostream the debate to my blogs, and other websites who embedded the video playe...
Fred Smith and Lee Greenwood in Hendersonville, NC
3/28/2008 07:59:00 AM
Fred Smith
NC Governor
north carolina
This is the latest episode of "Sound Off Buncombe" presented by Richard Bernier for his TV Show on URTV (Asheville Charter Ch 20...
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Watch Geert Wilders' Fitna: The Movie
This is the movie that Geert Wilder made despite the threats on his life made by Islamofascists, opposition from the Netherlands, and his shameful webhost Network Solutions canceling his webhosting due to pressure from Islamic groups.You may download a zipped flv file at WikiLeaks.Download a Free FLV Player at the bottom of this page.Tell your friends about the movie, and get them to watch it.And to all you who would attempt to flag this movie as unsuitable...there are thousands of us in the counterjihad networks who have copies, and will upload...
J'lem yeshiva terror attack videos posted to you tube

The government recently posted three videos showing images from the terror attack at Jerusalem's Mercaz Harav Yeshiva earlier this month in which eight students were killed. The three videos were posted under the titles "Stop the Terror, Stop the Bloodshed," "Act NOW: Stop The Bloodshed - Stop the Terror," and "Emergency call, March 7, Jerusalem." While the person named as poster, AtiyaRachel, was not identified as having any connection to the government,...
"Sound Off Buncombe" Presents Fred Smith & Lee Greenwood in Hendersonville, NC
Our friend, and budding superstar of providing video coverage of local political events, Richard Bernier has provided another video event. Last night, he recorded Fred Smith and Lee Greenwood in Henderson County (17 min 30 sec): Richard Bernier co-hosts "Sound Off Buncome" with Randy Thomas on URTV channel 20 in Asheville, N...
(VIDEO LINK) President to Address Global War on Terror at 10.15 AM
President Bush plans will talk about fight against terrorism during a speech at 10:15 a.m. ET.The Washington Post will have live video coverage.Alternate Fe...
McCrory Wins Hendersonville GOP Straw Poll
PRESS RELEASE(Flat Rock) Charlotte Mayor Pat McCory scored big in the Hendersonville Tribune / West Wins straw poll at Wednesday’s gubernatorial debate at Blue Ridge Community College. The poll measured those in attendance on their feelings before and after the debate. Roughly half of the crowd of about 250 participated. The results were:Before the DebateFred Smith 47 votes - 50%Bob Orr 23 votes - 25%Pat McCrory 12 votes - 13%Bill Graham 11 votes - 12%Elbie Powers No votes - 0% After the DebatePat McCrory 54...
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Live Coverage of STS-123 Landing
(The live-feed has now been replaced with a recording of the landing)(And you may have to press the refresh button next to the play button)(in order to get the video to start playing [TP 2008 0327 11.45 am])Watch the live coverage here of the landing of the Shuttle Endeavour as STS-123 comes to a close. Or, if you wanna chat with other people while watching, head on over to Space Vidcast and join the group.The first attempt was waved off, so we'll have to see what happens the next go aroun...
Road Trip to a Debate and a Rally
3/26/2008 03:51:00 AM
Bill Graham
Bob Orr
citizen journalism
Fred Smith
Live Event
NC Governor
Pat McCrory
WNC Citizen Blog

**update** 6.15pm I made it back home after several wrong turns. I am downloading the streamed coverage so I can edit that material into my own coverage, and I'll start cranking them out in the morning, with a long version for google, and shorter versions for youtube and other video sharing sites. I will also prepare a few snippets from a Bill Graham Interview for the URTV program "Sound Off Buncombe" hosted by Richard Bernier, and a few snippets...
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Local Lefties Celebrate 4,000 Americans Dead
Attempt to Create a New Blood Libel
3/25/2008 06:40:00 AM
anti-American protesters
Idiot Ron Paul Supporters
western civilization
World War IV
Lefties across America are celebrating the latest round number of the American death toll in Operation Iraqi Freedom with renewed calls for us to cut and run, so that they might snatch Defeat from the Jaws of Victory.I'll start with the local lefty site, Scrutiny Hooligans, which just posted a HuffPo pic with photos of some of the dead making up a photo-mosaic of the President and John McCain.The attempt there is to use the blood shed by our troops to make a political point, and create a modern blood libel to demonize the President, and the GOP...
NC Legislature on TV?

I blogged about this much-needed service, nay duty, of the North Carolina General Assembly over at WNC Citizens Blo...
Monday, March 24, 2008
Waiting For Solar Cycle 24

Waiting for 24This is a time of turmoil within all fields of climate science--although you would never know it from the public front as reflected by the popular media. The orthodoxy is circling the wagons, with the unquestioning assistance of global media and national governments, inter-governments, and non-governmental lobbyist organisations.Under a Stalinist world government, the climate orthodoxy might have a chance of pulling the wool over the...
McCain Leads BOTH Obama and Hillary in NC Poll
Eat this, lefties!51% John McCain42% Barack Obama50% John McCain34% Hillary ClintonFifty-one percent (51%) of North Carolina voters say the U.S. and its allies are winning the War on Terror. Just 22% believe the terrorists are winning. Forty percent (40%) believe the situation in Iraq will get better over the next six months. Thirty-three percent (33%) expect things to get worse. Those figures are similar to the national average.Source: Rasmuss...
Blogs 4 Borders! 032408
Election 2008: Is there a candidate for us? 100% Preventable! Americans continue to pay the bloody price for open borders. When will the madness end?Download the show for your Ipod here This has been the Blogs For Borders Video Blogburst. The Blogs For Borders Blogroll is dedicated to American sovereignty, border security and a sane immigration policy. If you’d like to join find out how right here. Technorati Tags: illegal immigration, deportation, rule of law, invasion, insanity, mexico, execution, murder for hire, el salvador, open borders,...
Lefties Attack Catholics Attending Mass
3/24/2008 04:55:00 AM
anti-American protesters
Conservative Counter Protest
stalinist tactics of the left
World War IV

My lefty readers (especially Gordon) claim their philosophy is a peaceful one. I know better.CHICAGO — Six Iraq war protesters disrupted an Easter Mass on Sunday, shouting and squirting fake blood on themselves and parishioners in a packed auditorium.Three men and three women startled the crowd during Cardinal Francis George's homily, yelling "Even the Pope calls for peace" as they were removed from the Mass by security guards and ushers.--SNIP--The...
Attention Jerry Agar Listeners
To find the post highlighting John Armor's discussion with Jerry Agar, please click her...
Sunday, March 23, 2008
The John Batchelor Show for March 23rd

It's Sunday night, and that means it's time for John Batchelor!If you can't listen to him over the air, you can listen to him from 7pm to 10pm Eastern Devil Time on WABC.Then, he switches over to KFI for the 10pm to 1am Eastern Devil Time slot.His blog.Enjo...
He Is Risen!

The Resurrection of ChristThe resurrection of Jesus Christ is the very heart of Christianity. In 1 Corinthians 15 St. Paul reasoned, "If Christ has not been raised, our preaching is useless and so is your faith. . . .We are then found to be false witnesses about God, for we have testified about God that he raised Christ from the dead." In that same chapter he says "If Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile; you are still in your sins....
Saturday, March 22, 2008

The State Department investigation of improper computer access to passport records of three presidential candidates is focusing on one remaining employee — a contract worker with a company headed by an adviser to the presidential campaign of Sen. Barack Obama.The probe by State's inspector general will include polygraph tests for supervisors in the passport section to find out whether the three contract employees who accessed the records had a political...
It's Raining McCain
Hat Tip: Theodore's WorldI'm just glad the log cabin Republicans didn't think of this firs...
Friday, March 21, 2008
Good Friday

On this day, we commemorate the Crucifixion of Christ.On this day, Christ told a thief, "Today (Present tense) you will be with me in paradise" (Luke 23:43).On this day, Christ died that we might liv...
George Soros, 527's To Pony Up $350 Million To Defeat John McCain
Under Section 527 of the Internal Revenue Code, a political organization can get tax-exempt status and spend unlimited money if it champions causes rather than specific candidates. You can't use money to promote a "Vote for Hillary" theme; however, you can buy TV time saying Hillary is a bad woman, you can opine that McCain and the Iraq war are evil, and you can put forth that Obama hangs out with a nasty preacher.Get the ruse? The money cannot be used to tell the folks whom to vote for, but it can be spent to demonize a candidate on the "issues."So...
Carl Mumpower: "I Am Not For Sale"

Responding to mounting pressures from within his own party to change his position on proposed additional immunity for telecommunications companies, 11th District Republican Congressional Candidate Carl Mumpower proclaimed, "I am not for sale," in a Good Friday press release."Voters who want someone willing to abandon his principles to artificially support the Republican party need to look elsewhere," said Mumpower. "I am an authentic conservative...
Obama's Anger
Back in the late 1980s I was on a plane flying out of New Orleans and sitting next to me was a rather interesting and, according to Barack Obama, unusual black man. Friendly, gregarious, and wise beyond his years, we immediately hit it off. I had been working on Vietnamese commercial fishing boats for a few years based in southern Louisiana. The boats were owned by the recent wave of Vietnamese refugees who flooded into the familiar tropical environment after the war. Floating in calm seas out in the middle of the Gulf of Mexico, I would hear...
Global Warming Update: Spring Snow in Great Bitain

In yet another blow to the climate orthodoxy dogma of "warmer, ever warmer", an arctic freeze is descending over much of England and Scotland for Easter this year. Arctic winds are forecast to sweep across Britain and bring widespread frosts over the Easter weekend, with snow in eastern regions....Conditions will be worst in Scotland and northern England but below-freezing temperatures and a sprinkling of snow are possible even in the South East...
Barack Obama: Two Standards For Behavior
3/21/2008 10:41:00 AM
Barack Obama
exposing hypocrisy
Jan 9th, Feb 21st and March 14th:.
What Do These Dates Have In Common?
3/21/2008 08:45:00 AM
Barack Obama
bill Clinton
Hillary Clinton
Saul Alinsky
1 comment
January 9th was the day after the New Hampshire Primary, where Hillary Clinton and John McCain emerged as the winners.February 21st was the day of the Texas Democrat deabte. [Transcript] [Video]March 14th was the day the Wright Story was picked up by the Legacy Media, curiously replacing the Ferraro Furor.Coincidence? Likely.I notice that lefties are trying to place blame on their favorite enemy, George W. Bush. I say to them, "You had better focus your attentions on Hillary, because if you do not go after her with everything in your arsenal,...
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Obama Blew It
Tim Rutten's column, "Obama's Lincoln moment" and The Times editorial, "Obama on race" both miss the mark.In my considered judgment as a race and civil rights specialist, I would say that Barack Obama's "momentous" speech on race settled on merely "explaining" so-called racial differences between blacks and whites -- and in so doing amplified deep-seated racial tensions and divisions. Instead of giving us a polarizing treatise on the "black experience," Obama should have reiterated the theme that has brought so many to his campaign: That race...
Arab Youths Cry "Allah Akbar" and Attack Jew in Brooklyn
The spread of Islamofascism continues, when will we notice?A 25-year-old Israeli rabbinical assistant was assaulted by a group of Arab teenagers screaming "Allah akbar" in Brooklyn on Tuesday evening.Uria Ohana, originally from Kfar Chabad, entered a subway station in the affluent Park Slope neighborhood in Brooklyn Tuesday evening, on his way to a lecture in Manhattan, when he noticed a group of Arab teenagers congregated on a bench in the station.Ohana did not exchange words or make eye contact with the group, but proceeded upstairs to his train.On...
Obama's Pastor Reprints Hamas Manfesto in Church Bulletin
3/20/2008 03:19:00 PM
Barack Obama
World War IV

Reverend Wright reprinted a Hamas Manifesto in his church bulletin in July of 2007. He renamed it A Fresh View of the Palestinian Struggle. The piece was written by Mousa Abu Marzook, a known terrorist who created a Hamas Terror Cell Network in the United States.Source: Creeping ShariaHat Tip: Free RepublicCan I have Anti-Israel for $1,00...
FISA Discussion Reveals Sharp Republican Contrast
3/20/2008 02:30:00 PM
110th Congress
Carl Mumpower
Heath Shuler
john armor
Spence Campbell
1 comment

Here is the latest volley in the NC-11 GOP primary from Dr. Carl Mumpower:--PRESS RELEASE--FISA Discussion Reveals Sharp Republican ContrastArmor, Campbell and Shuler in political lockstepRecent heated communications from each of the 11th District congressional campaigns have illuminated a key policy difference among Republicans vying for that seat, finding both John Armor and Spence Campbell in support of legislation that would, in effect, cover-up...
Moonbat Convergence Spotted in DC
3/20/2008 11:23:00 AM
anti-American protesters
Conservative Counter Protest
World War IV
Moonbats flocked to DC, and This Ain't Hell was there to record the traitors in action:Another day, another protest. Today is ANSWER’s “Day of Action”. Since the Iraq War started five years ago today, all of the organizations that have sprung up to cash in on the war decided to have an eight-ring circus in downtown Washington DC, because as one IVAW member told me, the war is about money - apparently for the moonbats, too. My coverage was abruptly ended when I was ID’d as “one of those Milblog guys at Winter Soldier”, so excuse me for not getting...
The Next Obama Speech, As Written By Common Cents
A new blog, called Common Cents, has written Barack McDaddy Obama's next speech for him, and since I can't link to individual posts, I'll reproduce it in full below:COMMON CENTS WRITES BARACK OBAMA'S NEXT SPEECH "Good evening my friends! I come to you today as an agent of the future. Now for far far too long now politicians have feared the future - they have dreaded the future. I come to you with a new message "Do not fear the future"! I can say this because I humbly believe that the FUTURE LIES IN OUR FUTURE NOT IN OUR PAST. The cynic may say...
A Substantial Difference Emerges in the GOP NC-11 Primary
3/20/2008 07:18:00 AM
110th Congress
Carl Mumpower
Heath Shuler
Homeland Security
john armor
Spence Campbell
World War IV
Well, the primary between the three hopefuls in NC-11 has finally stumbled upon some issue of divergence, FISA.From Dr. Carl Mumpower: Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act Separates Republican Congressional CandidatesA Monday press release by Republican Congressional Carl Mumpower has stimulated strong reactions from 11th District challengers John Armor and Spence Campbell. "I am not in favor of the immunity found in recent FISA legislation for telecoms or anyone else and I continue to believe that the pervasive bureaucratic dysfunction of America's...